
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Mini boss


Before i could continue killing zombies, a quest appeared.

[New Quest-

Survivor of the zombie Apocalypse :

Kill 1000 Zombies

Kill The Mini Boss

Rewards :

100,000 Exp

1000 Shop coins]

Wow, 100k exp. That looks like a lot but it will only give me 4 levels. And with Exp from those 1000 zombies along with exp from the Mini Boss might just give me another level which will make me level 13.

It's already getting so demanding just for one level. I will have to go down to the next level pretty soon.

Anyway it's time to hunt zombies again.



"Dang it. It took so freaking long to kill all of them. Why are the zombies so spread apart? Can't they gather in one spot and wait for their time to burn?" I kept grumbling. It truly was annoying to search for soo many zombies all around this destroyed city.

Anyway, i finally completed the first part of the quest. I leveled up 3 times with all the exp those zombies game me. I put all my points into Int once again.

During my Zombie killing spree i spotted the Mini Boss.

It was just a huge zombie. It was also freaking slow. I could kill it with my Fireballs. It had a huge amount of HP compared to these normal zombies but with my title buff and burning damage from Fireball, it will be easy.

But i don't have any mana right now. I have to sleep. I was feeling tired anyways. Well mentally tired, i can't get physically tired.

So i just went back to the safe floor and made my way towards my new home.

First time i entered, i didn't pay any proper attention, but this house looked nice. The house had a living room, one bathroom, one bedroom with super soft looking bed.

I first went towards the bathroom and took a shower to clean up. Then i wasted no time, i fell on the bed. It felt like heaven. The bed felt soo good. I didn't ever want to wake up.


I woke up.

I woke up after sleeping for 4 hours. My mind felt fresh and my MP was full once again. And it seems it was the next day. I had a new pull available.

I went to the lottery and pulled. It was a rare card. And it was permanent. Talk about lucky.

I immediately used the card.

[Ding! Host host has received rare skill {Sharingan} ]

"Eh, Sharingan? Will it even work here? It uses Chakra, doesn't it?"

[The Sharingan will be adjusted to your world. Insted of chakra it will use mana. You can find more info in the skills tab.]

"Open Status" I said out loud.

Name : Vikram Singh

Age : 28

Title : Zombie Slayer(Veteran)

Level : 11

Exp : 9%

HP : 200

MP : 650

STR : 25

VIT : 20

DEX : 20

INT :65

WIS : 20

HP R : 20 min

MP R : 20 min

Available point : 0

Skills :

Gamer's mind

Gamer's body


Sharingan : Uses 10 mp per second. User can see the flow of Mana. User get a enhanced vision. User can see very far away, can see things to a microscopic level and can see things in slow motion. User can copy any spells he has seen with Sharingan as long as user meets the requirements for the spell. User can remember anything seen with the Sharingan without problems. User can Hypnotize enemies. User is able to delete or change memories of a target.

That's very useful. But it costs a lot of Mana. But pretty soon that cost will be nothing for me.

I guess now i am prepared to fight that mini boss.

Getting up i started going towards the lift. But i heard a weird voice midway. It was my stomach. It seems I am hungry. Let's eat something first.

Taking out the food plate from my inventory, i summoned some KFC fried chicken and started eating.

After eating, I was on my way once again. When i reached the 1st floor, I saw a lot of zombies once again. There should not have been any zombie near the lift as i killed them all.

[Vik, it's a new day. The Zombies respawned at midnight]

Oh, i totally forgot about that. I guess i still have to kill the zombies in the way.

After half an hour i reached where the Mini boss was. Aiming towards it i fired a Fireball. Since it was slow i could just walk around and kill him.

It was NOT SLOW, atleast not as slow as the normal zombies. It was faster despite the fact that it was so big.

It came running towards me. Seeing that i quickly turned and started running myself. The Mini boss was slower than me.

I kept running and firing Fireballs from time to time. After 10 minutes of running, it finally died.

It dropped something. I went towards it to see what it dropped. It dropped a big sword and a green card. So i can get cards from killing enemies? Nice. And it was a permanent card. Extra nice.

Anyway let's see what that sword is.

[Zombie Broadsword(Uncommon) : Does 5x str damage. It has a chance(5%) to inflict rotting debuff on hit.]

Eh, not bad. I will keep it for now.

Anyway i also leveled up 2 times. Now i should be lv13. Maybe i am now strong enough to go to a human settlement.

Nah, i will go when i am lv 20 or if i get a stealth skill.

Lets see if i get a stealth skill from that card.

[Ding! Host has received uncommon skill {Stealth}]

Wow, i was just joking. I was not expecting a stealth skill at all. Isn't it way too convenient?

[That's just your beginner luck. Both Sharingan and Stealth are useful for a beginner like you. But don't expect your beginners luck to last.]

Beginners luck is nice. With stealth and Sharingan, i can now safely go to any human settlements.

It's time to abandon the warehouse and go on a grand adventure in search of a city.