
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs



After ordering Albedo to gather everyone, I went towards the 9th floor. I wanted to taste the food made by Nazarick chef.

And eating food with company feels better. So I was going to meet Kanna Chan and eat any food she recommends.

After teleporting there, I used the search spell to find the Location of all NPCs in this floor.

The results of my search showed that Kanna was in a sushi restaurant right now.

But there was also another NPC here right now that I was not expecting. It was a suprise to see Shalltear in this floor, as most NPCs stay in their own assigned floor 99% of the time.

Shalltear was in a bar towards the southern part of the city floor. I started flying towards her location.

Why fly when you can teleport? Well Teleportation is banned in this floor. Not only this, but the whole of Nazarick, except a few specific locations.

And by banned, I don't mean a rule. You literally cannot teleport inside Nazarick at all. Only the Ring Of Ainz Ooal Gown allows one to teleport between different floors.

After a few seconds of flying, I could see the bar that Shalltear was in. It looked like a small modern building with 2 floors.

I landed in front of the bar. Entering the bar, I was greeted to the sight of a drunk Shalltear complaining about something to the bartender.

Which was strange since Undead don't get drunk. That's a thing for the living to do.

Seeing me the bartender got straight as he welcomed me, "Welcome to this humble var of mine Lord Adrian."

Hearing the bartender, Shalltear quickly turned her head towards me.

Seeing me she straightened up and her drunk red face was instantly back to her normal pale face.

Which confirmed my thoughts. She was acting drunk, just like in the anime when she was sad that she didn't get punished. Seeing an undead act like she's drunk because she's sad was cute and funny.

"Lord Adrian, it's nice to see you. How was your time as an adventurer?" Shalltear asked me. I could hear a sad tone in her voice.

"My time as an adventurer was good. But what's up with you? You sound depressed. Did something happen?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Ah, it's nothing My Lord. I was just in the mood for a drink. I am not depressed at all." Replied Shalltear. I could clearly tell that she was lying.

"Now don't lie infront of me. Tell me why you are depressed. And it's an order." I asked in a serious voice.

"My Lord, I am just sad because you had sex with Albedo first. It's been more than a week since you had sex with that gorilla, but you didn't call for me at all. So I thought you didn't want me. I am just a little sad because of that." Replied Shalltear as she looked down on the floor.

So she's Depressed because of that. I didn't visit her because I was busy, but I was gonna visit her tonight anyway.

Maybe I should have sent her a message before. She wouldn't have gotten this sad without a reason. But it's not something that can't be solved.

I touched Shalltear's chin with my hand, and lifted her head. "Don't worry Shalltear. I didn't forget about you. I was just a little busy. I am going to visit you tonight. So be ready for it."

After saying that, I run my hand through her hair and pull her closer. Our lips meet each other, as I force my tongue inside her mouth. She tastes sweet.

She seemed surprised by my actions at first, but she stopped thinking about anything else as she enjoyed our kiss.

I battle her tongue for dominance, which I won as she gave up the battle easily. I explored her whole mouth with my tongue.

As I am in my Devil form right now, I have a slightly longer tongue. So it's easier to explore her mouth. And I am sure there will be other uses for this long tongue.

After a few minutes of continuous kissing, I pull out of her mouth and looked at her face. She looked pleased and horny.

Seeing her horny face, I get the urge to take her right now, but I decide not to.

I called for everyone to announce something in the Throne room. If I myself am not present, it will be very irresponsible of me. I can satisfy my desire later.

"This will be all for now Shalltear. We will continue tonight. Right now go to the throne room. I have gathered every Floor and area guardian to announce something."

"As you say My Lord. I will be waiting for you tonight." Said Shalltear as she walked away with horny and excited expression.

After Shalltear went away, I started flying towards Kanna. She now changed her location from the Sushi restaurant to a Ramen Stall.

The Ramen Stall is ran by a Dragonoid NPC named Teuchi. That's right, I made an NPC in honour of the Legendary Sage of Six Bowls.

Teuchi makes the best Ramen in existence, atleast that's what I wrote in his backstory. Now let's see if that line became a truth or not.



His backstory truly became the truth. The Ramen was the best thing I have ever tasted. It was the best thing ever. I ate 40 bowls of Ramen.

I ate Ramen of every type that was available. It was the most food I had even eaten in one sitting.

But I still couldn't defeat Kanna. We had made a bet to see who could eat more. She ate 50 Bowls. A total of 10 Bowls more than me.

I am faster than Kanna in pure stats, but somehow she devoured all that food faster than me.

I was truly humbled. I experienced my first defeat since coming to this world. Now I know how Naruto fet when he was defeated in a Ramen eating contest by Hinata.

Anyway, as a reward of her win, I gave her a All you can eat Food plate with 1 year subscription. She was happy with her reward.

After that I started going towards the Throne room. The NPCs should have gathered by now.

After a few minutes of walking, I reached the Huge doors of the Throne room.There was a maid standing outside. She bowed towards me and opened the Doors.

As soon as I entered the Throne room, every NPCs stopped whatever they were doing and fell on their knees. They made way for me to go to the throne.

I slowly walked through the room and ascended the stairs to the throne. Then I sat down on the throne in a practiced manner.

I have a actor skill that helps me act like a proper king. So my movements look proper for a King. Though the NPCs would probably be okay with whatever way I act.

As soon as I sat on the Throne, everyone loudly Greeted me.

"Welcome Lord Adrian. We offer our utmost loyalty to you. All hail Lord Adrian Val Radruga."

After that they all just kept their heads low and waited for my response.

"Get up everyone." I ordered and everyone followed. There were a lot of NPCs present right now. Except for Gargantua and the NPCs of the 8th floor, every Floor and area guardian was present.

"Today I have gathered you all to announce my wish for this World. I have decided to Conquer this world." As soon as I said that, there was a loud amount of cheering. It seemed the NPCs were happy with my decision of World Domination.

I raised a hand to calm them down. Seeing my action, everyone stopped their actions and payed attention to me.

"After gathering information through shadow demons and various other NPCs, and getting my own experience from Adventuring for a week, I have came to the conclusion that this world is rotten. So I have decided to take over this world and make it better. I have decided the goal of Nazarick to be World Domination." As I announced my will, all the NPCs once again shouted in excitement and praise.

"Calm down. My announcement isn't over yet. Nazarick is currently located in the outskirts of The forest of Tob. In the North there is the Dwarves Kingdom. To our South is an desolate abandoned place known as Katze Plains. It's an place that's not habitable and is filled with undead. To our west is the Re Estize kingdom and to our east is The Baharuth Empire. We are surrounded by Enemy territories. I do not like the current location of Nazarick. So I have decided to move Nazarick to another place." I announced.

"Moving Nazarick? But how My Lord?" Asked Albedo. She asked the question in everyone's mind.

"I will be moving Nazarick to another place with the help of a World item. For the location, I have decided to make a New Island in the western Sea. After creating the Island with the help of an world Item, I will move Nazarick to that Island with the help of another World Item. That Island will be our Headquarters." I announced. After my announcement there was a lot of murmuring among the NPCs.

"I will be starting the process tomorrow. So everyone be prepared. We will be building a city that will work as our Headquarters in this New World. So Everyone will have a lot of work in their hands. We will be creating the strongest City in the world." I announced. And the NPCs started to cheer again.

"The Island will be named Japan and our city will be named Nazarick. Now you all are dismissed." And with that the meeting was over.