
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Dungeon reveal


"Ahhhhhhh! Please stop it. I can't take it anymore. I will give you anything you want. Wealth, Women, Land, Political power. I will give you everything I own. But please stop!" Cried a weirdly shaped human.

The human was quite unique as he had hands instead of legs and legs instead of hands. His limbs had switched places. And he was covered In blood from head to toe.

Ofcourse, this was my doing. I was trying to see how a human will live if it's hands and legs switched places.

I first made him do various tasks while in his current situation. It was funny to watch him do things while in that situation.

I had made sure that his limbs will hurt everytime he uses them. So it's been very painful for him to even move. And he has to move as he will get punished if he doesn't complete his tasks within the given time. He got punishment one time, and he seemed like he didn't like it.

Now he's doing his most difficult task till now. Right now he's in a fight against a Hellhound. His objective is to survive for an hour.

The Hellhound is holding back so as not to kill the human, but he's still using enough power to injure the human in the most painful ways.

It has been a pleasurable experience to watch the human. He has been going through a lot of pain while living like this. The way the human tries to survive against the Hellhound is especially hilarious.

But now it's time to start another experience. What will happen if I switched his mouth with his asshole? And switched the eyes with the ears. How will he live? It will definitely be interesting to watch.

Right now I am in the 5 floor frozen prison. Lord Adrian had ordered me to take good care of a noble from Re-Estize. He has been recently replaced by a doppleganger. So the real one is going to enjoy his life here.

I have seen his memories and I have to say, he's a truly worthless living being. He got everything granted to him in a golden platter.

He never ever worked hard for anything. He got everything he wanted. Food, furniture, jewellery, money, house or humans.

He had a habit of raping young kids and then torturing them to death. He liked to rape and torture both young boys and girls. He liked their shrill cries of pain.

As long as they were young, he was happy with them. He also quite liked to torture the kids infront of their parents.

The torturing part was a little pleasing to watch. Even though he's not good at doing most things, he's pretty ok at torturing people.

But he's not that good. So I will teach him. And the best way to teach him is to torture him by my own hands.

And it has been, and will be a very nice experience, as I especially like scums like this one for my experiments. They turn from predator to prey. That's why they give the best reactions.

While I was about to start my next experiment, I was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Albedo. "Hello there Demiurge, How are you doing?" Asked Albedo after she teleported in the room.

"I am doing great. Just enjoying my time doing what Lord Adrian asked me to do. How about you." I replied.

She gave a small happy smile as she said, "I have been having a very good time these days. Lord Adrian has finally made me his afterall."

"That's good to hear." I said with a smile.

"So what kind of task are you doing?" Asked Albedo.

"It's to torture that human as much as I could." I replied.

She looked the Human and sneered. "That thing looks very disgusting. Why don't you just get rid of it?" Asked Albedo.

"Lord Adrian asked me to take good care of him. So I am doing just that. And I am also trying a few experiments on him. He's very entertaining." I replied with a smile.

"Whatever you like, I guess. Anyway I have an important thing to talk about. Demiurge, Lord Adrian has called all the Floor Guardians to gather at the sixth floor Amphitheatre. Be there within an hour." Said Albedo.

"I will be there as soon as I can." I replied in seriousness.

"Then I will be going." Said Albedo as she teleported away.

Hmm, another meeting. This is the third meeting since that Event. The first meeting was about Nazarick getting Teleported to a new world. The second meeting was about Lord Adrian's wish for world domination. Both of them were grand. I wonder what this meeting is about.

Now that I have somewhere to go, I will have to stop this for now. Can't be late for the meeting.

"Wrath, Pride, torture him till I come back." Can't let the human feel lonely while I am not here, now can I?

"Yes Lord Demiurge" They said as they got close to the human.

"Nooo! Don't come near me!" Screamed the human as he tried to escape, but the Hellhound bit into his shoulder and didn't let him go.

Wrath first took one hand of the human and tore it apart. The human screamed in pain. "Pl-ple-ase sto-op." Screamed the human with all of his power.

But he didn't get to scream much as Pride grabbed his tongue and ripped it out.

The human screamed in pain loudly once again. He couldn't even say anything to beg for mercy right now. Only thing he can do is make loud noises.

Satisfied with their treatment, I teleported to the Amphitheatre. These rings sure are convenient for travel inside Nazarick.

When I reached the place, all the Guardians were already there. Lord Adrian was there as well. I am late. This isn't good.

"It seems I am late. I apologised sincerely. Please punish me for wasting your time Lord Adrian." I said with a deep bow.

Lord Adrian is on a mission for world Domination. He's probably busy all the time making various plans. So wasting even a minute of his precious time is a crime.

"Don't worry Demiurge, you are not late at all. You are just in time. So no need to apologise."Said Lord Adrian in his serious voice.

Lord Adrian normally speaks very casually with everyone, but when it's serious matter, his very aura changes. His very existence makes people around want to bow down. And judging by his way of speaking right now, he's going to talk about a very important matter.

"Today I have gathered you all to show you a very important thing. This is my biggest secret. I trust you all the most. You all are my family. So I will share this secret with you. Don't you all ever betray me." Said Lord Adrian.

"Don't say such words, my lord. We will kill ourselves before ever even thinking of betraying you." Said Albedo and everyone of the Guardians nodded in agreement. Even thinking about betraying the Supreme One is a crime that's punishable by the worst torture in the world.

"That's good to hear. Now here is my biggest secret." Said Lord Adrian as a Purple Coloured Gate came into existence besides him.

"This is my personal Dimension. A dimensions filled with various kinds of Monsters. I always fight here to strengthen my skills." Said Lord Adrian.

A personal Dimension. I have never heard of such a skill in Yggdrasil Before.

Though there's a World Item that lets the user travel into a separate Dimension to escape from enemies. But inside the seperate dimension of the World Item is just a barren land. There are no living beings in that dimension.

"You all will be fighting Monsters inside the Dungeon to get fighting experience. You all had your power granted to you by your creators. You all didn't go through a journey like Us players to get that strength. So you all lack battle experience. If you ever face a opponent as strong as you, you have a big chance to lose because of this. This Dungeon will help solve this problem." Said Lord Adrian.

I agree with what he said. We all do lack actual experience. I have been thinking about that problem for some time now, and here Lord Adrian already solved it. He's truly Smarter than me, even though he insists otherwise.

"But Lord Adrian, are there monsters as strong as us inside the Dungeon?" Asked More in a shaky voice.

"There are monsters that could kill me in one shot inside this dungeon." Said Lord Adrian.

After he said that, there was a huge silence. Everyone was shocked. Monsters than could kill Lord Adrian in one attack. How is that possible?

"But Lord, How can there be something that strong?" Asked Aura in slight fear.

"There are thousands of such monsters inside this Dungeon." Replied Lord Adrian.

Thousands??? How is that possible?

"Then isn't it dangerous for you to go inside that Dungeon?" Asked Albedo in fear and worry.

"Don't worry, The Dungeon is divided into various floors. The deeper I go, the stronger the Monsters. So I just don't go into floors where there might be beings that could pose me danger." Lord Adrian explained in a calm voice.

"That's good. But My love, from now on if you want to go inside the Dungeon, I will also accompany you. I will save you from any danger you might face, even at the cost of my unlife." Said Shalltear.

"But you can't. The floor I am in right now has hundreds of Monsters that are stronger than you." Said Lord Adrian as he pat Shalltear's head.

"But, what if something happens. I still want to go with you. I can't let you risk your life like that." Said Shalltear in serious tone.

"Yes Lord Adrian, this wench is right. We can't let you risk your life like that. I will also accompany you from now on." Said Albedo.

"I. WILL. LIKE. TO. BE. YOUR. BODYGUARD. AS. WELL." Said Cocytus in his heavy voice.

"Me too. Me too." Said the twins.

"Even though I am not that good at combat, I will also like to assist you." I said.

"Okay everyone, stop getting over exited. You all can go with me after you get stronger. By killing Monsters in the lower floors, you can get tons of exp that will boost your strength. And one day you will be able to go Dungeon diving with me." Said Lord Adrian.

"The Dungeon gives Exp? Can we cross our Level Limit? This is very interesting." I thought.

"It's very interesting indeed. And those things are confirmed already. I had a summon farm Monsters in here for a few days and he crossed the level limit. He's level 107 right now." Said Lord Adrian. It seems I thought out loud.

"We all will go inside after 10 minutes. You all have tem minutes to get ready for battle." Said Lord Adrian as he teleported away.

Hearing that everyone started Teleporting away to get ready. After everyone was gone, I also teleported away.


