
Gamer in Naruto: The Devil

Truck-kun found yet another victim, yet another story about reincarnation with some cheats in the naruto world. ----------------------------- Disclaimer: These are purely speculative works of fiction. It is not intended to gain any profit. I do not have any rights to Naruto, The Gamer or any other fictional series mentioned in this work. -----------------------------

Ltdagabriel · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The cheat was obtained

In a certain white room. There is a man lying on the bed. The name is Tetsu Yamaji (The freak). This man or now I must say boy was the Truk-kun serial killer's most recent case.

Looking around Tetsu found only one door, the rest is all white.

(Did Kami-sama answer my request?)

He gets up and goes to the door. There is no living thing. There is only a table and a closed laptop.

(Why is it a laptop?)

He opened the laptop as soon as he could. It is unknown where it is charging, but power comes without any problem.

And —.

<<Confirm the existence of unset player. ID is unknown. Confirm the LUK value above the level. With the authority of ■■■, you can set the skill and attributes of Tetsu Yamaji. Please set skill/attribute. >>

(It reminds me of the novel I was reading Mitsy (Makikomarete Isekai Teni suru Yatsu wa, Taitei Cheat), so I was transmigrated in the MC's body? but my arms are very short, I was transmigrated in a way that the MC is a child? it doesn't make sense.)

But who is Tetsu Yamaji?

My new name? name? what is my name?

Why don't I remember my name?

My family ... friends ... I don't remember anything.

But, how did I remember the novel? novel ... I remember several novels, manga, anime ... strange.

Well it doesn't matter I died it really shouldn't be important. [RIP The freak]

<<Please set skill/attribute.>>

"Oh yes!"

He's full of Tsukkomies; Tetsu does not say a Tsukkomi but clicks on the setting. Since the screen called skill/attribute came out, first you select skills.


An unbelievable number of skills came out.

Although it was Kyousai who tsukkomied, he cannot stop grinning. It's because some prediction has begun about the development of the future.

Next, when selecting attributes, a considerable number of words came out although not far from skills.

Finally, He will thrust into words. So he found a certain character.


The character there was "■".

It is fairly small, but it is certainly so written. He carefully clicked on it and opened his eyes wide and astonished.

<<Recommended cheat set for you>>


<<Super concealment status: No matter how high the level of analysis, it does not matter. Only the name, skill, and attributes are seen in the case of super analysis.>>

<<Skill robbery: The skill in the status of a target can be seized. However, it is impossible if you do not touch the subject.>>

<<At the time of level up instead of increasing the required experience value by 10, when the level is up Increase the status other than the current LUK by doubling. [In other words, the status will be doubled instead of +10.]>>

<<Necessary Experience Value 1/100: The experience required for level up is 1/100.>>


<<Imagination Magic (SP Unique): You can actually activate imagined magic. However, conditions are necessary. It is possible to put out water from a place where hydrogen exists. It is impossible to put out orichalcum from a place where hydrogen is present. And there are conditions like. The necessary MP is irregular and depends on the scale.>>

<<This is a recommended cheat set!>>

"I've got a cheat!!"

Since the setting is over, Tetsu Yamaji will automatically transfer to the Forest of Death, The Forty-Fourth Training Ground of Konoha.


In a certain forest. we find a white-haired boy lying on a tree root.

The boy's name is Tetsu Yamaji. He whos had isekaied by a truck, received a new name and was thrown into a forest within the Konoha training camp.

"So Konoha"

Although he was tsukkomied, he cannot stop grinning. Konoha main village of Naruto: The anime series.

He is very happy with this news, even without remembering anything about his personal life inside he knows, he always wanted to be a ninja and now the opportunity has arisen.

(Since I'm in the world of naruto and konoha, my name ... Tetsu Yamaji. Yamaji family ... I don't remember any family with that name unless …)


Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya: from Jiraya(series). The Yamaji family (山地族, Yamaji-zoku) are the main characters of the series, descendants of Togakure-ryū [This doesn't matter] … that's when the name Jiraya or Toha Yamaji appeared.

"So am I Jiraya? … first lets see my status"

---- Status ----

Tetsu Yamaji LV1

Title: Son of Toha Yamaji (Jiraya Sannin), Son of Lilith (A Devil)

HP 700/700 (is physical fitness. When it becomes 0, it dies or disappears. )

MP 2700/2700 (is the numerical values needed to use magic. When it falls below the value required for magic, that magic cannot be used.)

STR 80 (It means force.)

DEX 90 (Mainly increases the hit rate; addition and subtraction become easy to use other equipment, etc. )

VIT 70 ( Means defense power. )

INT 90 (Magical attack power and the recovery amount increases. )

AGI 80 ( Means quickness. Not only will the speed of the foot rise but also the thought circuit becomes faster. )

MND 590 ( Magic's fuel efficiency improves, resistance to magic becomes greater. )

LUK 200 (This does not change unles with itens)

[Luck examples 6-10(tsunade). It is about to lose to four times in five "rock-paper-scissors". 51 – 75 (Harem protagonist). ...]


Word understanding

Super analysis

MP recovery speed increase LV 1

Super hiding

Skill robbing

Level up status multiplied

Required experience value 1 / 100


Imagination magic (SP unique)


"Ahaha ... serious ... It is serious... "

He looks at the status and laughs unconsciously. And, when the laughter stops, his consciousness was already in a dream.

After entering the realm of dreams the boy 'remembered' how he ended up in the middle of the forest of death


In a hut in the middle of a forest, we found a boy with white hair.

The boy is sitting in front of a very beautiful woman.

"Mom, I want to be a ninja!"

"Son, why do you want to be a ninja?"

"Because ... because it's cool!"


"Okay, you can be a ninja but you need to promise not to show your wings to anyone!"

"Yes, I promise mom ... I will be a ninja!"

The boy jumped for joy until his mother stopped him.

"Son remember, you don't have a chakra so don't worry about not being able to use the techniques taught, remember that as a devil you need to recreate them in order to use them, I will write a letter to the Hokage, You need to deliver it to him , that you can be a ninja, go to sleep and tomorrow I will take you to the village where your father trained to be a ninja! "

After the boy fell asleep the woman wrote a letter, put it in the boy's pocket and chant an enchantment generating a teleportation circle sending the boy somewhere.

"I see you in a century, my son ... well I think I will visit Lucifer, I haven't seen him in a while"