

An (Introvert) ex-developer takes on the challenge of beating a game full of magic, monsters, and mechas without magic, monsters, or mechas. Only as a lowly man (a class that is usually only available to NPCs). To make this challenge even more difficult, he will do all this while being a Free-To-Play player. Smith: "Wait I never said that." Join Smython (Smith) on his journey to boycott his ex-employers by not following the most basic rule of "Magic, Monsters & Mechas. "M = Power." There will be a lot of deaths, specifically from our MC dying. Feats will be made and broken, once again by our MC for how many times he dies.

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The Great Wizard

Gamelocke Chapter One

The Great Wizard

I didn't always hate this game.

The game that I... I mean we created.

I used to love magic, monsters, and mechas. I was the best magic user in the game.

"The Great Wizard."

I had so many fans and haters. Mostly haters.

"I heard his just another one of those 30-year-old virgins"

-hater comment.

They're just jealous.

Then I got released


"I'm sorry to inform you, Mr. Smith, but you have been relieved of your position. Thank you."

"What? Whaaaaat??!!"

How can this happen? Sure I missed a couple of meetings. Okay, I missed all of them, but I was working at home... Yes, I was playing games, but it was the company game. Well anyway, I won't accept this.

I have the perfect plan.

I will boycott the game by blocking the first Level's dungeon*. So that no one can beat it and advance. Hahaha. It's brilliant. Then they will have to reconsider.

*Terms explained*

Levels and Dungeons

The game of Magic, Monsters & Mechas (or M&Ms for short) is made up of Levels and each Level has a dungeon.

I successfully took the First Level's dungeon and nobody could beat me. My plan was working out great. But what I didn't remember was that you didn't necessarily have to beat a Level's dungeon in order to pass the level. It was only there for completionists and speedrunners. It was only there for supplementary rewards*.

*Terms explained*

Dungeon's supplementary rewards

You have two choices in a Level's dungeon. You either beat the dungeon and leave your afterimage, in which you become the new boss. The second choice is to capture the dungeon and become its boss and farm there. Farm meaning level up there. There is also another choice that is opened if the player who captures the dungeon decides to leave. A dungeon is full of monsters. They attack everything except the boss. The player can select a monster and give its current power and leave it to be the boss of that dungeon.

Now it's only my companion and me. She was the only female looking monster in the whole dungeon so I picked her. In each dungeon, there is a small area that is isolated and that is where the boss is. The boss can pick one monster from that dungeon to accompany them in the area. Since this is a game I can't really do anything so don't get any wrong idea. It's just that I didn't want to stare at an ugly dude all day. I mean all of them are ugly but the less ugly the better.

(Smith TGW)

"Sigh! It's just you and me Smitten"


(Unknown voice)

Wow! You call your companion Smitten. You are so uncreative, Smith.

(Smith TGW)

Who is there?!

(Unknown person draws closer)

(Smith TGW)

Oh, it's you. Ragu.


Don't call me that in the game.

Ragu was my friend.

I was always an introvert even in high school. I had my group of friends, but we mostly played games. I steered away from attention and the popular kids. Until one day the attention came to me. Ragu. He was popular not only for his looks but also because he was rich.

I hated him. Okay, not really but I hated how easy it was for him. He got all the girls and any guy who gets all the girls is NOT a friend mine. Taking all the girls for themselves. At least give me one.

He came over to our desks with a smug look on his face. Okay maybe he didn't have a smug look but I wasn't going to be fooled.


Hi, I see you guys are into games.




I'm into games also myself




Well, I'm more into creating games. Does any of you know how to create games or programs?

He asked that with a fake smile. At least I think it was a fake smile.No I'm positive. HIV positive, haha. Anyway, those rats all pointed at me and ratted me out.

(The Rats)

Smith knows about creating games and programming

(Tofu) (The worst rat of all)

Yeah, he's always talking about all these crazy game ideas he has.

Extending his arm toward me


Hey, I'm Ragu. You must be Smith. My names a little weird.

Well compared to my name which is practically the only name that is not after an object or food. I'm actually the weird one but I won't tell him that.




I have this game idea and I wanted to know if you could help me create it. You know, bring it to life.




Well, you can just show me how to do it.


.....I'm sorry...I'm not interested...

And that is how you respectfully reject somebody's advances. I would know. I heard those words many times from the opposite sex from trying to ask them for a pencil.


I still don't have a pencil

But Ragu didn't let up. He kept on approaching me and acting like we were friends. My old friends kept on giving me thumbs up every time I see them. I was not going to give in. I've seen this in many dramas and movies. When the MC tries to be friends with the popular kids, he ends up getting beat up. Worst, if it's like a manga. I might end up dead by a crazy yandere. No. I was ready to never give in. Until...


So. Smith. You like girls don't you?




You know that I'm quite popular. If you help me, I'll hook you up with a girl. A pretty one too.



I tried.

We came up with great ideas. I was a fan of magic and he was a fan of mecha. And what do those two have in common? Monsters.

We weren't really that good at actually creating the game so we had to find another way. Ragu said his dad liked our concept and was willing to create it with us. I didn't trust his dad. So I kind of let him handle all that process. I just focused on the concept and making sure everything worked.

Since we were the creators, we were the first to play it. I made a wizard and Ragu made a knight. After that Ragu's dad, Tomato Sus, which I will call Mr. Dad, handled all the rest. You know how I said I didn't trust him, he didn't trust me either. Rather he didn't like me at all.

Because of that Ragu and I kind of strayed apart. I bet it was Mr. Dad's fault. But worst of all, Ragu never introduce me to any pretty girl. :(

(Back to my boycotting)

(Smith TGW)

It's just you and I, Smitten