
chapter 2: A premordial spawn

After he heard another response in his head as he saw the corpse glowing eyes urging him to take it.

"This time no responsibility, live as seen fit, live free live as man".

He stopped hesitating and stretched out his arm in haste, determination blazed within his soul through his eyes as he struggled to speak, "hun humm ghhhh ghhhiv givvv giv give".

Said the boy with determination that could stand against the owl world despite it being a quest his being subconsciously yearned for.

The corpse took his enclosed arm and placed it above his heart, and chanted out.

//The last in creation,

who birth new things

Standing in the divine, yet not perfect

A being like no other

A man.//

As soon as the corpse finished the chant, a token made of light and radiance with the image of a man struggling to reach the peak of a mount attached itself to the stretched out arm of the boy, as soon as the boy received the token he felt compelled to sleep, followed by a release of force like an explosion wanting to remove everything, with the boy being the core and the corpse being the only witness allowd as it stood there undisturbed by the release of power, that removed everything around them.

///////////////////////// (After) ////////////////////////////

In a distant place, there awakens a young man surrounded by natures embrace, around him there is life flourishing as at after creation untouched, untainted, divine and truly beautiful without compare.

As the boy layed sited he could feel the vibrant energy from the lives around him being strengthen through himself.

Until he saw a specter of light floating within his vision.

// Daily quests. //

// Survive the day. //