
Game-To-Death: UTOPIA

Apocalypse? Check. Zombies? Check. Game-like Augmented Reality? Check. Romance? Err... Maybe. World building in an Apocalyptic Setting. Let's play!

TiF54_Pretifany · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Phase 6: Planning Ahead

The system prompt then transformed into a mini '!' icon on the upper right corner of the trio's vision. Clicking onto it would again reveal the info and progress related to their quest. In addition to that, three new transparent bars had also appeared on the upper left corner of their vision. Each bar represents the main status of the <Party Members> of their party. For example, in Ally's vision, the bar on the top was her own, followed by Kent's and Marie's. Each bar shows their party members' name, level, and health points. However, if you click on the bar, a more detailed information window of them would appear, including their attack power and defense. Besides that, translucent footprints would also appear that would lead you to the party member's current location.

"Fascinating. It really is akin to a game system being brought into the real world," Kent commented while Marie looked with her eyes gleaming in delight and added, "Hur hur… That would mean we get to keep our current appearance and our avatars would never be confined by physical limitations according to the original world's logic."

Ally felt bemused. Isn't the apocalypse supposed to be all scary and doom-worthy? Why is it that her allies are so calm and collected even now? Reflecting on her own behavior, Ally realized that she was underestimating the resilience and mindset of the older generation, especially of Marie, who had looked so agitated when facing the zombie just moments before. They had, in fact, been the generation that had went through the most changes in the way they live, and that had molded them into people with highly adaptable personality and a flexible mindset.

"Alright, let's plan our next move. We know the quest requires us to clear dungeons. Considering the information we have, the only dungeon which location we can be sure of is the <Rooftop Garden>. I suggest we take on this dungeon first. Let's collect some useful equipment and upgrade ourselves first before we look into the other two. We have to be extra careful as we do not know the majority of the rules in this New World. The Death Penalty, for example..."

Ally was never one to move without planning ahead. What they lack the most right now, are proper artefacts and skills. Furthermore, she had her own worries to think about. Remembering how Kent had actually fought a mutated plant in the garden before, it was safe to assume that most living organisms would probably undergo a mutation by law of the Apocalypse game system, and her cat, H20, would most probably not be able to escape this fate too. She hopes that by conquering this dungeon, she would be able to receive a reward or item that would help her cat to undergo the mutation process smoothly without repercussions.

"Hmm… I agree. We should definitely start moving as soon as possible. The biggest issue we face is our lack of guarantee and information about this new Apocalypse world. Only by stepping up on our actions can we elevate our uneasiness. What do you think, wifey?" Kent picked up two of the Wooden Swords on the floor and adjusted his grip. He swung the swords diagonally, horizontally and in a circular motion as warm-up. Kent was well-known for his ambidextrous trait, enabling him to become an outstanding soldier in his regiment. Furthermore, he had also played as a double sword-wielding Swordsman before in a virtual game.

Marie smiled as she witnesses the shadow of her husband's past self returning and thought back on how glorious he had been in the battlefield before he retired to become a dull gardener. His honed skills can now be properly put to use again. She look forward to the time where they can fight side-by-side once again.

Within 10 minutes, the couple had also packed their own bag pack of essentials. Kent wore his tactical army jacket with sturdy black pants while he held a wooden sword in each hand. Marie had packed mostly different types of antibiotics and medicines, nutrition packs, as well as bandages and surgery tools which she had in stock due to her old profession, a renowned army surgeon and nurse. She held a briefcase containing her most precious medical tools in her right hand while the wooden sword hung limply in her left hand. She was not a close-range fighter, and the sword was probably useless in her hand, but she grabbed it anyway as a backup. For safety measures, she is also wearing a bulletproof army vest. For now, Marie was the designated 'Healer' and would not actively confront enemies unless forced.

Now, the trio were ready for their first battle in the dungeon!

edited: Removed many unnecessary details....

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