
Game Of Twist

Sometimes, all it takes is one person to change everything about your life. You might fall in love in just a few seconds and then, in just one day, lose it all. That's what happened to Winter when she was 19. She lost everything in one day. Her parents were gone, and so was her happiness. She went from feeling happy to feeling alone and sad. She didn't even know why her parents were gone. To get away from all the bad memories, she left her small town, Green Valley, and moved to the big city, Los Angeles. Winter is kind, a bit silly, strong, and has all the good things a nice girl should have. Andrew, on the other hand, thinks falling in love is just a way to get hurt. He's the boss of a big company and has a lot of responsibilities. To forget about his problems, he likes to box. He's tough, really good-looking, and has all the things that make someone a "bad boy." When Winter and Andrew meet, everything explodes with feelings – they start off not liking each other, then they fall in love, feel happy, scared, heartbroken, and even think about revenge. They change how they see life and even each other. Andrew starts to think that maybe love isn't so bad after all. But there's always something trying to ruin things. For Winter, it's her past coming back to haunt her. Can Andrew help her face her fears, or will she have to face them alone? Get ready for a story full of new adventures, secrets, and memories. Sometimes, what distracts us can either be good or bad. It all depends on how you look at it.

Favour_Ekpenyong_4529 · Teen
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1 Chs


I gently awakened, the glow of the city's lights filtering through my window hinting it was still night. The clock's luminous display read 4:44 a.m., a silent testament to my restless slumber. Desperately, I sought refuge in dreams from a reality too cruel to bear.


The sudden noise from the apartment below sent adrenaline coursing through my veins. Footsteps thundered towards my door, my heart racing in tandem. In a panic, I hid behind the curtain, its sheer fabric barely concealing my form. As the footsteps grew louder, a sense of dread enveloped me.

Just as the door burst open, I felt an icy grip on my wrist, dragging me out from my scant cover. The intruder, a shadow veiled in the darkness, his eyes a piercing blue, held me with a gaze that cut through the dim. I struggled, my efforts futile against his strength. As he advanced, the knife in his hand glinted ominously. The sensation of the blade was terrifyingly real, a nightmare from which I suddenly awoke.

Gasping for air, the remnants of the dream lingered, a vivid echo of my fears. No longer in the quiet town of Pinegrove, I now found solace in the bustling city of Chicago, within the welcoming walls of "The Cozy Corner," a bakery that felt like a haven from my turbulent thoughts.

My startled reaction had caused a glass to shatter, drawing concerned glances. As I hurried to apologize, a voice broke through my embarrassment. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" The woman, with her gentle demeanor and soft auburn hair, exuded warmth and concern.

"Yes, thank you," I managed to reply, my voice a whisper amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

"Bad night, eh?" Her voice was a comfort, her presence a reminder of the kindness still found in unexpected places.

I introduced myself as Winter, a name that felt like a shield against my past. She offered her name, Elara, with a smile that spoke of empathy and understanding.

"First time here?" Elara's question was simple, yet it opened a door to a conversation I didn't know I needed. I nodded, sharing only the surface of my story, leaving the depths unexplored.

"Are you a regular here?"

"Oh, absolutely! This spot is my haven," Elara exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. 

"Their homemade muffins are simply divine. You must give them a try." Her smile was infectious.

"I'll definitely make a mental note of that," I replied, returning her smile. "I'm actually here for a job interview. They asked me to wait since the manager's tied up at the moment," I explained, feeling a tad embarrassed for having dozed off.

Elara chuckled softly, her warmth easing my nerves. Just then, an employee approached us, acknowledging Elara before addressing me.

"Miss Winters, the manager is ready for you now," she informed me politely. Gathering my belongings, I felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Elara. Hopefully, we'll meet again, especially if I land the job," I said optimistically.

"I have a good feeling about you. Let me have a word with Jamie, the manager. We go way back," she offered, her kindness shining through.

"Thank you so much," I replied gratefully, feeling a surge of gratitude at her gesture.

Later, a call from the bakery brought me the news I had been hired. They reminded me to be more careful in the future, but the job was mine. The mishap with the glass was a minor blip on the radar of my newfound opportunity.

My journey to the bustling city marked the beginning of a new chapter, a departure from a past that seemed determined to hold me back. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle, I was truly alone, charting my own course towards an uncertain future. Yet, the memory of my parents' tragic end six months prior lingered like a shadow, a reminder of the fragility of life.

For months, I had been consumed by grief, imprisoned within the walls of my apartment, my sorrow a constant companion. My dear friend and confidante, Lila, did her best to lift my spirits. Eventually, I realized I couldn't let the past dictate my future. It was time to break free from the chains of sorrow and embrace life once more.

Now, as I navigate the unfamiliar streets, each step is a blend of trepidation and determination. Despite the weight of my past, I'm resolved to carve out a new path, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Our exchange was brief yet meaningful, interrupted only by my interview call. Elara's kindness was a beacon in the shadow of my recent experiences, and I promised to reconnect soon. The interview was a step towards a new chapter, a glimmer of hope in a landscape marred by loss and uncertainty.

Chicago, with its towering buildings and endless possibilities, represented a fresh start away from the haunting memories of my past. The loss of my family, the unresolved questions surrounding their disappearance, propelled me into this new life, seeking solace, perhaps redemption, in the rhythm of city life.

Here, in the embrace of "The Cozy Corner," amid the aroma of coffee and the murmur of hushed conversations, I dared to envision a future where the past was a chapter closed, its pain acknowledged but no longer a tether. This job, this city, was my declaration of a life reclaimed, a journey towards healing, with each step a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.


Andrew's POV:

The roar of the crowd echoed through the underground arena, their chants fueling my adrenaline. Here, in the ruthless world of illegal fighting, I shed the façade of Andrew, becoming a champion in the ring. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me would soon find themselves regretting it, either lying unconscious or worse. I was a ruthless combatant, and I made sure my opponents understood that. I had learned the hard way that in this unforgiving realm, there was no room for mercy or compassion.

But in the corporate sphere, I adopted a different persona - Andrew Blackwell, CEO of Blackwell Enterprises, a formidable presence in the business world.

"Let's get this show on the road. John, aka 'The Giant Lion,' has entered the fray," the announcer's voice boomed over the speakers. A smirk played on my lips; he would soon rue the day he crossed paths with me. "And our fearless contender, Andrew!" The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as my name reverberated throughout the arena.

"Let the games begin," the announcer declared, and I could sense a flicker of apprehension in my opponent's eyes. I relished the fear; it meant I held the upper hand.

Beneath the layers of muscle, I suspected he was nothing more than a frightened puppy. He charged at me, intent on taking me down, but I effortlessly sidestepped and seized his leg, sending him crashing to the ground. His skull collided with the unforgiving surface, and he lay there, clutching his head in agony.

The first rule of the fight game: never show weakness. His was fear.

"Get up! You're embarrassing yourself," I taunted, smirking as he struggled to rise. He lunged at me, but I delivered a swift blow to his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground, unconscious. It was over almost as soon as it began. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and I glanced at my friend, Leo, who nodded in approval.

"The Dark Knight reigns supreme once more! Andrew, The Unyielding Warrior, emerges as the CHAMPION!!!" The host's announcement filled the arena, and I couldn't help but smirk triumphantly. Acknowledging the crowd with a nod and a satisfied grin, I basked in the glory of my victory. After ten minutes of reveling in the adulation, I made my exit, feeling accomplished and victorious.

(30 minutes later)

"Why are you still awake, Mom? It's well past your bedtime," I questioned, tossing the car keys into the bowl. She sat on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, engrossed in the television.

"Why are you so late, Andrew?" she countered, raising an eyebrow. I let out a sigh.

"Just work," I lied. My fights were not something I shared with her; she didn't exactly approve. I kept them hidden for her sake as much as mine. Lord knows what she'd do if she found out. To everyone else, I may be fearless and formidable, but to her, I'm just her little teddy bear, and she knows it. She's the only woman in the world who can boss me around, and I'd obey without question.

"You left the office hours ago. Yes, I called your assistant. Quite the talker, that one," she remarked, rolling her eyes.

"I might have to let her go. Her loose lips could jeopardize the company," I muttered, shaking my head.

"What were you really up to?" Mom pressed, giving me that look that said, "Don't try to change the subject."

"Just hanging out with Leo. We grabbed a few drinks," I replied, rolling my eyes.