

You are struggling to find happiness. Someone erases your past. Stuck in your strange dreams, but then you find Jungkook. Will you be able to give him a chance to love you? You don't know what lies in the future for you. What will you do if your hero....becomes a villain?

Hania_Abid · LGBT+
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6 Chs

As if they all know

When Jungkook saw Y/N, he said to her. Jungkook: Y/N...What are you doing here?...*Y/N couldn't answer him....This is not your home.Am I right?Or maybe this is your home?*Then a maid saw Y/N and came to call Y/N while she was still struggling to answer Jungkook. ???: Miss Y/N, mam is looking for you. Y/N pov: Oh shit!! what should I do now? Someone, please hide me I don't want to be stuck in this sh*t situation. I need to hide my identity .*Y/N was now facing Jungkook to answer his questions. Jungkook: Miss Y/N.*raising his one eyebrow...Are you....the daughter of Mr. Hyu Bin?* Y/N then again didn't say anything and closed her eyes, she moved forward to Jungkook and cupped his face. After locking his eyes on yours, Y/N attached her lips to his leaving Jungkook and the maid shocked. While Jungkook was shocked, Y/n signaled the maid to go in during the middle of the kiss. Jungkook didn't kiss her back because he was too shocked to realize the situation. Jungkook pov: I asked her a question but she suddenly kissed me and my whole body froze. I...i couldn't think straight. I saw everything around me disappearing. This..this feeling is killing me. *Y/N then said to Jungkook who was still shocked to see Y/N's behavior. Y/N: hmm...*realizing what she just did...I work here and today I came late to work that's why mom, I mean mam is calling me.Today some special guests were coming and I totally forgot about it.And I guess that guest is...you.*crossing her fingers because of nervousness. Jungkook came out of his world. Jungkook: No-ot just only me, my whole family is here. *Y/N raised her eyebrow at the word whole family. Y/N: So...what are you doing here?*making a curious face. Jungkook: I'm not going to lie to you because I like you. *Y/N felt a shiver feeling roaming over her whole body....My dad told me that I was going to see my business partner today but suddenly they started talking about my engagement with that girl whom I never saw. So I just told them I'm not going to marry her because I like someone else. Y/N: WHAT!!Did you mention my name? Jungkook: No.No...relax Y/N. I didn't because I know that you are not ready for this yet.Y/N pov: So Jungkook was that boy with whom mom was talking to engage. Oh god!! everything is messed up. Like without knowing, indirectly we both already rejected each other. *While thinking this Y/N looked at innocent eyes of Jungkook. Jungkook: Are you okay.*snapped his finger.....If you're worried that you will get fired then I can help you, come with me inside. Y/N: No need....I was thinking about something else.You should go to your parents.I have to go to see mam. Jungkook: I'm not going inside we are just about to leav- Y/N: Okay then have a great night. Bye. *Jungkook watched her fading figure and touched his lips. He smirked and went away on his car. Y/N then went straight to her room without being caught by her mom. When the guests left, her parents came to see her. And her dad said to her. Hyu Bin: YOU'RE CROSSING YOUR LIMITS Y/N. We have told you to stay home so why you went outside?*looks like he's very angry but now Y/N is not afraid of them anymore. She talked back. Y/N: Don't you remember what you guys did to me?ahhh...This is nothing in return for what you did to V and me-*her dad slapped her making her feel a sting on her left cheek. She looked at her mom hoping that she might take her side but she stood their saying nothing. A tear left from her. Huy bin: You've crossed your limits, now you will see what I'm going to do with you. Then they left her room. Y/N was broke because her parents weren't feeling sorry for what they did. Y/N cried her heart out while throwing her half body on the bed. After a while Y/N called the maid to her who saw her with Jungkook. She promised Y/N that she will not tell anything to anyone. When maid left her room, she touched her cheek where her dad slapped her. This caused her to remember the kiss she did to Jungkook making her feel more angry. Because now she is playing with Jungkook's feelings and Jungkook will think that Y/N also likes him which is not true. Not true for now. Y/N: I HATE YOU ALL....FU*ING MONSTERS!!!*shouted while crying. Next day, at university Jungkook was sitting with his friends in basketball court. He told them how Y/N kissed him last night. Jimin: So you're finally going to have what you want. *feeling proud Alexander: You're so stubborn.*smirking Suga: You're not doing right Jungkook.*looks like someone isn't happy Eun woo: You're gonna regret this. Jungkook: Do I ever feel regret for my actions? Suga: I don't know but be careful not to go so far. Jungkook: I know.I know. *shrugged his shoulders Jimin: So what are you doing next? Jungkook: We have to wait for Y/N to confess her feelings to me. Meanwhile Y/N was sitting with Roy in library. Roy: Woowww.*making fun of Y/N...Where was I?I missed this scene. Y/N: Do you think it's funny?*getting annoyed....I had to buy some time for myself to come up with an excuse and I ended up giving my first kiss to him. Roy: Now Jungkook will think that you also like him. Y/N: That's why I am also worried. I need to explain things to him. Roy: But what are you going to say to him? Why you kiss him out of the blue? If you tell him the truth then everybody will know that you are rich and that you don't what to happen. Y/N: Then help me...Be my fake boyfriend.I know we are not that close but help me.Pleaaaase.*begging him Roy: Y/N.I am sorry. I can't do this.You don't even know Jungkook that much just first try to know him then you can decide whether you want to be with him or not. *Y/N sighed and nodded her head to accept his advice. So Y/N went to Jungkook who was waiting for her. Y/N played basketball with them but Jimin and Jungkook were sitting on the side. Y/N was avoiding Jungkook and Jungkook could also feel it but he didn't ask Y/N for reason. He was giving her some space. Alexander was helping her to play basketball. But when Jungkook saw them he didn't feel jealous at all. He was talking with Jimin about Haje. Jungkook: Any news about him.*Jimin shooked his head Jimin: It's strange but I hadn't seen him in the past few days. I think he's planning something big. I'm worried about you.*he looked at Jungkook who was watching Y/N Jungkook: Don't worry whatever he's planning we can handle it together.*he looked at Jimin and smiled by putting his hand on his shoulder. Then all of them went to the canteen to do lunch. And Y/N was in the rest room then those rich girls came to bully her again. But Y/N didn't reply to any of their questions because she promised Roy that she was not going to fight anymore with anybody. When those girls saw that Y/N was not responding them, they left her alone.

In evening Y/N was reading book while sitting on terrace at home. Roy stopped his bike near Y/N's house. Then he started to throw little stones in balcony to get her attention, without being noticed by anyone.When Y/N saw him she said. Y/N: What are you doing here? ROy: Come outside today is your turn to buy me food.*he whispered but it was hearable by Y/N. Then Y/N came outside without being caught by someone and they went to a cafe. At there they met a orphan girl named Angine.Roy took that girl and left her in the orphanage. And he tell them(orphanage workers) to do good care of her. When Y/N saw his this behavior that he was being so kind so she said. Y/N: What you did was very impressive. Roy: Thanks.*Then Theo dropped Y/N home and went to his apartment. When Roy lied on his bed, he started to have pain in his chest. And when Y/N reached home she went straight to her bed and her head started to hurt maybe because she has not been taking her medicine anymore which was causing her to lose her memories. But know she wants to remember all those memories even though they are painful. Roy and Y/N both fainted on their beds because the pain was unbearable. RECAP( The cause of Roy's pain is his health and because of that he were skipping the university). On the next day when Y/N's parents were doing there breakfast they called her and her mom said that Jung hyun: We are sorry for what we did. But please dear don't get angry with us.*Y/N rolled her eyes. Hyu bin: It wil be your decision whether you want to marry your business partner or not. We will not force you to marry him. But still I will advise you to meet him for once and then make any decision.*Y/N pov: That's something new. Jung hyun: We're going abroad for few days,we are sorry that we will not be here to celebrate your birthday.*Y/N was very quite,she didn't said a word because today is the day when V died. She was very sad. When she went to university she tried to look for Jungkook and his friends but she was unable to find any of them. Y/N pov: Ahh. Today I finally decided to give Jungkook a chance despite being not able to let go V. But look at him. He didn't came to uni today. Wowww. Are you kidding me? At the end of day she went to club where Jungkook used to go and there she saw Jungkook's friends but Jungkook was also not there. And club also seems to be quiet empty. She asked them that did they saw Jungkook anywhere? But nobody replied.*everybody was making a long and worried face. Then after a while Eun woo said. Eun woo: Actually,Y/N. We also haven't seen him either. Suga: Last time we saw him on the terrace of club.*Y/N got worried Y/N: If you're pranking with me then don't. It's not funny..I..i'm going on terrace to see him.*Y/N was having a strange feeling as is something bad happened to him. She was hoping that he's okay. Because she don't want to go through the same trauma, on the same day she lost V. When she reaches there, she saw Jungkook's jacket lying on ground. Everybody also came behind her. When Jimin saw his jacket he said. Jimin: I think Haje must have done something bad to him. Y/N: That guy....Don't scare me.*worried can be seen on her face. She began to call Jungkook. Suga was about to say something to Y/N but Alexander put hand on his face. ???: Y/N *Y/N turned to the side from where the voice came, and then she saw him holding a cake in his hand. Jungkook: Stop screaming my name.*Y/N was scared to death. She thought that she will again lose someone on her birthday. She ran toward him and hugged him tightly. Jungkook stumbled back almost dropping the cake but didn't. Jungkook: Y/N...I can't breath.*Y/N broke the hug and punched him on his chest as it's a boxing bag. Jungkook: OUchh!! Do you want me to die?*this triggered her even more and she again punched him Jungkook: Okay. I'm sorry.*grabbing Y/N's wrist with his freed-hand Y/N: Don't you dare to do that again,I thought I'm gonna lose you just like V.*Jungkook's friends were laughing at him but when Y/N said V all of the boys got shocked as if they all know him. Jungkook also got shocked. Jungkook: What you just said Y/N? Whom you lost?*seriuos face. Y/N: hmm.V...my first love.*she turned back to look everyone shocked faces.

Twist is coming

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