
Game of Thrones: Viserys Targeryen

A man is reborn as the prince of the Targereyans, Viserys Targeryen, Hated character. What will he do to insure the survival of himself and His dynasty? or Will he simply sit and look from the sidelines?

Aces_BigDaddy · TV
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2 Chs


Cold I felt cold, Like as if I had been thrown into a freezing lake. I felt a strange touch to my sides, like as if a giant was holding me. It felt odd, strangely odd. There was nothing I could do but scream as I felt the giant hoisted me in her arms.

"Waahhh" I cried, unknowingly.

"It is a Boy, Your grace." I heard someone, presumably a woman say to another person referred as "Your grace".

Was I Reborn? In another world or another time, I didn't recognise the strange room.

I looked around with my fogged up eyes, scanning my surroundings, I felt Myself be wrapped in a fuzzy cloth, a blanket perhaps? I could only see things in a fogged hue. I felt another person grab me, warmth embraced me and the coldness and shivers disappeared as I saw the face of my mother in this life.

Slick silver hair with a blonde ting to it. A beauty from my previous world 's standards, she had perfect facial symmetry and was smiling as she embraced me.

"I hereby name you Viserys Targeryen The third of his name." She said as I widened my eyes.

For fuck's sake, Why did it have to be Game of thrones.

/Timeskip- 1 week/

It has been a week since I was born, I didn't know how to walk not to crawl. I was only a week old afterall. All I could do was slightly turn my head around and gaze out of the window which was near my crib.

I had a feast during the day of my birth, after 17 years of still Born's and miscarriages, I was the first child to be born after Rhaegar. But the days after that were boring, eat sleep shit, that's all.

Occasionally my mother, Rhaealla Targereyan would come visit me during my feeding times and sleep with me at night. She was a busy queen after all.

My father Aerys Targereyan, The second of his name. Nicknamed "Mad King" had visited me once during the day of my birth and made sure I was healthy. He was not so mad around this time afterall, or was he?

But I needed to make sure I was in his "Not to burn" list in the future.

I have not yet met my brother, Rhaegar Targereyan, The father of Jon Snow, but I am sure I am going to be meeting him very soon.

As I was gazing out of my window, I noticed a white raven, slightly smaller than most black ravens. He seemed to be a wild raven, not yet tamed by the maesters. He tilted his head upon seeing me. Raven are smart creatures, it was probably the first time he saw a newborn this close.

He curiously walked near me with his tiny feet and sat on the edge of the crib, moving his head closer to inspect.

I laughed slightly like a baby Upon seeing the bird and moved my head a little, he jumped up and sat on his previous position on the window. Startled by the human.

It looked at me for a while before flying away.Smart bird, it was better to be wary when you are small.


I heard the door open as my mother walked in.

Feeding time, I guess.

/Timeskip- 3 weeks/

A tournament is to be held today, specially by the head of the Lannisters, Tywin Lannister. Probably a plot to get the favour of the king.

I was with my father, The king and my mother. It seemed that his madness has finally begun after he started telling my food servers to drink the breast milk of my wet nurses to make sure the nipples are not poisonous. What Blasphemy.

I also heard that he killed a man in one of the streets of kings landing for blocking his way, the man was crippled.

Thankfully I had not seen his "Mad" side yet.

/Timeskip- 1 month /

A month as passed very quickly, I have developed the ability of seeing things much more clearly and being able to move my limbs around as well, I could probably crawl but I better not take my chances. I could be crippled for life if I broke a bone or something considering this world's health facilities.

I finally met my brother a week ago, a striking young man of 7 and 10 years with the silver, renowned Targeryen hair and a beautiful face to go along with it, I understand why Lyanna chose him over Robert.

I wonder if I am going to be that handsome in the future even if I am born of incest.

I sighed slightly Upon seeing the bird at my window. The white raven was now slightly bigger than he was previously, albeit still smaller than most ravens, only slightly bigger than a full grown sparraw. But he would be bigger than a fully grown black raven in the future because white ravens are bigger and smarter than black ravens.

I reached out my small hand and he came to me, seemingly understanding my intentions. He was smarter than most birds back in my world and seemed to understand my intentions.

He came to my crib and pecked my hand. I giggled as he soon flew away after greeting me.

I need to think of a name for the guy Soon.

a short chapter lmao

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