
Game of Thrones: Victor Di Natale

A german chemist is allowed to start a new life in the world of Game of Thrones. He will face a new family and a cruel world full of war and deception. Accompany Victor Di Natale and his family on his growth near the free state of Lys in the middle of the ocean. //Slow-Paced // A lot of Historical Information at the start// First Novel If you have nothing good to say, just don't say anything at all. https://discord.gg/ukbW5vZS

marcoo · TV
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94 Chs

Viper and Fox

The news about the birthday banquet of Victor Di Natale and the generous gifts spread very quickly. Many people were very curious about the announced weapon presentation. They used Victor's offer for a free vacation, and many wanted to participate in the event and see how sharp and powerful those new weapons were. Of course, this was Victor's intention when he offered those deals.

Oberyn Martell arrived at the estate of Victor a day after the banquet so the two of them could have dinner together. They had their meal at the exact place where the two of them argued with each other all those years ago.

"This place is very nostalgic, isn't it Victor? In the end everything still turned out well. I am very curious about what you are planning right now. A miracle drug and new weaponry? What's going on?" Oberyn enjoyed his meal while trying to relieve his curiosity.

"It is indeed nostalgic, and I think both of us learned a lot by what happened back then. Now we are sitting in the same place but as different people. I think it made both of us a better person. You learned how much you valued your family and I learned to take care of the emotions of people close to me and not force my will upon everybody."

While lamenting about the past Victor was also looking into the future.

"As for what I am planning right now. I am sure you must be guessing something, but there is really no need for me to keep it secret. I already told you and Doran about my suspicion of a possible war. I still stand with this statement, and I do still think a war is very likely to happen. Medicine, weapons, armors and even food will increase in prices and demand during such a war.

That's why I am constantly developing in this direction to be able to influence or at least profit when it happens. Honestly, even if there was no war developing those stronger weapons is still good for the strength of House Di Natale and we would still be able to make a small profit even after all the investment."

Victor was quite happy with this conclusion and even couldn't stop himself from smiling when he thought about all the benefits he would reap in the coming years.

"Don't show to many strong weapons in two days or you will draw to much focus." Oberyn warned Victor as he didn't want his friend to become careless due to his recent success story.

"Don't worry Oberyn, I won't show them our best steel weapons, only what I want to sell them in larger quantities. Additionally, House Di Natale will only sell weapons in larger quantity if you exchange them for raw iron and ship them to Redwater. This will prevent many people from buying too many weapons and causing trouble in Westeros."

Oberyn was relieved but his interest further increased when he learned that the truly powerful weapons would not be presented in public.

"Victor, you haven't given the uncle of your future wife a gift for a long time, right? How about showing me some of the weapons you won't demonstrate?" 

Victor could see the desire in Oberyn's eyes. Even though he liked sleeping around for a real warrior there was nothing as desirable as weapons. He gave a sign to one of his guards that instantly understood his intention. Oberyn as very happy when he noticed the interaction and started to wholeheartedly enjoy his meal while waiting for the weapon.

"Victor you really need to train a slave cook for me! Every time I have a meal at your house I hate eating once I return to Dorne. The food keeps getting better and better. How about sending me a cook of your house?" The Red Viper truly wanted to enjoy this meal at home.

"I am not really in control of the maidservants in House Di Natale. I teached them how to cook but I normally don't take part in any decision making when it comes to stewards and maids. Maybe you should try asking my mother, but I don't think she will transfer any cooks to you, because she is very proud about their skills and how much people like the unique food of House Di Natale.

You could try your luck with Ashara. While staying in Lys she bought many dornish girls that were sold into slavery. There were stolen by pirates and sold to the slave traders of Essos. After learning about this Ashara asked my mother to rescue any Dornish from slavery in all of Lys. She bought roughly twenty dornish girls back and they are now serving in her estate. Ashara is very interested in the new dishes of House Di Natale and can often be found in the kitchen with my two little sisters.

She did teach those dornish girls a lot about cooking to make sure they have something to rely on once they return to Dorne in the future. If you ask her nicely and guarantee the safe return and future of those little girls, she might be able to hand a few of them to you. But be careful, Ashra put a lot of efforts and thoughts into those girls, if you mistreat them, she will become very angry with you." Victor tried to help his friend a little by selling the secrets of Ashara.

Oberyn was very angry when learning about this. Even though the coast of Dorne was full of steep cliffs and no large ports could be constructed, small pirate regiments would pull through some hidden paths and occasionally steal people from Dorne. But this was the first time Oberyn really knew about a group of little dornish girls that have been rescued and returned from slavery.

"I will have a talk with Ashara later on. Even if they don't want to stay in Sunspear as a cook I promise you to return them to their family intact. House Martell with not let down any girl that has been kidnapped into slavery under our protection."