
Game of Thrones: Victor Di Natale

A german chemist is allowed to start a new life in the world of Game of Thrones. He will face a new family and a cruel world full of war and deception. Accompany Victor Di Natale and his family on his growth near the free state of Lys in the middle of the ocean. //Slow-Paced // A lot of Historical Information at the start// First Novel If you have nothing good to say, just don't say anything at all. https://discord.gg/ukbW5vZS

marcoo · TV
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94 Chs

The Storm

Victor just celebrated his ninth birthday a few days ago. He is sitting in the very same place he had all those arguments with Oberyn more than three years ago. Victor was now nearly 1,7 meters in height and already had a very muscular body. 

His eyes penetrated deeply towards the mainland of Westeros where the storm was slowly brewing. This year, 279 AC, Elia Martell was engaged to Raeghar Targaryen. This would lead to a series of unstoppable events.

The last year was very peaceful for Victor, but not wasted. After really accepting the fact that he was part of a new world, not a tv series or a book, he came to the realization that he would need a completely new understanding of his environment. He started learning about the real history of the world, not just the information he knew from his past life. He started interacting more with the people around him. He visited the city of Lys a lot more and made friendships with the locals. Whether it was visiting bars or going to entertainment venues. He seemed genuinely happier to his family. But still, he couldn't make any friends of his age. The mental development was still too great for him to bear.

He didn't leave behind his ambitions though. Even if he stopped expanding on the surface and still refrained from delving too deep into the passion of his last life, chemistry, he still made some major achievements in another art. The art of spying.

In partnership with the Ormollen family he started a new brand of passion house in Westeros, the Mata Hari. He used Peter Baelish as an example and trained some female spies for himself. He targeted King's Landing especially. With the brand of Lys and the Ormollen family it was a success quickly across the major cities of Westeros. And this also gave a great opportunity for slave soldiers that were no longer able to fight at the very highest level due to injury or age. They could be used as bodyguards in the pleasure house and settled in major cities around Westeros. This solved many problems at once and even brought major improvements to the hidden depth of House Di Natale.

Even though Oberyn left him without another goodbye many years ago Victor didn't forget about him, nor did he choose to end their relationship. Over the last year he sent him cards and gifts, but he never stepped foot on the mainland of Westeros. 

Lys completed a step forward as a major brand and producer for all kinds of luxury goods. Whether it is design of clothes, special wines, honey, perfume or even shoes. If it is produced by a family of Lys, it was a boutique. All the families of Lys knew that if the sold a product to the Known World the quality needed to be on the highest level. A lesser-known noble family in Lys tried using low quality goods as a scam to increase their level and step on the next level. Victor was enraged as his major strategy for Lys would be threatened if such a behavior were to spread among Lys. Overnight the family was isolated everywhere and within a few weeks all kinds of problems forced the small noble house into ruin. Victor went as far as to sell the male members into the mines and the female members into the pleasure house. This was the first time the major families of Lys had seen the unrelenting and merciless side of the future heir of House Di Natale. He never once used the biggest strength of his family, military force, but only with his connections and some business moves he destroyed what seemed to be a formidable small noble house. The quality standard for Lys was thereby set and wouldn't change if people would remember the means of the little fox of Lys.

While sitting in his favorite place in the world Victor was wondering how Oberyn would feel once he realized that he, as a second son of a major family without any decision-making power, couldn't change the fate of his sister. Even if he felt the looming threat to her after all the hints Victor gave him, nobody would bother with his opinion. The large interest groups behind House Martell knew very well how risky marrying the crown prince and getting involved with the royal power would be, especially for the poor little woman that would have to deal with all the power struggles in King's Landing, but they couldn't bother less.

Oberyn would feel for the first time how much he overestimated his ability and worth in the eyes of the nobles of Dorne. Even though he conquered a few islands of the Stepstones most of the success was attributed to the support of the noble houses of Lys, especially the elite soldiers of House Di Natale. He couldn't change the perception of the Dornish with just a few little feats. A perception he builds up especially after the dead of Edgar Yronwood.

Suddenly Victor was pulled out of his dreams as a beautiful little girl threw himself into his arms.

"Brother, brother, you wanted to go to the beach with me! You promised me! Little Diana and mother are already waiting for us. Let's go, let's go." Giulia was screaming cheerfully on top of him. 

Victor was very happy as the relationship with his two little sister was great. Giulia, now six years old, turned into a little princess of House Di Natale, but luckily with the birth of Diana the attention was a little split. Else Victor truly couldn't imagine how spoiled this little girl would become. He had a headache thinking about all the problems those two little girls would cause for him once they grew a little older and were allowed to wander around the city of Lys. When thinking about their coming-of-age ceremony and maybe visiting the noble families of Westeros in the future his back was already full of cold sweat. 

While still thinking about the problems he would have to face very soon he spent one of the few remaining happy days with his family.