
Game of Thrones: Victor Di Natale

A german chemist is allowed to start a new life in the world of Game of Thrones. He will face a new family and a cruel world full of war and deception. Accompany Victor Di Natale and his family on his growth near the free state of Lys in the middle of the ocean. //Slow-Paced // A lot of Historical Information at the start// First Novel If you have nothing good to say, just don't say anything at all. https://discord.gg/ukbW5vZS

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The Di Natale Stronghold: Canahs

Canahs was a small fishing town, located on the northwestern aspect of the Lysene island. 

It was destroyed during the Battle at Canahs during the War of Unification.

The War of Unification is the name given to a series of battles fought between the Free Cities of Tyrosh, Myr and Lys. It resulted it the formation of the Kingdom of the Three Daughters.

The Kingdom of the Three Daughters was the name given to the Free Cities of Tyrosh and Myr, as well as the majority of the Disputed Lands.

The Battle at Canahs was the only true battle fought on the Lysene island itself during the whole of the War of Unification.

Hoping to replicate the success of the Battle of Salt and Sand, Tyroshi forces landed upon the western aspect of the island, whilst their fleet swept to the east, closer to the Free City itself, serving as both an attacking force and distraction. The landing was set up to fail before it had even commenced however, for the Commander of the Company of the Rose had received an immoderate quantity of gold for information and loyalty, and upon landing, the Company turned its blades upon those it had fought alongside.

Knowing of the intention to invade, but appreciating the value of a trap, the Lyseni legions had lain in wait for the Kingdom of the Three Daughters' troops to reach the island, and hearing the clash of steel as the Company of Rose attacked the landing vessels, moved in to reinforce the turncloak mercenaries.

Once the Company of the Rose's ploy was made plain, the remainder of the Tyroshi and Myrish footsmen started to land on the northern aspect of the island, hoping to flank the defending force, catching them unawares. Meeting with their foe outside the small fishing town of Canahs, located on the north-west aspect of the island, Daughtersmen and sellswords alike clashed, resulting in widespread damage and casualties. Near three and a half thousand mercenaries were killed, and near a third again in civilian casualties and hostages.

Hearing of the failed landing, the Captain of the Kingdom of the Three Daughters' fleet declared an immediate retreat to the outposts established in the Disputed Lands.

Since defending against the forces of Tyr and Myrth the free city of Lys started to stay away from any wars. It uses its wealth to hire mercaneries to interfere and weaken its enemies.

In the last few moons, the Di Natale family has moved to renovate the town once more, and is now based primarily in the town, where they own an exuberant mansion surrounded by high walls of slate and granite.

Canahs is considered the place where Victor di Natale grew up. It is his safe heaven and the only place in this cruel world he calls home. It is the base of operation for any activities of the Di Natale family, whether in the present or in the future. 

The sunny island of Lys is fertile with palm and fruit trees, and the surrounding blue-green waters are filled with fish. Canahs is a comparatively small town clinging to the cliffs, surrounded by the raging sea. The style of architecture is heavily inspired by the Greek Architecture of Victors former life. Lys architecture is distinguished by its highly formalised characteristics, both of structure and decoration. This is particularly so in the case of temples where each building appears to have been conceived as a sculptural entity within the landscape, most often raised on high ground so that the elegance of its proportions and the effects of light on its surfaces might be viewed from all angles. The mainland and islands of Greece are very rocky, with deeply indented coastline, and rugged mountain ranges with few substantial forests. The most freely available building material is stone. Limestone was readily available and easily worked. There is an abundance of high quality white marble both on the mainland and islands of Lys. This finely grained material was a major contributing factor to precision of detail, both architectural and sculptural, that adorned Lys architecture.

The climate of Lys is maritime, with both the coldness of winter and the heat of summer tempered by sea breezes. This led to a lifestyle where many activities took place outdoors. Hence temples were placed on hilltops, their exteriors designed as a visual focus of gatherings and processions, while theatres were often an enhancement of a naturally occurring sloping site where people could sit, rather than a containing structure. Colonnades encircling buildings, or surrounding courtyards provided shelter from the sun and from sudden winter storms.

The light of Lys may be another important factor in the development of the particular character of ancient Lys architecture. The light is often extremely bright, with both the sky and the sea vividly blue. The clear light and sharp shadows give a precision to the details of the landscape, pale rocky outcrops and seashore. This clarity is alternated with periods of haze that varies in colour to the light on it. In this characteristic environment, the Lys architects constructed buildings that were marked by the precision of detail. The gleaming marble surfaces were smooth, curved, fluted, or ornately sculpted to reflect the sun, cast graded shadows and change in colour with the ever-changing light of day.