
Game of Thrones: Victor Di Natale

A german chemist is allowed to start a new life in the world of Game of Thrones. He will face a new family and a cruel world full of war and deception. Accompany Victor Di Natale and his family on his growth near the free state of Lys in the middle of the ocean. //Slow-Paced // A lot of Historical Information at the start// First Novel If you have nothing good to say, just don't say anything at all. https://discord.gg/ukbW5vZS

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History of Lys


Lys is one of the nine Free Cities on Essos. The city is spread across several islands, but is still comparatively small. Lys lies off the southern coast of the Eastern Continent, southeast of Tyrosh and west of Volantis.

Lys can enjoy what is possibly the most healing climate in the world. Cool breezes blow in the sun-drenched city, palm and fruit trees grow on the island and the waters are rich in fish.

Lys was founded by Valyrian dragonlords, merchants and nobles as a trading post and retreat; they bought the right to govern themselves from the Free State. Lys was a place where they could relax with good wine, sweet girls and soft music. They also called the city "Lys the Lovely". To this day, the city is considered "a feast for the senses and balm for the soul."

After the fall of Valyria, Volantis saw herself as the heir to the Valyrian Free State. However, there was disagreement among the city's rulers about how to conquer the world. This is how the imperialist-minded tigers and elephants came into being. The Tigers initially ruled the city for almost a century, initially very successfully. A Volantian fleet conquered Lys, and a Volantian army conquered Myr, both of which were under Volantis' rule for two generations. But then the tide turned when the Tigers tried to conquer Tyrosh as well. Tyrosh received assistance from Pentos and Argilac Durrandon, the Storm King of Westeros. Braavos equipped an exiled Lysene with a hundred warships. Aegon Targaryen intervened in the war from Dragonstone with Balerion on the side of the defenders, and Lys and Myr also saw their chance and rose up against foreign rule. The war turned the Disputed Lands into a wasteland. Volantis lost the war, and Lys and Myr were able to free themselves.

Lys also constantly battles with Tyrosh and Myr for control of the Stepping Stones and the Disputed Lands. Most of these disputes are so-called trade wars that are fought at sea. The warring parties have permission to rob the other side's ships, an approach that Grand Maester Merion called "piracy with the wax seal".

The wars on land are far bloodier and rarer. But even then, cities rarely risk the lives of their own citizens and prefer to hire mercenary companies. Nowhere have more Free Companies been founded since the Century of Blood than in the Disputed Lands. Many pirate fleets also formed that fought for anyone who paid them.

After defeating Volantis in the Battle of the Borderlands, Tyrosh, Myr, and Lys joined together in 96 AC to form the Triarchy (known in Westeros as the Kingdom of the Three Daughters). Her goal was to clear the stepping stones of pirates and corsairs. The Three Daughters won rapid victories over the pirates, but soon began demanding higher tariffs from ships attempting to pass through the Stepping Stones. Their greed exceeded even that of the pirates. The Lyseni even began to confiscate pretty young men and girls as customs.

For a time, the power of the Triarchy was checked by Lord Corlys Velaryon and Prince Daemon Targaryen. From 106 to 115 AC, the War for the Stepping Stones raged and the Triarchy suffered many casualties and defeats. But when the Dragon Dance began in Westeros, the Three Daughters were able to restore their power - only to fall apart again (this time for good) due to internal disputes. The reason for this was the murder of a Lysenian admiral by a rival in a dispute over the favor of the Black Swan, a famous courtesan. The rival alliance of the cities of Braavos, Pentos and Lorath also contributed to the destruction.

During the reign of King Daeron I Targaryen, Lys, along with Pentos, waged war against Braavos. Daeron's plan to marry his sister to the Sea Lord of Braavos caused the other Free Cities to actively support the rebels in Dorne.

They were probably mercenaries from Lys who Ser Jorah Mormont joined in 293 AC when he fought against the Braavosi on the Rhoyne.

The Lysenians tend to be tall and have fair skin, light eyes, and light hair, distinguishing them from most Free Cities residents. They are considered business-minded. They have white-blonde hair and smooth, light skin, because the blood of the Valyrian Free State is still strong in Lys and the city's nobles value nothing more than the purity of their blood. In the city, the Valyrian language is spoken, albeit with a city-specific language Accent. Even the kings and princes of House Targaryen occasionally turned to Lys to look for brides. This is how King Viserys II Targaryen's wife became Lady Larra Rogare from Lys. She came from the Rogare banking family, which was influential at the time. Larra's father, Lysandro, assumed the title of First Magister for Life after joining the Targaryens. But when Lysandro and his brother Drazenko, the Prince Consort of Dorne, died within just two days of each other, the family's power waned. Although Lysaro Rogare, Lysandro's son, tried to stop the decline, wasting huge amounts of money, he was ultimately scourged to death in the trading temple in Lys. His siblings escaped with their lives, including Moredo, who some time later even led an army against Lys.

There are several religions in Lys, but the Red Priests of R'hllor appear to be numerous. Many Lyseni also pray to a goddess of love, who is also depicted on their coins. Another common Lyseni goddess is the Weeping Woman. In addition to the Weeping Woman, Pantera, Bakkalon and Saagael are worshiped.

The city is governed by a council of magisters elected from the wealthiest men in the city.

Lys trades with King's Landing. Fine carpets are an export good. Lys is also known for its sweet and heavy perfumes as well as its sweet red and white wine. The city maintains a large merchant fleet and its traders sail all the seas of the world. The Lyseni's ships are strikingly brightly painted and their hulls are striped: black and yellow, pink and blue, green and white, violet and gold.

The city practices the slave trade and the slaves outnumber the free by a ratio of three to one. The Lyseni search tirelessly for young boys and beautiful girls for their famous pillow houses. They are also great slave breeders who cross the most beautiful slaves with each other and hope to produce ever more noble and lovely courtesans and bed slaves.

Lys is known for its whorehouses, where slaves are taught the art of love and then sold as concubines and bed slaves. Furthermore, there seems to be a goddess of love who is specifically worshiped in Lys.

The city is the namesake and perhaps also the producer of a rare and expensive poison, the so-called Tears of Lys. The Alchemists of Lys, along with the Maesters of the Citadel and the Faceless Men of Braavos, are the only ones who can create the poison crystals called The Strangler. The city's poisoners are also known for hiding their poisons in hollow finger rings. The name of the poison seems to refer to one of the Lysenian deities, namely the Weeping Woman. Since she cries for people who will soon die and, ironically, in some cases Lys' tears bring about this death prematurely.

Coins from Lys are oval and depict a naked woman on one side and ships, elephants or goats on the other.