

Alright I got two stores in my head which involves the uzumaki clan and game of thrones.

Book 1- The first one is this one I'm currently working on, where the Mc gets transported in asoiaf or game of thrones. I only read the first book and about 1/4 of the second book. He will be 7 when he gets transported. The year will be 291ac he'll have three chakra natures, fire, water, and earth. Red hair and ruby colour eyes.

book 2-The second book it's kind of the same but different, this one is we're two or three ships gets transported to Westeros. Landing in the rills or in salt spear on cape kraken 7500 or 10 000 years before the start of the series. See what will happen will they rise or will they fall. Also 4000 years before that andal invasion.

Winterfell wont be the tv version that's just ass. If you want to look at the winterfell I chose. Go to the youtube channel called 'shadiversity' the video is called 'the true winterfell according to the books, epic 3d model, tour and comparison' really like that winterfell better. If you have questions ask away