
Game of Thrones: This World is Mine to Discover.

Humm, i find myself in a predictment, i dont know where i am, and thats....curious, but in another unrelated note....IS THAT A 14 FEET TALL GORILA?! - - - - Disclaimer: I do not own any material or characters other than my own. If you are the artist of the cape and dont want me to use it please to contact me. Hey guys, hope you all doing well, this is gonna be my first novel, so be free to give me your suggestions and add this to your library, but no bad hate, or i will be sad ;). Anyway, hope you enjoy it Bye!

Touji_san · TV
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 17(Edited)

Heya! So, I just put the character's arts in the auxiliary chapter, so go check it out!

Just remember, if you want to imagine them differently, you can,

I just put it there to better help in the visualization.

That's all! Enjoy today's chapter!


...I underestimated the girls' passion for new clothes and accessories.

God, I think I rather fight the army of the dead than do this...

"My lord, which one do you think is prettier, the yellow one, or the green one?" Nass asked me for the tenth time, as she showed me two different feathered colors cloaks.

This girl... "Yellow one. Say, didn't we already go through this, because I sure remember you showing me this exact piece of cloth 1 hour ago" I sighed.

I should have put Qotto to do this for me, he seemed to get along with both of them...

She turned at me like I murdered her hamster, "What? Of course not. See right here," She pointed at the cloak's side, "This one has stripes sewn on the side. It's completely different from the previous one!" She huffed. Mei nodded her head in accordance.

She was by the side, helping Nass, and trying to find something 'Worthy' of me to use, as she said it...

My cheek twitched at the incredulous statement.

"Haa, whatever. Go on then, little birdy. Finish changing your feathers" I chuckled. Wait, since when did I become her parent?

...Fuck, not even lost my virginity yet, and already a parent.

Damm precocious society, "What a drag," I started looking at the clouds in the sky, all while seated in the middle of the clothes shop...

Luck them, just having to float around the world, not having to involve yourself with mundane things, "Wish I was a cloud" I sighed once more.

At this rate, I'll become an aged and tired middle-aged man, just like dear old Ned.

Like seriously, the guy was 35 when he died in the books, but he looked in his late forties...

I really should be thankful for not being born as a house head. Imagine all the shit I would have to deal with: starving peasants, shitty nobles, ass licking, schemes/plots('are the same thing'), and fighting other people's wars...

No, thank you. I'm happy being just your usual friendly traveler/adventurer.

Little did I know that I would regret these words, later on. For destiny is a bitch...

Snapping out of my thinking, I noticed was being dragged once again, "Let's go, my lord! Next is the jewelry accessories store, maybe we can find something manly for you" She stated, leaving no room for discussion.

Haa, alright, here we go again.


[Jalabhar Xho POV]

A strange crew was reported to have arrived in my vale.

Dothraki, Naathi, Lengii, and beasts only seem in Sothoryo's deep entrails...

But, the strangest and scariest of them all is without a doubt, the Nocturnal Wyvern.

This creature is the rarest creature that we ever recorded on that cursed continent.

Yet, here he was, in the back of an unknown ship...

I can't seem to make heads or tails of this. How can they all those races travel together in seemly harmony?

Something tells me that that young white man has something to do with this.

Not only is he the leader of this...group.

But he also has this aura that tells me not to be against him, in any circumstances...Is it perhaps, magic?

My people have documented their findings on it, all over the sunset sea, to the jade sea, and even beyond that...

But we don't practice it, for it is against our teachings.

But if it really is magic, then I'll have to personally see to it, should he use it against our lands...

"Invite them here, politely so," I commanded the guard that brought the unexpected news," From now on, they are to be treated as guests from my house. That's all, you may go" I waved at him, receiving a bow.

"Yes, my prince!" He replied, walking out of the hall.

If he is a sorcerer, then it's better to have a friendly relationship with his kind.

For when the time comes, he may help me gain support, should the next 'war' for power occur, that is...

"Let's see what kind of man you are Art Murlin" I wondered out loud, hoping for a diplomatic meeting.


[Qotto POV]

I never thought there was a place like this so far from Essos.

My childhood was spent alongside my father, but I never studied the knowledge about the various known places around this world...

My khal opened my eyes to this. Although, a bit forcefully if I may say...

No one can dispute his strength, for he is a true monster in battle.

Yet, he's gentle with the women and animals around him, only showing his intimidating face to those he trains with.

Not only that, but his sorcery is also something I initially thought to be horse shit...

But that way of thinking was broken when I saw the beasts that followed him. Especially the big one.

A Dothraki is raised to never fear a foe, but that is hard to accomplish when said foe is a towering monster that can break your body in one turn of his tail...

I didn't mind his changes either. For I wasn't taught in the ways of the Dothraki: raping, invading, taking all that he sees as his...

At first, the men weren't very happy with these commands but learned to follow them, nevertheless.

How could they not? I believe no one in these seas can defeat my khal. He is Unbeatable, after all.

A khal above all khals...

So here I was, inspecting a new land that I never could have imagined existed in the first place.

It is a very different place, the people here are much darker, and at the same time, much friendlier.

Especially the women.

Yes, those are VERY friendly. And curvy as well...

Thinking of what my khal had said to me and his other bloodriders, I began looking for a woman dressed in religious vestments, finding them in a temple, west of the port.

Why are the religious women here so carefree in their clothes, it makes it even harder not to look at it...

My throat dried at the sight, and I had to crush down the growing fire within my chest. "Greetings. My khal said I could use this gold to pay for 'special service', would you kindly point me in the right direction?" I asked the woman at the temple's entrance.

"Unm~ a foreign visitor, how rare~" A sensual voice that sent me at edge responded, inspecting me up and down with her deep hazel eyes, "No, not any foreign," raising her eyebrows a little.

In her naked feet, she silently walked in my direction, stopping only a touch ahead of me.

I could almost feel her breath on my neck, along with a sweet and alluring fragrance. "A Dothraki~ we never had one of your kind before..." She stated, gently grabbing my hand and pulling me deeper towards the temple, " Come, follow me, and I'll show you the wonders of our goddess teachings~" Her enticing hips robbed me of my whole perception.

I grinned, "Of course, lead the way" Sorry my khal, looks like I won't be able to return so soon...

But if you had my eternal loyalty before, now you have my undying gratitude as well.

These Islands are a paradise!


[Art Murlin POV]

*Sneeze!* Ha, Is someone talking about me? Eh, must be the locals.

We received a lot of stares while in the market, after all.

But I ignored those, especially the lustful ones I received from some women working at the shops...

I get it, I'm attractive, but no need to eat me with your eyes!

I think some of them even touched my butt at some point. This is harassment! I'm only 15, this is illegal!

Ah, who am I kidding? They don't care about that, I bet that with their religion of love and passion, the little boys are attacked even before they start to understand the difference between male from female.

Damm milfs! I'm so jealous!

"Huh?", I felt someone tapping my shoulder from behind, so I turned to see who it was, "Oh! We meet again Jholoh," I greeted the previous guard. He answered with a head bow.

"Indeed, Mr. Art. But, this time, I come to you, and your companions, as a messenger. The prince Jalabhar Xho's invitation to his abode. Could you please, follow me to meet him" He informed me, politely.

So, Jalabhar Xho huh. I guess he wasn't exiled yet...

Humm, well, why not? He wasn't my favorite character-considering he, repitedly, petitioned the crown to invade his peaciful lands, all because he lost a formal battle and was exiled-, but who knows if his motive was just?

And that's him in the future anyway. Right now, he's still prince...

"Of course, just wait for a second," I stopped him for a moment, turning my head towards the girls still shopping, "Girls! We're being invited to the price's house, so round it up, and let's go!" I informed them, receiving slightly sad nods from them.

Damm, how much do they want to look at? It's all the same!

Let's meet the prince already, that way I can go back to relaxing around, and seeing what this vale has to offer from the wildlife perspective