
Chapter 1 - The Rebellion Ends


???? VOID, Unknown Time


"Where Am I?" I woke up from my sleep and all I see around myself is darkness. My body feels heavy, and there are two bright bulbs that seem to be looking at me. I am terrified but oddly calm.

"This one is a strong one" I hear as another two bright bulb start shinning in my direction.

"He would make a good Prince that was promised" the first says with amusement in its voice.

"Wait what are you talking about?" I ask finally managing to get some words out.

"Well you know the drill, we send you to a different world with your memory intact and three wishes for you to full fill the journey of a Hero. In this case we are sending you to Westeros, a beautiful place with super intelligent people there." As the first one finishes saying it the other one laughs.

"Well for my first wish, I want Mera Mera No Mi from One Piece" I say with excitement.

"Denied" the bulbs respond.

I was flabbergasted. This is not something that happens in fanfics. Usually they have everything they want from Anime's power system. Here I am being denied arguably the coolest fruit in history of One Piece.

"We can break laws of physics of the world you are being sent to. No superpowers, your knowledge of events is good enough, we can give you complete knowledge of magic and whatnot but not reality breaking shit. Else we would have given you anti life equation." The second one finishes the explanation.

"Well then, for my first wish make me the twin of Jon Snow with purple eyes that are exactly like Rhaella Targaryen. For my second wish, I want all the know how for magic. For my third wish, I want to be able to communicate with ghosts of my ancestors and show them to others when we touch our fingertips" I finished in a single breath.

"Granted. Best of luck mortal"

I fell asleep.


Tower of Joy, 283 AC


I open my eyes to see a beautiful women. She is rocking both me and Jon. I can understand what she is saying which is a plus.



"Are they..?"

"Yes, they are Rhaegars. The man I MARRIED. How did Brandon do something this stupid? I left letters and why did father go to kingslanding and how did my letters not reach vale?" My mother is angry I can tell.

I try to move my eyes and I make eye contact with the man I assume is Ned Stark. He is stunned at what he just heard. He tries to form an answer but my mother just stops him.

"I am not gonna survive of that I am sure. I want you to Promise me Ned, Promise me you will protect them from your whoremonger usurping cunt of a friend, promise me Ned that they will know love of a family, promise me."

My mother says with tears.

"I promise Lyanna. I promise" Ned says with tears in eyes.

"I don't want to die"