
Game of Thrones: The Prophet (COMPLETED)

The God slept, the demons descended and the men lost faith. However, it is high time for the men to remember the true path as the Prophet descends to guide them. Watch him as he herds his flock to the promised lands. ********************* Except for MC and plot, nothing is mine, cover included.

YellowScarf · TV
Not enough ratings
76 Chs


285 AC, Tyrosh…

It was a normal day for Nakados Paenolis like always he was at their secret place with Ferina when the stupid Tychano was busy with business. Their relationship was going on for years but that man who thinks himself as the true ruler of Tyrosh was not even aware of his household affairs. At first, he himself pitied the man but after some time he saw the benefit of this relationship when Ferina was pregnant with his child.

His plan was simple; he was going to play the role of the best friend and supporter for Tychano while his own son was going to take over the city for him and that was closing with each move he was making. Tychano was going to die soon and then it was going to be him that shall rule the glorious Tyrosh. However, he was not aware of the men closing to his secret house. While he was still making love with Ferina, men with red beards and steel armours barged in.


Nakados raised his head and wondered which idiot barged into his house but the person he saw was not what he was expecting. Tychano was standing at the door with a sword in his hands and yelling. Ferina, lying beside him, was still naked but she was trying to cover herself with the blanket to no avail.

Tychano was expecting to see them like that but it was still a shock to him to see his own wife with his best friend and supporter in the conclave. His rage was burning through his vessels, his blood was boiling inside him. He was able to feel that his eyes were redder than the blood. All he wanted right now was tearing apart this house and killing this adulterous couple in the worst way possible but this would have been mercy for them. This would have been an insult to his identity as a Tyroshi. He was going to use the worst possible torture devices in the city on them.

Nakados looked at the man who was like the executioner waiting for him. He needed to save himself from this situation somehow so he did the only thing that came to his mind; denial.

"Tychano, my dear friend, it is not like what you see. This is a horrendous play to sow discord between us. You… You see, they drugged us... Yes, they drugged us…" Nakados was talking while stuttering.

Seeing him still trying to save his skin, Tychano was flown into a rage, "You fucking bastard, do you really think I would believe such a thing after all I have seen? I called you my friend for years and trusted you with my own family, my own blood. But what you did, ha?" He looked at the naked man in front of him like he was expecting an answer but still continued, "You betrayed me!! I gave you everything you have, it was I who made you rich, it was I who made you a magister and you still betrayed me just for a meagre amount of money and power."

Tychano looked at his adulterous wife who was trying to hide herself with the blanket, "And you? The woman I gave my heart, the woman I shared my bed, the woman I gave my oath… You slept with my friend, I can ignore that but trying to pass that spawn as my child… I cannot forgive that."

"Patternmaker and the Trios be my witness, you both shall never see daylight!!" yelled Tychano but seeing the horrified faces on the adulterous couple he smiled nefariously, "Indeed, I will not kill you. Your fate shall be decided by your own hands."

Nakados's face was already like a ghost as he knew the devices Tychano can access as the Archon of Tyrosh so he tried the last thing that he could do, "Tychano, you can't do this. I have friends in Conclave, they would never permit such a treatment on me!!"

Tychano looked at him with clear disdain, "Do you really think they can protect you? The old law is clear as a day, those who betray the oath of marriage shall be judged by the Archon." Tychano saw Nakados's face growing pale and said, "Ohhh, so you remembered the law you wanted to remove from the old laws. Now, I see why you wanted to do it. It was for saving your own skin."

Tychano looked at both of them and said, "Let me tell you what will happen from now on; first, both of your heads and face shall be shaved, then you will walk naked through the streets. Oh oh oh, it is after that the real fun starts… Both of you will be put into the sleepless cells then we will play many games with you…"

Tychano ordered his men to shave their heads. Though Nakados tried to resist by using the knife on the nightstand, he was never an able warrior so he was disarmed in seconds. Meanwhile, Ferina started to cry in her own shame but still, all of her hair was gone and they were even shaving his brows.

While Ferina was crying, Tychano was looking at her with a disdainful face, "Pray woman, at least your beard is also gone. Even the bearded priests were not as thick as yours."

Ferina started to cry even harder but it was no avail because she was still dragged naked through the doors. There was already a crowd outside of the door waiting to see what was the reason for all that hues and cries. When they saw the rumoured arrogant wife of the Archon of the city coming out with a shaved head, they were all dumbstruck. This woman was the one who lorded over them all their lives but now, she was standing in front of them naked with a shaved head.

One of the guards pushed the woman and Ferina lost her footing and fell to the ground. Two of the red-bearded guards came over and grabbed her from her arms. After that, Nakados Paenolis, one of the magisters of the city was also dragged out naked then it became obvious for the crowd what was happening.

The next moment, the Archon of Tyrosh came out of the house and looked at the crowd which was gathered in front of the house.

"People of Tyrosh, these two scum broke a sacred oath," Tychano pointed to the adulterous couple and continued, "These two vile scum broke the oath of marriage. Our old law states that the Archon of Tyrosh shall judge them before its people. I, Tychano Ormel, Archon of Tyrosh hereby judge these vile people as guilty. They shall do a walk of shame to the grand palace of Archon and then they shall be executed for their vile crimes."

One of the beggar children from the crowd picked a small rock from the ground. He threw the rock towards the vile couple while yelling, "Whores!!!"

Breaking the oath of marriage was not something to be exaggerated this much but the adulterous couple was the wife of current Archon and his best friend. This was not something you can see in everyday life so from young to old everyone started to insult and throw rocks at them.

However, a big voice stopped these insults, "Enough!!"

Tychano turned his head to look who was obstructing his justice and saw the man who told him the truth about his wife.

Gerold was walking towards the street and he was just behind the crowd so when they heard him and turned their head to see him, most of them immediately opened the way for him. Though there were also heathens in the crowd, they followed the suit thinking it was some influential rich merchant.

Gerold looked at the scene with stern eyes and beckoned with his hand. Four of the holy guards went forward with two blankets in their hands and covered the naked couple. Red bearded guards tried to stop them but their strength was not enough for the holy guards.

"I say enough, you already shamed them enough Archon Tychano. The evil in your heart has been sated and there is no need to continue this barbaric practice," said Gerold. To Gerold, shaving their heads and brows was already a mark of their sins so there wasn't a need to make a show.

"You have my respect for what you showed me Prophet but this is my city!" Tychano pointed to himself and yelled, "Mine… I rule this city! I am the law here! Coming to my city, calling me to your feet was enough and now you want to stop my justice! I already gave you my word to help you but it is me who rules this city, not you!"

Gerold looked at him with a blank face and thought 'The nerve of this man to go against me…' Half of the city was already in his hands through his believers. From beggars to the magisters there people who believed in his God and this man was insulting him by going against him. At first, he thought of using him to achieve his goals in this city but Tychano was trouble-in-waiting. He was like a ticking bomb, each second readying himself for the inevitable doom.

At that moment, Gerold decided this man was going to be an obstacle to his campaign in Tyrosh so he was needed to be removed.

Tychano looked at the so-called Prophet and said, "You have until morning to leave my city or else there shall be none left to worship your gods in this city and you shall face the justice of Archon of Tyrosh!"

Tychano motioned towards his re-bearded guards to take over the custody of criminals. However, the holy guards did not back down.

Gerold looked at the Archon with cold eyes for a while then said, "Leave them, after all, this is the city of the beloved Archon. It would be not our place to overrun his judgement..."

Tychano was shocked at his reaction. Actually, he was expecting him to resist so he can use his own forces in the city, alas that did not happen. Nevertheless, he smirked to the Prophet while the red-bearded guards took the criminals.

The next moment, the Prophet turned around and went towards his temple while the walk of shame took place in the streets of Tyrosh.

I know it has been a long time since I last updated and I am sorry for this long hiatus but I am back again!!

The updates will be weekly!!

YellowScarfcreators' thoughts