
1 Chapter

In a cave scorching hot from the lava flowing though crackes in the ground lay a nest. The nest was large too large for it to be for any animal of normal size. In the nest were two eggs one red the other a dark almost black shade of blue. The eggs radiated heat, the heat pulsated through out the cave. The red egg started shaking and cracking with the blue egg doing the same shortly after. You could hear the voices of people speaking with expectation. Surprisingly the egg that opened first was not the egg that first shook but the egg that was blue. From it came a small creature no bigger than a common cat. The creature had a slender neck. A long tail and two wings that looked like the wings of a bat. The he main difference between a bat and this creature was that the creature moving around now looked as if it was covered with scales made from metal. Its head and its spine were covered with spikes.

It slowly crawled from the egg, a silence to its movement. Where am I, the last thing I can remember is a darkness that seemed to never end. This looks like a cave of sorts but this ominous lighting that paints the walls of it is a bit weirder. Suddenly I hear cracking, my head turns and where my eyes land I see an egg that has a big crack on it. The crack widened by the moment. The crack got so big that I was able to see something inside the egg. Witch on second thought is pretty obvious that something would be inside. The thing that came out was a dragon of sorts well at the leas I think. I looked around and finally noticed my tail. At that moment I released the reality of the situation. I was born as a dragon and the thig crawling out of the egg was my sibling of sorts. But it was weird I didn't feel any kinship with that animal. But maybe that's a result of me being reborn or maybe that sort of thing doesn't come pre-installed in a dragon's brain.

I'll have to install the drivers for that manually. The dragon came out and looked at me at that moment it was as if our minds were linked and we could communicate. I'm hungry, I understood from him. Although I was thinking the same thing the blatant and plane way he said it was still shocking. I nodded my head slightly and started to crawl from the nest. We headed to the exit of the cave me in front and my sibling in tow. When we reached the entrance there were people and they were gazing at us with reverence. To our pleasure they had a lot of food. One human tried to pat mi as I swallowed a particularly big chunk of meat. But eating it this way seemed as a bit of a waste. So on instinct I pushed fire from my mouth.

(Dragon keeper POV)

Today was a day that showed us what the meaning of being a dragon keeper was. The oldest dragon in the care of the great house Targaryen laid two eggs earlier this month and now the eggs are hatching. We hope that these dragons will be the future for our house, we wish for the dragons to grow into a formidable dragons capable of going toe to toe with some of the biggest dragons in the free hold. As wee watch from the entrance of the cave were the eggs were hatching one of the dragons crawled out and after that the other we stare with adulation. The colors of the dragons were apposing one being blue and the other red . They came simultaneously crawling eagerly to feed their hunger. We quickly give them food and the eagerly eat it and then it happened. One of our new recruits tried to pat the blue dragon. Clearly the dragon did not approve and almost in one motion dodged and bite down on the hand of the lad. Thankfully he let go right away and thus he did not sustain any serious injury. Something that is worth noting is that the blue dragon almost immediately started cooking his food with his fire but there is the thing that is interesting his fire was also blue. Oh how I want to know what name they will receive.

Please comment a name for the dragon I have one in mind but I would like your suggestion.