
Game of Thrones: The Dragonborn.

Jon Snow is a Dragonborn after 2 millennia without another appearing, an identity that is neither on the light side nor the dark side, only caring about his own goals before wanting to be good or evil. Some may label him a demon while others a hero, but Jon Snow lives his life as he wants and tries not to have regrets. But even such a powerful being, after years of accumulating power, had a fragile moment at some point. He had a difficult childhood when he lived in Westeros; his uncle hated him for reasons unknown to him, while he was belittled for being a bastard in Winterfell by his uncle's wife. His half-siblings hated him under the influence of his mother. However, at some point, unknown entities took them out of this world suddenly and threw them into Skyrim when he was 8 years old. 12 years later, having experienced everything possible not only in Skyrim but throughout Tamriel, earning titles such as: Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, leader of the Companions, sword of Dawnguard, Archmage, Legalist, regent king of Skyrim, among many others he received inside and outside Skyrim. Now, at 20 years old, he was no longer that scared boy. Jon Snow was summoned by the same entities that brought him to this world back to his old original world, revealed the truth behind his birth. How could the Dragonborn stay silent after hearing this? He wanted revenge and to bring peace to the ghosts who had been wronged for a long time. So, he returns to the North of Westeros, but is the continent prepared for the Dragonborn seeking revenge? The time has passed 12 years in Skyrim and 8 Years in Westeros.

RaccoonLeague · Book&Literature
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Chapter 10 - Ilyana.

[Chapter Size: 2053 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



Jon delved deeper into the culture of the Free Folk, seeking to understand not only their warrior skills and traditions but also the more subtle and everyday aspects that shaped life beyond the Wall.

During the day, he participated in tribal meetings, where he listened to ancestral stories told by the elders. Seated around crackling campfires, Jon absorbed legends that spoke of the tribe's ancient enemies, hunting traditions, and the nuances of the ancient language that Val was so dedicated to teaching.

In the quieter hours when he wasn't training the art of combat for his young students or learning the ancient language with Val, Jon found himself immersed in daily activities, from food preparation to crafting characteristic clothing of the Free Folk. He learned about the importance of community and cooperation, fundamental values that permeated life in the tribe.

As night fell, Jon gathered with tribe members around campfires, where everyone shared songs and tales celebrating their victories in historical struggles.

This immersion in the Free Folk's culture not only enriched Jon's understanding of his companions but also strengthened his position within the tribe. He was being recognized, always understanding and respecting the traditions that shaped the identity of the Free Folk. Thus, Jon Snow became not only a skilled warrior but also a respected member of the community beyond the Wall.

He might be a member who probably wouldn't stay there much longer, but still, he made a point to learn from them and teach everything he could.

Jon was going through one of his routines on this day beyond the Wall, advancing with the calm and routine cadence of everyday activities. Jon Snow, with a serious expression, dedicated himself to chopping wood, his robust silhouette moving with strength and precision with each stroke of the bronze axe. The regular sound of metal against wood echoed in the clearing, creating a rhythmic symphony that blended with the murmur of nature around.

After finishing the task of chopping wood, Jon meticulously organized the pieces, his eyes observing the result of the work that, though efficient, didn't make him break a sweat but was effective for heating some campfires when he returned.

After fulfilling his duties, Jon actively participated in the tribe's activities. He assisted in building tents, shared responsibilities in food preparation, and interacted with members of Karsi's tribe. His presence, though reserved, conveyed a sense of commitment to the tribe's well-being while he was there, learning a lot from these people.

It was during this moment of constant activity that Val appeared, bringing with her an imposing figure: Ilyana, an experienced warg. Val approached Jon with a smile, introducing the warg and the mission she brought with her.

"Jon, you're here. I've found someone to help you," Val said. She was still very surprised by what Jon did yesterday—holding a bird in mid-air without touching it, using some kind of magic to grasp it. That scene was etched in her mind all the time. Still, she helped Jon find a warg who could teach him; her sister recommended the forest witch from their own tribe, so Val went to fetch Jon.

"That's good; I don't have anything else here. Let's go," Jon smiled and asked Val to lead the way. Leaving Karsi's tribe area, Jon and Val entered the heart of the camp, with Jon always drawing attention, as by now, he was quite famous here, even though he hadn't fought giants like on the first day. They arrived at a cabin surrounded by many trees, a sacred place with a heart tree that the Free Folk used for prayer. Upon entering, Jon saw a woman surrounded by several other women from the tribes, helping her settle in.

"They take religious priests seriously even in this part of the world," Jon thought, observing the scene. "Val, I see you found a man. Not bad at all," the woman said, flashing a smile with some missing teeth.

"Ilyana, it's not like that. This man is helping me in combat, and I'm helping him with the ancient language," Val spoke, somewhat embarrassed.

"Nonsense! I see a woman looking at your man. Has he stolen her heart?" She laughed at that. Val didn't respond, and Ilyana turned her attention back to Jon next to Val. Jon didn't seem bothered by the old woman's teasing; he didn't seem to care, just studying the woman in front of him.

Seeing this, Val quickly introduced us. "Snow, this is Ilyana. She's a woman with more than 12 winters, respected and known throughout the camp. She is the spiritual guide for many who seek the old gods."

"I am, along with a bunch of other old ladies. Don't forget, I'm not the only forest witch in this camp, little Val," she said, laughing. 'And an old woman with a bold personality,' Jon thought, looking at the laughing lady.

"Well, this is Jon, a newcomer from the decimated tribes of the West. A warrior better than anyone in this camp," Val spoke confidently.

"Too handsome to be from this side of the Wall... My girls are all blushing here. Val, you better grab this man quickly; we'll have a war of single women soon," she said sarcastically. "Anyway, you seem to be more than that, Snow. What's your full name?" She asked.

"Jon Snow."

"I don't know the meaning of that name, but clearly, it's not from north of the Wall..." She spoke in a dangerous tone, creating a tense atmosphere in the tent. Jon remained calm but raised an eyebrow.

"Bfffur! Hahahahahahaha! No need to be so tense; I see a free man in you," she laughed after the silence, breaking it with those words. "Val, you should have seen your tense face." She chuckled, teasing the blonde.

Val sighed, unsurprised; she had already gotten used to the jokes of this forest witch. "Come here, lad, I want to see you up close. I've heard you're a warg, a powerful one," she said, calling Jon over. Jon nodded and walked over, finishing his analysis of this lady.

Ilyana was an elderly warg and forest witch. Her gray hair cascaded down to her shoulders, marking the years of experience and wisdom she had accumulated, with some missing teeth. Jon couldn't help but emphasize her incredible sense of humor; she seemed like a lady who enjoyed teasing people. She also analyzed him as an exotic animal, difficult to comprehend, and spoke with genuine surprise, dropping the playful tone.

"Jon Snow, a newcomer but also a remarkable warrior among us. Val has spoken highly of you and your skills, but everyone in this place has heard of you. They say you have the spirit of a wolf within you, but I can see even deeper things," she said with a playful laugh.

Jon smiled, the corners of his lips lifting in a friendly manner. As he approached, he nodded in greeting, impressed by Ilyana's presence, reminiscent of priests of the Nine Divines in Skyrim.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ilyana. Val has been a dedicated teacher in the ancient language, and now I look forward to learning more about the traditions and the path of wargs if you're willing to teach me," expressed Jon, his voice laden with respect and genuine interest.

Ilyana's deep and penetrating eyes studied Jon for a moment, as if reading something beyond the words he had spoken. She then spoke with a mixture of wisdom and fascination, abandoning her usual teasing: "I see a young man with the soul of a wolf and an even more powerful and unknown creature. There is a strong connection between you and the wild spirits that dwell beyond the Wall and those that burn with fire in a land tamed by volcanoes!" Ilyana's expression was one of admiration, as if contemplating something extraordinary and rare.

Beside them, Val and the other girls couldn't help but feel a twinge of intrigue as they listened to the conversation. She remained silent, observing Jon and Ilyana, aware that something significant was unfolding before them, something that went beyond lessons in the ancient language and the dragonborn's abilities.

Jon, though not fully understanding all the implications of her words, felt a certain respect for Ilyana's presence. It was as if she could read something within him that went beyond common knowledge; still, he couldn't say she was wrong.

"If you're willing, Jon Snow, I can guide you along the path of the wargs, exploring the abilities that may manifest in you," offered Ilyana, her expression serious but full of respect for the journey Jon was about to undertake.

"That would be good. I haven't ventured down this path alone because I don't know the limits of this field. It would be helpful to have a conversation with someone experienced," Jon expressed his thoughts with a brief smile.

Val, realizing that the conversation between Jon and Ilyana would be of a more intimate nature, decided to withdraw. "I'll leave you to talk; my sister must need me," she said before stepping away, respecting the privacy of the two.

As soon as she bid farewell, Ilyana returned to the girls still inside the tent.

"You all stay here; I'm going to the heart tree with this young man, and I won't need help with such a strong man," she said, opening a smile. Thus, Jon and Ilyana made their way to the heart tree outside the tent, a place that seemed fitting for sharing experiences and knowledge at this moment, as the lady had enough authority to dismiss everyone present in a unique way. Beneath the tree, the atmosphere became calmer, with Jon sitting in front of the forest witch as she looked at him and listened to his thoughts about Warg abilities.

"So, you already dream of being a white wolf pup? That's interesting," commented Ilyana, revealing a small smile as she observed Jon. Jon, in turn, shared his own concern: "But I also feel like he's far, out of my reach; I believe he's south of the Wall..." Ilyana pondered Jon's words before responding, "I understand... It seems like this animal was born to make a connection with you, and it's terrible for such an animal to be so far from its master; it leaves them incomplete. Do you feel his loneliness?" She questioned, seeking to understand the complexity of this unique connection between Jon and the wolf in his dreams.

"Yes, I feel a lot of loneliness when I'm in him; it's kind of disturbing," Jon admitted, revealing the depth of his experiences and feelings regarding this mysterious connection. "Hehehe. It's like that; you have to be with that animal as soon as possible. If you say he's a pup, it's the highest connection. For now, since you're away from him, you should try connecting with another; find an animal in the forest and take it as yours, preferably a pup, and spend as much time with it to build that bond; your abilities will start manifesting from there," advised Ilyana, sharing her wisdom on the bond between wargs and their masters. Jon nodded, absorbing the instructions.

Later, as the day was coming to an end, while they talked and Ilyana teased here and there, some of those women led the woman back to her tent, and Jon left. But instead of going to his tent with Lucis, he decided to look for an animal in the nearby forest. It didn't take long for him to find a nest with a crow's chick. Although it was reckless to take a wild animal, Jon was determined to care for it as a son. Following Ilyana's advice, he took one of the chicks from the nest and went to his tent in Karsi's camp. Lucis, who was preparing some things, came across Jon bringing the chick in his hand.

"What's this, Jon?" She immediately saw the animal and frowned.

"Our first child, take good care of him, alright?" Jon smiled, caressing the small animal.

"What nonsense is this now!" She huffed. Jon just smiled, enjoying teasing the blue-eyed girl who nominally is his wife here.


Author's note:

* Help me to reach 10 reviews!

* Thank you in advance, I hope you have a good read.