
The Lady and The Bastard (MayorHaggar)

Ned Stark was normally a stoic, serious man, but his cheeks were flushed as the giggling ladies stripped him naked and shoved him into his bedchamber in Riverrun. Even a man like Eddard couldn't help having his heart race while going through the bedding ceremony.

The true cause of his excitement was not in being stripped by the other maidens, but in knowing what awaited him on the other side of this door. His beautiful bride had been stripped nude during the bedding as well; the men had been all too happy to do their part in getting her prepared for that. Ned hadn't gotten a good look at her out there with the large number of bodies surrounding them both, but he obviously knew she was beautiful, and there had been plenty of whistles and admiring remarks from the men as they stripped her before depositing her in the quarters that the new husband and wife would share.

Eddard saw Catelyn already in the room and waiting for him, and as he got his first good look at his wife he pondered the strange twists life took. Catelyn Tully had not been intended for him; the betrothal agreement between House Stark and House Tully had been meant for Catelyn and his older brother Brandon. It should have been Brandon in this room with her, taking her as his wife just as he would eventually have taken over for their father as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

But things had not worked out that way. Rhaegar Targaryen and his sister Lyanna had started a chain of events that led Ned to stand here in his dead brother's stead, do his duty and honor the agreement their houses had made.

It would not be a difficult duty. Catelyn Tully, now Catelyn Stark, was even more beautiful with the fancy dresses and gowns removed and standing in naught but her skin. She was a gorgeous woman; no matter where he looked, what he found pleased him. The first thing he'd noticed about her when he met her was how beautiful her face was, and it was no less beautiful now. But there was so much more to admire about her now that she was bared in front of him. Her breasts were round and very large, and she had wide hips, a thin waist and long, shapely legs.

With the way she was standing he could also easily look between her legs and see her sex. Ned had never seen this much of a woman before, particularly not from this close, but he found her to be lovely here as well. Wherever his eyes went, they continued to confirm that Catelyn was a stunningly beautiful woman.

"Should we get started now?" Catelyn asked. Ned was about to nod; it was what was expected of them, after all. But there was something in her voice as well as on her face that held him back. Ned was by no means experienced with women, but he believed she was trying to put on a brave face despite obvious nervousness.

"Are you frightened?" he asked as gently as he could. He knew this had not been what she'd pictured. It was Brandon she should have married, and she'd gotten him instead. The least that Ned could do was accommodate her as much as he could.

"Thank you, husband, but I am well," Catelyn said. "I am ready to do my duty."

Eddard was not surprised to see her insisting that she was ready to do her duty. After all, Family, Duty, Honor were the Tully words, and she'd been raised her whole life to be a Tully. But no matter how hard she tried, Ned could still hear the slight tremble in her voice, just as he could see her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

"I know we don't know each other well yet, but I would like our marriage to be based on honesty," he said, still keeping his voice even and taking care not to sound like he was demanding anything from her or was upset with her in any way. "There is nothing wrong with being nervous about what we're expected to do next. If you're feeling any hesitance over it, I'd like for you to share them with me. I think it would be a first step towards us building the trust necessary for us to share if we're going to be man and wife and Lord and Lady of Winterfell."

For a moment he thought she was going to continue to insist that nothing was wrong, but at last she sighed and stopped pretending. "Yes, I admit it," she said. "I am frightened about having sex for the first time. I know it is expected of me, and I am sure you will do all you can to make it as painless for me as possible. But the fear remains." Her eyes drifted down to his groin, and his cock which was fully aroused, because how could it not be when he had such a beautiful woman naked in front of him?

"And you are not a small man, to say the least," she added with a blush. "Though I remain untouched, I know enough to know that you are larger than most. I'm sure that is something I'll be thankful for soon enough, but for this first time it does add to my unease."

Ned nodded, pleased that she'd trusted him enough to take him at his word and share her fears with him. It was the beginning of what he truly hoped would be a marriage built on trust and mutual respect. It also compelled him to break away of what was expected of him on this night.

"If it will make you more comfortable, I will be more than happy to wait until you're ready," he said. "We don't have to do this tonight." As attractive as she was and as badly as he wanted to bed his wife, he truly did not want to do so until she was ready for him, no matter what was expected of them.

She shook her head immediately. "It is my duty to give you an heir," she said, "and it is your duty to claim my maidenhead. I will get over my fears."

"There will be time for us to create heirs after I return from the south, Cat," he said. Her eyes widened slightly as he tried out the term of endearment for the first time. He didn't know about her, but it felt good to him. "Besides, should our rebellion fail, it may well be in the best interests of House Tully that our marriage remain unconsummated." It wasn't a pleasant thought, but Ned was pragmatic. He would fight at Robert's side to the end, but defeat and death remained a very real possibility.

Catelyn sighed and smiled at him. "You are an honorable man, Eddard Stark," she said. "How many others in your position would have claimed their conjugal rights regardless of my fears?" Ned said nothing, but he knew she was right. Few men would have done what he just had. His brother Brandon certainly would not have been among them.

She gave him a peck on the cheek and then turned around to climb into the bed and crawl under the sheets. He got a good view of her large, shapely arse as she did so, and he could imagine his brother laughing at him and calling him a fool for refusing his chance to claim this beautiful woman here and now. But there would be time for that later, or so he hoped.

He followed her into the bed, feeling content with the decision he'd made. As badly as he'd wanted to have sex with her, a part of him was actually somewhat excited by the idea that his wife would remain a virgin for now. Something about her remaining virginal added to her beauty, at least in his eyes. And knowing that she would be waiting for him back in Winterfell, waiting for him to return and claim her maidenhead, would give him even more reason to fight hard in the battles to come. That night when he returned would be a memorable one, he was sure.

He just needed to get through this war in one piece first.


maidenhead and become the first and only man to ever enjoy her body, and she would never have offered her arse to him.

Jon had never had a mother figure in his life. He didn't know who his actual mother was, his father having refused to discuss it any time he worked up the courage to ask him about her. And Lady Catelyn had never displayed the slightest motherly affection towards him. Once that had bothered him, but never again. He was able to enjoy all of this only because Catelyn Stark had never been a mother to him. If the frosty relationship they'd shared until now was what had been necessary for a present and a future where he would be able to fuck her, plant his seed inside of her and enjoy her body all to himself, all of the years he'd spent as the Bastard of Winterfell had been more than worth it.

He would never be the lord of this castle, despite it having just been offered to him. But he would be able to fuck the lady of the castle and repay his father for taking care of him by satisfying the woman he adored and giving her the children she'd always wanted, and at the same time doing his part to make sure that there would always be a Stark in Winterfell.

If this was going to be Jon Snow's duty to the realm, he would carry that duty out happily.

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