
Game of Thrones:Reborn as a Fish

Youngest son of Hoster Tully,soon to be one of the greatest adventurers and explorer of new lands.

Demon_Bat · TV
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Edmund Tully

Life as a Tully was both easy and hard.Sure I had servants and food and always had a nice place to sleep,but being a guy from our modern era lets just say taking a shit or a bath was pretty hard,I would love to be like those mc who always knew hot to contructs things,make wine and lots of money but sadly i was barely 16 when I died and never really learned anything of the sort.Me being the youngest fish also was both easy and hard,I didnt have the responsabilities of the heir like my brother Edmure but somehow I needed to make myself useful for our house beside marying whoever my father chose.Since I could walk on my own I went to the practice yard to watch our house guards and even my uncle Bryden the Black Fish fighting or hitting dummies with swords and arrows.I was fascinated,I have seen both weapons in my previous life,but never used their real variant,I had a toy bow with whom I considered myself pretty good,but If I was goog then most of these man would have been masters,wich they are not.I loved seeing these men fight and knew I also needed to be a fighter.I don't know if I will rest well if I end my second life without being as good as Ser Arthur Dayne,the sword of the morning.But could I really do it?In all of the great houses house Tully from what I remember only had my uncle and father as great fighter but I will find a way,since seeing myself now with my blood red hair and sky blue eyes but still a kid face and a bigger than average kid body I knew I had some sort of chance.

While I was lost in my daydreaming my elder brother,who was 10 by now,called me"As always watching our great knights train to perfection eh Edmund?Sorry to say it but father said you have lessons with Master Lobby starting today,too bad you wont watch your brother best everyone here,now go maester is waiting."Eh,too bad I cant see Edmure getting his ass kicked today,he was pretty arogant but thats expected for Riverrun heir,he was also pretty stupid sometimes but I still liked him,FAMILY,DUTy,HONOR as our house words say.What kind of fish would have I been if I didnt love my family.Anyways didnt expect to start lesson with Maester Lobby today,father didnt mention nothing,wonder wheter Lysa would be with me or not.When I arrived at the maester tower I could see Lysa didnt come,hmm weird,but anyway maester Lobby was talking to the crows when I came so he stopped and offered me a seat.Yeah he was pretty weird,he finished the citated with a chain for magic and valyrian magic,I asked him once if he understood the crows,thinking he is a warg or something,but said he simply liked to do it.Even if he was weird he was a really good maester knowing even the smallest noble and knight houses and even lots of knights for these houses.He also knew WESTEROS and ESSOS geography by hand until Quarth and even some history,I m inclined to belive he may belive he is better than Pycele but that may be a bit of a strech since Lobby and Pycele studied at the same time but a diffrent one become Grand Maester.Anyway he started teaching me our house words and some of our vassal houses words and was impressed that I could remember most of them.For a kid of 5 it was impressive,but for a guy who was once 16 was average.Memory was never my strong point,you could tell me something and I would forget it the next day,and sometimes I even rembered what I did 5 years ago.It s pretty hard to remember even things from the books,but I was a little scared to write it down.BloodRaven could be watching me every second so I won t risk until Im east of Quarth if I will remember by then.I know the important stuff that Robert Rebbelion will start because Rhaegar mad proephecy and Lyann foolishnes,I know Jon is a Targaryen,that Daenerys will have dragons,that Joffrey is a bastard and I know of Walder Frey,Roose Bolton and The Red Wedding and also of the Wakers so I already know the plot even if I never knew the exact dates.

After the day i had my first lesson I continued taking lessons everyday ,even taking some fighting lessons,until I was 6,thats when father came to me and told me I was to be fostered by the Blackwoods.