
Game of Thrones: Prince of the North

A man from our Earth ends up in a peculiar situation. He is reborn, as the older brother of Torrhen Stark and Crown Prince of the North. He rebuilds the North as a mighty Kingdom, rich in wealth and power. When Aegon Targaryen lands on the shores of Westeros, he will not be ready to face the might of the North. (No harem, if you prefer it I don't recommend this story) (Upload schedule of 2-3 times a week)

Man_0f_Culture · TV
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The meeting

(Will be writing in the third person from now on)

"I trust I can have your support on this endeavor of mine my lords?" Aden had just finished informing the lords of the North of some of the many plans that he wanted to start as he is now seen as a man. These range from building canals for more trade to increasing the strength of the army.

Unfortunately, while so many of the lords agreed with his plan, one was rather reluctant to agree, this was Lord Bolton.

Lord Bolton had long disliked the prince, he had completely ruined his plans for the North. Harrin planned to kill Aden's father, Brandon Stark, and install himself as the regent. As regent, he would be able to arrange a marriage between the prince and his eldest daughter, Morgana. As Morgana is older than the prince and more experienced, she could manipulate him using her beauty, and the power of his family would surge.

This plan had to quickly be retracted, however. The Bolton had no clue how, but the prince was not only a genius never before seen, but always for some reason was wary of him. It was almost as if a child could realize his plans when even his father had no clue. Not only that, but the King had also begun to be wary of Harrin. The Bolton knew it had to be the prince who told him.

With his plans already ruined, the prince had to make it worse by increasing his prestige. Harrin has to curse his luck as somehow the prince had increased the yield of crops across the North by 50%.

Now the prince came of age, as a result of this Harrin can no longer be regent even if Brandon Stark were to pass away. This time, he will not allow the prince the ability to further stabilize his future reign, he was sure that against a young boy, he would most definitely come on top in a battle of wits and words.

"Prince Stark, I can't help but have certain...doubts about your plans. You may be a man in the eyes of the gods and men, but you are still rather young. Perhaps you can delay these plans? I-"

"I understand your point, Lord Bolton, I may be young, I may have no experience when it comes to ruling over a kingdom, but I am not asking for much from you Lord Bolton. These plans of mine will almost all be coming out of my and my family's own pockets, the only thing I need from you is permission to establish a canal on your lands to increase trade with Essos. If my plans do unfortunately fail, in what way would it hurt you or your family?"

Aden had long since guessed that the Bolton would speak out against him in this meeting. He may look young, but he still has the mind of a 25-year-old and was most certainly not stupid. Lord Bolton had opposed him many times before, although never openly and publicly as he did now. In fact, Aden didn't technically need the permission of the lords to do what he plans to do. He is the prince, and as long as he has the permission of his father, he could build canals anywhere in the North.

The main reason Aden spoke to every single lord of the North today was that he wanted Lord Bolton to speak out against him now. It would give him a chance to hurt Lord Bolton's image among the Lords of the North.

Harrin had unknowingly walked into the prince's trap, but he didn't know it yet. Raging at the prince's disrespectful interruption, he wasn't thinking clearly. Although he didn't show it, Harrin definitely wanted nothing more than to flay Aden, and enjoy his screams. He still believed he could outsmart Aden, however, and pushed back his rage and calmly responded to Aden.

"I don't worry for my family but the North itself my prince. I understand well, the impulses of youth, I wanted to explore Essos when I was a child. Perhaps this is just-"

"Lord Bolton, are you stating that my plans to help the North are nothing but the impulses of youth? Have you no shame? Was it an impulse of youth when I lowered starvation across the realm by 80%?"

"Apologies my prince, I didn't mean it like that I only-"

"Only what Lord Bolton? Do you not want this kingdom to prosper? For thousands of years, we were seen as the weakest of the seven kingdoms. I am simply working to change that." Aden won't let the Bolton escape that easily, Harrin had walked right into his trap, and he fully intended to take advantage of it.

"The prince is right, Bolton, especially since you sadistic fuckers worry about nothing except yourself." Lord Ethan Umber stated his own opinion into the conversation, and the eyes of the lords had quickly had gone to him.

Lord Umber hated Lord Bolton with a passion. 2 years ago, an extremely large wildling host of 4000 attacked Umber lands and even captured Ethan's mother. As they were nearby the Bolton's keep, he requested they help him save his mother, and they refused, making an excuse that they had no soldiers to spare.

(A/N: This event never happened in the books nor has it been hinted to but I added it.)

Although Ethan had been able to slaughter the fuckers who took his mother and save her, he always held a grudge against the Boltons since then.

"Lord Umber, our families have no animosity, for what reason do you need to call us by such a derogatory term?"

"Because it's true that's why. When I asked you for help to save my mother from fucking Wildlings you refused, and I almost lost my mother because of that. I-"

"That is because we had no troops to spare as they were on-"

"Bullshit! You fuckers just didn't give a shit about my mother!"

"Your mother is fine Lord Umber, and-"

"Yeah, no thanks to you! I had to ride there for 4 days without rest! I lost 200 men in that battle and if you simply helped it wouldn't have been so bloody! You simply had to-"

"What about our own men Umber!?" Harrin at this point was no longer able to contain his rage and exploded at the Umber.

"I offered you compensation for any who died from your side! 10 golden wolves for each person, alongside 2,000 for your help! Was that too little for your tastes you twisted bastard!?"

"I agree with the Umber here Bolton." Lord Mormont joined in and it seemed to set off a chain reaction among the lords. Within a minute, every single lord had found their way into the argument. It got so bad that you couldn't even hear what a single one was saying.



(A/N: Going to be the last chapter until Sunday. I have an AP exam on Monday and I wanted to spend Saturday studying. I will probably update my other fanfiction on Friday so until Sunday then.)

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