
Game of Thrones: Prince of the North

A man from our Earth ends up in a peculiar situation. He is reborn, as the older brother of Torrhen Stark and Crown Prince of the North. He rebuilds the North as a mighty Kingdom, rich in wealth and power. When Aegon Targaryen lands on the shores of Westeros, he will not be ready to face the might of the North. (No harem, if you prefer it I don't recommend this story) (Upload schedule of 2-3 times a week)

Man_0f_Culture · TV
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Growing up

6th Moon, 24 BC

Rebirth is something I never expected to happen to me or anyone for that matter. I grew up in a religious family, so I was a firm catholic for most of my life. As far as I thought, heaven came for me when I passed. So when I died at 25, I was at peace. I waited to wake up in the warm embrace of eternal life. However, something instead had happened.

Waking up in a crib surrounded by gigantic people whom I had never met was not what I envisioned to happen after my passing. At first, I expected it to be a dream, that was until of course, I was forced onto a women's breast, and began unconsciously sucking. I could taste the milk, and as far as I knew dreams don't have a taste.

I didn't know what to think, was this heaven? The answer to that question, I have realized over the years is no. As I was growing up, I quickly realized just where I had ended up. Game of thrones.

I watched the TV series and read the books so I knew what kind of screwed-up world I ended up in. My modern mentality would cause me nothing but death here. I am sure that as I am writing this, thousands are being raped, enslaved, tortured. This isn't the Earth I lived in before, my previous way of thinking would be seen as a weakness here.

Growing up, I absorbed as much knowledge as I could, I also trained myself physically and took to learning the sword at 6. I was called a genius by many, however, I knew what would come to Westeros soon, the Targaryens.

I was born around 33 BC, more precisely, around 30 years before Aegon comes to the shores of Westeros. I figured this out once my lessons growing up reached learning about Valyria, and its doom. It has been around 80 years since the Doom, which happened in 114 BC. This means that with some basic math I reached that Aegon would be here in around 30 years.

Over the 9 years since I was born here, I came to love this place. My parents were quite supportive of me and so were the residents. The cold breeze was something which I adapted to and came to enjoy. I also had a younger brother, Torrhen. He was born in 27 BC, so 6 years younger than me.

I sometimes wondered who brought me here. Was it god? Or fate? I didn't know, but this second chance at life was not something I intended to waste.

Even at my age, I still had the mentality of an adult. As a result of this, I have quickly begun planning. I had many plans which I wished to implement in the future. Some of these included rebuilding Moat Cailin, reinforcing my borders, building scorpions to combat dragons, increasing our wealth, etc.)

Of course, I am still too young to begin any of these changes, I have to wait until I am at least around 13 to be taken seriously. My plans right now, even if I am seen as a genius, would simply be laughed at. That didn't stop me from planning though, as they say, 'by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.'

I digress, I got this journal to keep track of my thoughts. I requested it from father a fortnight, or 2 weeks ago. It was one of the first things I ever really requested of him so he granted it, and here I am...

I will write again hopefully,

Aden Stark

Crown Prince of the Kingdom of the North


Closing the journal on my desk, I put it inside of a drawer near me. I had only recently woken up, judging by the sun on the horizon, it is most likely 6:00.

(A/N: Is there a time system in Westeros? I tried searching it up but I couldn't find anything about it.)

I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." The door opens and a women enters, this is one of the maids of Winterfell, her name is Larra.

"Prince Stark, her grace requests your presence in the dining room to break your fast."

"Tell her I will be on my way, also Larra, please tell Elden that I will have to delay our sword practice by a couple of hours."

"Any particular reason Prince Stark?"

"I have previous arrangements which must be completed."

"Very well Prince Stark."


"Good morning mother." I smiled at her, although my past parents will always have a place in my heart, I truly loved my mother.

"Where is Father?"

"Your father is still resting Aden, he had stayed up rather late last night as he had things he needed to attend to." I nodded before looking over to my younger brother, Torrhen. In the future, if I wasn't present he would be forever known as the King Who Knelt. I will be king instead of him however,

"Did you sleep well Torrhen?"

"Yes, big brother." I smiled before ruffling his hair, although he was only 3 years old, he was quite mature. I was rather close with Torrhen, my past life was void of siblings after all. Having a little brother was something I cherished.

"Aden, Larra told me you wish to delay your practice with Elden today, care to explain why?"

"Ah, yes mother. I had wanted to spend the day exploring the city. I am to be king one day, and when that day comes, I believe that I must know my people in order to be a good king." This is a lie. Although I believe what I said to be true, I am actually sneaking out in order to meet with the blacksmith.

"I'm so proud of you Aden, you will make a great king one day." I smiled at her, I didn't want to lie to her but sometimes it is necessary. She would undoubtedly worry for me if I was to tell her I was going to commission weaponry. I felt it was needed for me to do this, however, as I needed a way to defend myself.

In my past life, I was rather good with knives and I could easily hide a small knife in my clothes. I wasn't taking any chances, even with the guards surrounding this castle. Assassination was simply a part of life here and was not exactly uncommon.

I was a child, so any assassin would underestimate me should I be targeted. A simple stab in the neck or heart would end their life.

Some might see me as a threat, I was a genius in the eyes of many. Some might not want that. The Boltons for example.

The current lord Harrin Bolton was not exactly a well-liked man, and the one time I had met him, he looked as if he was judging me. I wouldn't put it past him to try to assassinate me, so I must remain vigilant however slim the chance may be.


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