
Game Of Thrones: Lord of the Sea

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4 Chs

The Rebellion 3

I was currently standing at the front of one of the galleys in the Valeryon Fleet. We had been sailing for 3 days. We passed the Driftmark island 2 days ago and we were about to dock at Claw Isle. We also had a quick run into the sweetport and got House Sunglass to swear fealty on the same time as House Bar Emmon after the war.

Claw Isle was a desolate island, very similar to Dragonstone. It was an excellent defensive position but a weak island for an economy to thrive. Luckily House Celtigar can tax all the trading ships coming from the Vale and the North, this has made Celtigar quite rich, this is seen with how the Celtigar currently owning 20 Cogs and 1 Galley in their navy. They also owned a Valyrian Steel Axe.

It had a big town, it would make sense if the entirety of their inhabitants lived in this city. The Port was gigantic, it would have to be. It's the only port on the island, the city was named Celtigar Keep but it was everything but a keep.

The entire island's shore was filled with gigantic cliffs and rocks making it impossible to dock anywhere but at the city.

Luckily I had sent a raven to House Celtigar when we passed Driftmark and therefore weren't seen as enemies. The Galley docked while the rest remained in the sea.

This time the Lord Commander of the Claw Guards came to meet me. He led me towards the Great Hall to meet Lord Ardrian Celtigar. A man in his mid 20'ies.

"Greetings, Nephew." He said once I came in. I now remembered how my mother was from House Celtigar, the sister of the Lord, so I would be his nephew.


"What brings you here?"

"I request that you swear fealty to House Velaryon. House Sunglass and House Bar Emmon have already promised to swear. If you do the same then we will control the blackwater bay."

"Hmm, while it would be benefitial for the Blackwater bay Houses to come together under one. Why should it be under you? As far as I know House Velaryon has falled from power and currently you barely have a larger Navy than me. He said as if looking towards the fleet outside."

"My Lord, that is in fact not the entire fleet is is just barely half of it."

"I see. House Targaryens fall is coming so I don't have any problems breaking my oath to them."

"You must have seen it too my Lord. War and turbulence is coming to the Seven Kingdoms. Lannister are sacking King's Landing as we speak. The next coming year will not be the peace that happened during the Targaryen rein. Robert Baratheon have shown the world that anyone can become King. The Lords will become more and more greedy for the throne."

"In these turbulent times we, the houses of blackwater bay and the narrow sea must come together to face this threat."

"Hmm, I too have sensed it. Seems that you are quite a brilliant child, I won't dare think of what happens when you grow up. Very well, I shall swear fealty to you and House Velaryon." He said, completing the puzzle.

We stayed in Celtigar Keep for 2 days before we left for House Brune of the Dyre Den. House Brune had two branches, one of Dyre Den and one of Brownhollow. We arrived after 5 hours of sailing and 8 hours of walking.

Once we arrived we met both the Brunes in Dyre Den, they had met to discuss it because we had sent a raven before we set off. Once we arrived I gave more information and had Aurane talk a lot to serve as my regent properly. After a few hours of discussing they agreeed and we would send them a raven on when we would receive swears of fealty.

We then set sail for Driftmark, however I sent Aurane alongside the 10 Escort Galleys to stonedance to convince them to swear fealty to us. House Massey of Stonedance originally sweared fealty to House Baratheon of King's Landing and as such I didn't expect much but I hoped they would become our vassals. If they did we would full control over, Masseys Hook, Blackwater bay and Crackclaw point, around 40% of the Crownlands.

After around 1 day of sailing I we returned to Driftmark and I quickly met Jon Waters.

"How did it go with the enlisting?" I asked as we went into my office.

"The enlisting worked suprisingly well, we managed to recruit all the people you required and we even had to deny a few people requesting to join the army."

"Very good, have you began basic training?"

"Yes, currently our instructors and veteran soliders are going through basic training with them."

"Very good. What about my personal unit?"

Your unit has been personally trained by the Master at arms of High Tide. We put them together, luckily most of your first troops where around 16 years old so after a talk with the master at arms the grownups quickly acknowledged them."

"The Master Of Arms has been focusing on formations right now. We have also taken a squad of 10 of the most elite and loyal troops. It includes the Giant Brothers Aurion and Laenor. 2 others from the younger batch and the rest from the older ones."

"I see, is their skill at a sufficient level to guard me?"

"Yes, while not the best they should be sufficient for now."

"Very well, give them 2 days to prepare before you send them to fulfill their duties as guards." I said.

"Understood, sir."

"Which Commanders have you assigned? The Captain in charge of a company and the 4 Lieutenants in charge of a platoon each?"

"The Captain is someone named Ruger Colwater, he's 16 years old and the most promising in strategy and leadership. The Lieutenant of the first Platoon is Darwin Strong. The Lieutenant of the 2nd is Arvin Gaunt, the Lieutenant of the 3rd is Warral Foral and the Lieutenant of the 4th is Orwen Perk."

"I see, have Ruger squire under you and have the Lieutenants take an extra class with an experienced military commander we have, you may add any other troops that show potential to be an officer into this class."

"Understood!" He then left to complete the objectives I gave him. After he left the Maester came in.

"Lord Monford! We have gotten a raven from Dragonstone and Kings Landing." He said as he placed both letters on my desk.

"Thank you Maester Luwin, you may leave." He quickly left and I opened the letter. I opened the one from Kings Landing first.

"Greetings, Lord Velaryon. At the date of 21st day in the 7th moon House Baratheon alongside House Stark, Vale, Lannister and The Frey's took control of King's Landing. You are to arrive at King's Landing in 3 months and 10 days at the first day of the 11th moon to acknowledge King Robert Baratheon as the true Kings of the Seven Kingdoms. Similarly King Robert Baratheon informs you that you are to take your fleet to Dragonstone and exterminate the remaining Targaryen forces. If you complete this objective then you shall be granted the position of Master of Ships, Dragonstone will be under your command and you will be able to request 1 thing from the King. Failure to complete this will result in the Baratheons building up their own fleet and take control of Dragonstone, Stannis Baratheon will be given the title of Master of Ships.

- King Robert Baratheon"

This would work in my favour. I always planned to take over Dragonstone and now I get rewards for doing it. I put my thoughts to the back of my head.

"Dear Lord Monford Velaryon. I Queen Rhaella Targaryen, write to request your support. I alongside my two children have retreated to Dragonstone and we request your immediate support. If we work together we would be able to take control of the Narrow Sea and we could retreat before returning to the Seven Kingdoms and taking back our rightful throne. We request a reply within 2 Moons and after that we will consider you as hostile."

It seemed that seven though Queen Rhaella was deeply pregnant she still knew how to gain the support of any house. If I didn't know about the future then I would consider her proposal.

I quickly wrote a message before sending it towards the Maesters office, this was to be sent to Dragonstone, it stated that we would help and I alongside an army of 8 thousand soliders. However we hold only carry around 2.5k and therefore requested that the Targaryen sends ships capable of transferring 6 thousand troops. We would be ready by the end of the month and we could answer any questions by them sending messages.

-[ 4 days later ]-

I had thought through my plans and had gotten more known with my guards. Aurane had just returned and I quickly called both of them into my office.

"House Targaryen of Dragonstone has requested for assistance, and we will send our army to them."

"What!?" They both exclaimed.

"Let me explain, we will send our entire fleet alongside 2.5k of our newer troops. I have also requested for the Targaryen fleet to send ships enough to transport 6k troops safely. When we board the ships we will play along until we reach the halfway point. Upon doing that I will give a signal. Upon receiving it both of you will send all our forces to attack the Targaryen ones. Aurane will command our own fleet and Jon the ones on the ships. We will then attempt to take control of the entire fleet they sent. We will essentially have them give us free ships. The only problem will be if they decide to separate us from the Targaryens on the fleet. They would do this by not mixing and have all Targs on a few ships and all Valeryon on others. If that happened we would need our own fleet to ram those of targ loyalists which would cause casualties."

"Once we dock at Dragonstone we will quickly charge, I suspect they might not fully trust us and as such they might have a large welcoming party. If such a thing happen we will just have more casualties, however. We must focus on taking control of the fleet. Once we dock we will board all their ships and clear them of Targs. Our own fleet would also stay in the water and attack any targ ships not having docked."

"Aurane will command the fleet at all times and Jon the ground forces. Jon have Ruger join you and serve as your second in command."

"Understood, My Lord. But where will you be?"

"I will be on one of the fastest Cogs in the back of our own fleet, it will not fight and only include my own loyal troops. I am currently 7 years old, even though I am mature I am still not ready to fight. I will sit back and control the majority of the battle. Any questions or suggestions?"

"I only have one, My Lord. I suggest you take one Galley and include some Artillery in that galley. Instead of 100 troops have 20 of your own men, 10 artillery men. With this you could target any escaping ships from a distance."

"Hmm, that would work. I agree, let's do that."

"Anything else?"

"When are the Targaryen ships coming?" Jon asked.

"I just got a message that their ships will arrive in 2 weeks and 3 days, you need to prepare the troops and make sure the plans doesn't get out."

They both then left and I called in Victor Hill.

"Victor, I have a special task for you."

"Yes, My Lord?"

"I want you to kidnap the three Targaryen children. Once we set off I want you to instruct your troops to take the Targ children during the night and transfer them off the island and take them to Essos."

"And If they are up for it order them to stay with the children during their time in Essos."

"Hmmm, it should be possible. But I would require a cog to transfer them over the sea."

"Very well, you will be given a trading cog, it will look like a trader ship and therefore wouldn't cause any problems."

"Thank you, My Lord. It shall be done." He said after bowing and leaving.

The game was about to start, I need to be prepared.