
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 8

In the Great Red Temple of Pentos

A beautiful woman in front of a fireplace watching the flames, she has long hair the color of deep burnished copper, haunting red eyes, and pale, flawless skin. The woman is slender, graceful, and taller than most of the gentlemen. The woman has full breasts, a narrow waist, and a heart-shaped face.

She wears blood-red cloth under a silk gown the color of brilliant fire, and robes of scarlet satin and blood velvet. The woman also wears a scarlet cloak. The woman wears a red gold choker containing a ruby that fits tightly around her neck.

The woman intensely observes the flames in the fireplace, within the flames she manages to see a vision, in this vision she manages to see great darkness, snow, a great blizzard, she observes thousands of beings with faces as pale as the moon with eyes like blue stars, giant spiders mounted by these pale beings, in the sky she manages to see a being that has blue black flames in its eye sockets, the blizzard comes out of its mouth, within the vision the beautiful woman feels great desolation, anguish and great cold in her body, which makes the skin of her beautiful body stand on end, something strange because in her entire life she has never felt cold in her body, when she feels that this desolation and darkness is going to engulf her completely, her vision breaks into a thousand pieces, He has a new vision inside the flames, now he finds himself in a great red castle, a beautiful woman with platinum white hair, who has a beautiful baby in her arms, the child opens his violet eyes, looks at her intensely, the woman feels u With a feeling of longing at the look of that baby, the child gets up and begins to walk, with each step he takes, he turns into a Dragon, until his transformation is complete, the child has transformed into a great Dragon Black, that its jaws are so big that it can eat a mammoth in one bite, its teeth are as big as swords, its scales are black, between its scales its skin is red with such an intensity that it looks like burning lava, its eyes are Like two great flames, the great Dragon emanates a heat from his body, which, when the woman feels this heat, causes her great pleasure, the Dragon spreads its wings, and takes flight, the vision ends.

The woman gets back up, and inside her heart, she feels great anguish and fear, but at the same time she feels excitement and strength, she thinks that child must be the Azor Ahai, the one who will defeat the darkness.

Suddenly a voice interrupts his thoughts.

"Priestess Melisandre, you are expected for the ceremony," a maid tells her.

Melisandre opens the door - "I'll go at the indicated time, leave me alone"

The maid leaves, and Melisandre closes the door.

That entity must be the Big Other and these beings are his minions. The Big Other is the God of darkness, cold, and death. The enemy of my lord R'hllor, the Lord of Light.

That castle that I saw in the vision must be the Red Keep, located in the city of King's Landing, in Westeros, that child must be a descendant of the Targaryen house, the ruling family of the seven kingdoms.

Melisandre leaves her room, goes towards the great hall of the temple, and goes towards a red priest, "I need you to take before a priest who knows about the current situation of the Targaryen family, the current ruling house of the seven kingdoms"

Priest- "Okay, priestess Melisandre, you will take yourself to the priest Utias"

The priest leads the way to a prayer room where he finds a dark man of enormous height, the tallest man Melisandre has seen in many years.

Priest- "Utias, the priestess Melisandre wants to know the current situation of the Targaryen family", the priest leaves leaving Utias and Melisandre alone.

Utias- "What do you want to know, Melisandre?

Melisandre- "Tell me, how many, and who are the children of the current king, what are the living members of the Targaryen family, currently."

Utias walks and sits on a chair, and Melisandre sits on a chair in front of Utias.

Utias- "The current king of the seven kingdoms, his name is Aerys II Targaryen, who is married to his sister Rhaella Targaryen, 259 AD of the western calendar, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was born in Summerhall on the day of the tragedy where a great fire Killing much of the Targaryens that were alive at the time, Prince Rhaegar is considered a genius in everything he does."

Utias pauses "For thirteen years Queen Rhaella was several times pregnant, she had several miscarriages, she managed to give birth three times, the first time she had a stillborn daughter, then she successfully gave birth to two sons, but these died after months."

Utias, observes Melisandre and continues "King Aerys showed some signs of paranoia and madness, in 274 AD Prince Jaehaerys is born, this child, we receive very interesting and disturbing reports from our followers in Dorne"

Melisandre looks at Utias, very interested.

Utias-"Prince Jaehaerys has been alive for two years but his body is like a six-year-old child, he already knows how to speak, read and write the Westeros language, High Valyrian, common language, and Dothraki language, he has already begun his learning to fight with sword, spear, bow, melee. It is a case that has no explanation, and additionally, the inhabitants of his city call him the little Dragon"

Melisandre upon hearing about Prince Jaehaerys her eyes light up, which greatly surprises Utias, Melisandre thinks, the little Dragon, must be the one with the vision, he is chosen by my lord R'hllor.

Melisandre stands up from her seat, looking at the flaming heart, the symbol of the Lord of Light R'hllor.

Melisandre- "Utias, do you want to meet the chosen one of our lord R'hllor, to fight against the big Other?"

Thank you for reading. Enjoy the reading.

Sorry for the spelling and grammatical errors.

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