
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

I close my eyes and focus on my bond with Morpheus and Hypnos, they are near the guard and the maid, in the laundry room, watching and listening to the conversation.

The guard approaches the maid and says " Alicent, I have orders from the snake."

The maid watches him-"Tell me, Wicer, what are these orders?"

Wicer - "The Serpent, requires that we meet because he has received new instructions from the master, about our operation, new events have happened, and the plan has to be reformulated."

Alicent -"What day is the meeting, at what time, and in what place?".

Wicer pauses and looks around to check that there are no people nearby, " Alicent, today at midnight, we meet at the warehouse, which has the seven-pointed star engraved on its door, which is in the port on the banks of the Blackwater River ", Wicer approaches, holds her arm, " Alicent, they must not see you leave through the king's gate, you must use the secret passageway that leads to the River's sewer".

Alicent moves to free herself from Wiser's grip, in an annoyed tone l-"I'll be there Wicer, try not to be seen"

Alicent and Wicer separate, leaving the laundromat, Alicent heading towards the kitchens and Wicer towards the patio.

Then I tell Morpheus to follow Alicent and Hypnos to follow Wicer.

Wicer is walking through the secret passage, Wicer stops in one of the chambers, there is a trunk with a key in the chamber, Wicer takes out a key and inserts it in the lock, turns the key, opens the trunk, inside the trunk is a white tunic and Septon's clothing, Wicer undresses the armor of the city guard, removes his helmet and each garment, until he is naked, Wicer places the armor, helmet and clothing inside the trunk, dresses in the clothing of Septo and finally he puts on the tunic, places the two daggers on his belt, a piece of wood that is not noticeable that he is armed, but that he can remove the daggers quickly, closes the trunk with a handle, continues walking through the passageway.

The passageway Wicer will use is the same one Diana used to enter the Red Fortress, so I order Hugin and Munin to be near the exit of the passageway to follow Wicer.

Wicer before leaving the passageway looks around to check that there are no people nearby, when checking that there are no people nearby, he leaves the passageway quickly.

Wicer crosses the port, stops at the fish market, buys two fish, keeps walking, passes through the River Gate, enters the city, and goes to Visenya Hill, when reaching the top, Wicer enters the Great Sept of Baelor.

Now I understand why I couldn't locate the guard in the Red Keep, the guard, or rather Wicer is a Septa who dresses as a City guard, to enter the Fortress, so probably the maid, Alicent is a Septa.

I order Hugin and Munin to be vigilant with Wicer, Morpheus, and Hypnos to follow Alicent at all times, we must discover what their plans are.

Diana completely conquered my mother, at this moment we are all three in bed, Diana is sleeping on my mother's belly and I am lying on my mother's chest playing with her beautiful silver hair (a hobby from my past life).

Hours go by, it's already night, suddenly Hugin and Munin tell me that the Wicer has just left the side door of the Great Sept of Baelor, accompanied by another subject who wears a hood whose face cannot be distinguished, Both descend the hill of Visenya, pass the river gate, leave the city, cross the fish market, finally arrive at the port, walk towards the warehouse who have the seven-pointed star engraved on their door, surround the warehouse and sneak in through the side door of the warehouse.

I order Hypnos to go ahead, to enter that warehouse, Hypnos quickly moves towards the secret passageway for his destination.

Morpheus through the link informs me of Alicent 's movements.

Alicent puts on a hooded robe, leaves her room stealthily, and moves through the passageway, in one of the chambers there is a trunk, with her key she turns the lock and lifts the lid of the trunk, undresses completely, changes her clothes He puts his clothes in the trunk, lowers the trunk lid and locks it, puts on the tattered gray tunic that has a hood, continues his way through the passage when he reaches the exit, checks that there is no person outside, as there are no Finding people, he leaves the secret passageway, approaches the river bank, takes a little mud with his hand, proceeds to smear the mud on his face and arms. When she finishes smearing herself with mud, she moves towards the port, Morpheus closely following her.

Arriving at the port, Alicent locates the warehouse, approaches the door, knocks on the door with three loud knocks, and says "The seven-pointed star, lights our way and guides our path", They open the door, and Alicent enters the warehouse. Morpheus watches Alicent enter, climbs up a column, and enters the warehouse.

Alicent looks at the two unhooded subjects Wicer and the Serpent, she remains standing.

The Serpent tells him to take a seat, " Wicer takes a seat too", he looks at Alicent again " Alicent, inform me of what you have done, to understand why the objective has not been achieved".

Alicent, nervously- "Sir, as they told me, I've been pouring the potion into Queen Rhaella 's meals, the first year she managed to have three miscarriages, I continued pouring the potion into her food, but I don't know why, Sir, On this occasion, the potion had no effect on Queen Rhaella 's pregnancy, and she managed to give birth to Prince Jaehaerys. "

The snake watches Alicent - " Alicent don't worry, sometimes this happens, You have done very well, and the master is satisfied with your behavior, We are going to change the potion, You will pour this potion into the meals of Queen Rhaella, later Wait for our orders to be communicated to you by Wicer ", Snake turns to Wicer, " Wicer get up, give the box with the bottles to Alicent "

Wicer gets up from his seat, and hands the box to Alicent, when Alicent fixes her attention on the box, Wicer draws his dagger and like lightning swings his dagger, towards Alicent 's throat and slashes her jugular, blood splattering her face from Wicer, Alicent puts her hands to her throat to try to stop the blood, a futile effort.

Snake – " Wicer for the moment stops the actions against Queen Rhaella and Prince Jaehaerys, the loose nails have already been eliminated, we must wait for the vigilance they have towards Prince Jaehaerys to decrease, to resume the actions", he says a pause, look at Alicent 's lifeless body, "Too bad, it was a good element, Wicer takes care of the body and eliminates any trace to us."