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It has been three months since the birth of my sister, in these months my brother Rhaegar Targaryen was knighted at the age of sixteen, being a skilled and capable fighter.

We are currently moving in the royal entourage to Lannisport to participate in the tournament in honor of the birth of Daenerys, in the entourage is made up of my father King Aerys Targaryen, my brother Rhaegar Targaryen and the royal guards, the entourage, my mother Queen Rhaella Targaryen and the newborn Daenerys remained in King's Landing for protection is Ser Barristan Selmy, who has become a loyal follower after showing him my fire magic and showing him the evidence of the attempt to kill Daenerys, Barristan Selmy have become loyal, reinforced the commitment to protect my mother and sister, with my healing magic I have healed old wounds of Barristan Selmy his movements and reflexes have been restored as in his youth, Accompanied by his experience, he is a formidable fighter.


My father Tywin Lannister Lord of Casterly Rock, Lannisport Shield and Guardian of the West, the head of House Lannister, summoned us at the entrance of the castle to receive the loyal entourage, on the right is my brother Jaime Lannister, I see this again as an excited child, I sigh when I see him, I, on the contrary, do not show my emotions, I am demure showing others my nobility.

At the entrance of the castle are all the members of the Lannister house, only the spawn Tyrion Lannister is not found, that curse for which my mother died when giving birth, by the Gods, better that spawn would have died and our mother survived.

That spawn is waxed in one of the rooms of the castle, the shame of my father Lord Tywin Lannister, only my brother Jaime and my uncle Kevan showed affection for that aberration.

My thoughts are interrupted by the Lannisport crowd cheers, cheering King Aerys, but doubly the cheers are heard for my father Lord Tywin, but these are half compared to what they cheer for Prince Rhaegar.

At last, the royal carriage arrives at the entrance of the castle, King Aerys descends from the carriage my father goes forward, King Aerys and my father embrace, but my eyes are fixed on the other person who descends from the carriage Prince Rhaegar Targaryen a tall and beautiful young man, who on his face is a sadness, [for the seven that beautiful man], moves with elegance, then I turn my gaze to the last member of the Targaryen royal family, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, a child like my age, like his brother has a beautiful face, has a royal bearing, of a monarch, but what strikes me most are his cold violet eyes, who look at everything with great intensity, I am impressed [how is this possible?, Prince Jaehaerys must be almost three years old, but his appearance is that of a snow child or ten years old, like my age, is this why they call him little Dragon?].

Prince Jaehaerys approaches and greets my father and brother, then approaches my position.

Jaehaerys Targaryen – nice to meet my lady Cersei Lannister –

Cersei Lannister -Maybe it's nice to meet my Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen-, I bow.

Prince Jaehaerys addresses my father – Lord Tywin, where is your son Tyrion? -

I observe my father that he clenches his jaw and responds – My son Tyrion has been in poor health, he is being cared for in his room –

Continued protocol, then proceeded to dinner, the tournament will start in three days

Tonight I dreamed of both princes fighting for my love.


On my trip I am accompanied by Hypnos, I entrusted him with the task of finding which room Tyrion is, through our connection, Hypnos informs me of his success in discovering Tyrion's location, and he smiled.

At the welcome dinner, I perceive the look of Cersei Lannister who looks at my brother and me, I have to admit that she is a beautiful girl who when she is an adult will be a woman of great beauty.

At the end of the banquet, everyone retires to their rooms, finally, in my room I close the door inside, take out my Hood, and put on the mask to hide my face I go out the window and descend the wall, to move towards where Tyrion is.

At last, I get to the room where Tyrion is, I hear the cry of a child complaining, the bad treatment he receives, and the shame and anger he provokes in his father Tywin.

I hope he calms down, finally, I enter through the window and approach his bed.

Jaehaerys Targaryen – Tyrion wants to be normal. –

Tyrion gets up from his bed fearful, and replies - Who are you? Are you going to kill me?, at last, my father Lord Tywin, tired of being the laughingstock of the seven kingdoms –

Tyrion pauses, - Well, come murderer, kill me and let me end this miserable life.

Now I am the one who is surprised by the ingenuity and will, that a three-year-old child has these thoughts, he is a genius, what terrible treatments has he had to endure these years to forge such a character?

I watch Tyrion, move my cocoon back, take off my mask, showing my face to Tyrion.

Jaehaerys Targaryen – Tyrion, my name is Jaehaerys Targaryen, son of the king, I do not come to kill you, I come to make you a proposal -, I pause to see his reaction, I perceive that his state has calmed down, continuous – if you are loyal to me I can heal you and become a normal person, but by being loyal to me you must put me first, before your family –

I walk up to Tyrion, place my hand on his shoulder, and stare at him.

Jaehaerys Targaryen – Then Tyrion, tell me what your response to my proposal will be –

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