
Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

[Author’s note- you can read this novel even if you haven’t read the book or watch any episodes from TV series as smaller explanation will be given in story … and lengthy explanation will be added as notes after end of chapter .] After many years… the legendary lord known as the dragon knight, the son of the holy flame, the nightmare of the schemer, the smasher of the order of the game, the undefeated myth on the battlefield, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, and the guardian of the whole territory___ As Samwell Caesar sat on the Iron Throne, he couldn't help but reminisce about the distant afternoon when he received the pioneering order from the Rose of Highgarden. It was a time when no one could have predicted that this young man, who had been abandoned by his father, would set off an iron-blooded storm that would sweep across the entire continent of Westeros. Interactive map of GOT - https://quartermaester.info/ Mtl source- https://www.mtlnovel.com/game-of-thrones-holy-flame-king/#tabreview

Tortle121 · TV
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242 Chs

Chapter 202: Investor

The afterglow of the setting sun casts a slanting shadow on the lighthouse on the coast.

The wharf construction on Eagle Island has come to an end, but thousands of people are still busy on the construction site.

Sorada is one of them.

This wild man from the former Blueskin Tribe was carrying a polished ashlar up the spiral treads on the edge of the lighthouse.

The salty sea breeze blew on his sweaty back, and under his bronze skin were knotted muscles, strong and muscular.

The highest point of this lighthouse is nearly 200 feet above the ground, and the work of transporting stones up is not something everyone can do.

Those who are timid will feel weak even if they look down from the top, let alone climb on the pedals with heavy loads on their backs.

In fact, there have been accidents where people have slipped and fallen to their deaths.

The benevolent and wise lord later asked the craftsman leader Vido to set up a protective net around the lighthouse, so that even if someone fell, they would not be killed .

And also people who do this dangerous job get double work points.

Sorada climbed to the top of the tower, piled the ashlar on the outer wall, and returned.

When he regained his footing on the ground, he was just about to continue moving the stones up when he heard the supervisor say that it was time.

In fact, Sorada still has strength, but he can't continue to work. The lord stipulated that each person should work up to ten hours a day, so he had to clean up and go to the apprentice to register his work points, and then get some food.

"Sorada, come with me, today's my treat.!"

Sorada turned around and saw his friend Rick walking over, hugging his shoulder affectionately.

"Where to eat?"

"Eagle Tavern."

Sorada knew that the Eagle Tavern was the most luxurious tavern in the territory. He usually passed by a few times but never went in.

He usually eats the free food distributed on the construction site. Although the taste is not very good, it can at least fill his stomach.

At most, he can go to the mountains and forests to hunt for some game on the rest day to satisfy his hunger.

Although the things in the tavern are good, they all cost money, and they are expensive.

Generally, only the vassals and high class in the territory would go there.

Sorada has actually accumulated a lot of work points, so it might not be impossible for him to experience it, but the work points have not yet been fulfilled, so even if he really has the guts, he can't experience it.

"Where did you get the money?" Sorada asked, "Didn't Lord Caesar say that you can only cash out your work points after ten days?"

Rick smiled and said mysteriously, "Just follow me."

Sorada's curiosity arose, so he followed Rick all the way to the Commercial Street.

The commercial street is right next to the castle, close to the beach.

Both sides of the street are full of small red rock buildings with two stories high. There are grocery stores, hotels, women's courtyards, blacksmith shops... and many more, it was extremely lively.

The destination of the two, the Eagle Tavern, is located at the east end of the street, and the double-headed eagle flag of Lord Caesar was hung at the door.

Sorada heard that the real owner of this tavern had a close relationship with the lord, so he dared to use the flag of the Caesar family.

Pushing open the heavy iron oak door, the noisy and joyful atmosphere rushed in, making Sorada, who came for the first time, a little lost.

Rick took his friend to walk in, and the aroma of wine and meat along the way made them swallow their saliva unconsciously.

Finding an empty table, Sorada sat down with some trepidation at the invitation of his friend.

Soon, a maid came over and asked with a smile:

"What can I get you?"

Rick coughed lightly as if he wanted to pretend to come here often: "Two servings of venison, four servings of roasted sweet potatoes, another plate of lettuce, and a small bottle of brandy."

"Okay. It's thirty-three copper coins in total. How do you plan to pay?"

Sorada was startled, and the meal here actually ate up half his month's wages.

Moreover, because his work is more dangerous, he gets double work points. If he was an ordinary person, he would have to spend a month's worth of money to eat here.

Just when Sorada was worried that his friend would not be able to come up with money to pay, he heard Rick say:

"I'll pay with work points."

Sorada was stunned for a moment, and then saw that the maid was not surprised at all:

"Okay, then you come with me, there will be an assistant maester here to deduct your work points."

Rick followed the maid and left Sorada alone in a daze.

Work points can also pay for meals?

Sorada felt as if a door leading to a new world had opened in front of him.

When Rick left and returned, the maid also brought what the two ordered.

"Try it!"

Rick graciously invited his friends and poured a glass of brandy for each of them at the same time. "The people who come here are all high class, hehe, today we two also experience the treatment of the high class!"

Listening to the word "high class," Sorada straightened his back unconsciously as if he was afraid that he would be unworthy of the title.

"I didn't expect to use work points to pay for meals here."

"It's not just here."

Rick drank the wine in his glass and explained to his friend with a smile, "The shops on the entire commercial street can use work points. Of course, small vendors on the street are not allowed."

"It turned out to be like this!" Sorada suddenly thought of those women's courtyards where beautiful girls often went in and out, and his face turned red.

He hastily drank a glass of brandy as a cover.

Feeling the hot drink sinking into his throat, with a sweet aftertaste, Sorada said with some embarrassment:

"Rick, I didn't expect this meal to cost you so much money..."

"It's okay!" Rick said with a generous wave of his hand, he poured another glass of wine for his friend.

The two clinked glasses and drank it down.

Only then did Rick open his mouth and said, "Actually, I also want to ask you for a favour this time."

"Tell me."

After eating such an expensive meal from his friend, Sorada was of course embarrassed to refuse.

Rick rubbed his hands, as if a little embarrassed: "Can you lend me some money?"

"You mean work points? Okay, how much do you want?"

"How much can I borrow?"

The friend's question made Sorada suddenly stunned, he put down his wine glass and asked in a deep voice:

"Rick, why do you want so much money?"

"Don't think about it." Rick smiled and comforted his friend, "I just want to buy a house."

"Buy a house? Sorada was puzzled immediately, "Don't you already have a place to live?"

"But it was lent to us by the lord to live temporarily. I heard that if we don't work for the lord in the future, we will both have to pay rent. Besides, eight people live in one room, it's too crowded so I want to own my own house."

"Own house?" Sorada asked.

"Yes. Lord Caesar is going to sell the houses in his territory, and you can buy them with work points."

"How much?"

"Prices vary greatly, and the closer the house is to the castle, the more expensive it will be. The house I'm looking for is next to the orphanage, so I can visit my grandmother conveniently, but the room requires thirty silver stags, or equivalent work points, so..."

"Thirty silver stags!" Sorada gasped, "Then even if I lend you all my work points, you still won't have enough."

"It's fine. The Lord will lend me the rest."

"The Lord will lend you money?" Sorada looked disbelieving.

"Of course." Rick raised his head proudly, "The benevolent lord said that we can only pay the down payment. The house I'm looking at needs about nine silver stags, and he will lend us the rest of the money. We can work for him and pay back the money we earn."

"Is it still possible?" Sorada was stunned, "What a kind Lord."

"Praise Lord Caesar!" Rick drew a picture on his chest of the flaming heart, the symbol of the Lord of Light he had recently converted to.


Rick urged, "Can you help me? I will also lend you money when you buy a house in the future."


After all, Sorada also felt embarrassed to refuse, "I can lend you 500 work points."

"Great!" Rick clapped his hands excitedly and poured wine for his friend graciously.

After eating, Rick put the unfinished brandy in his arms and took his friend straight to his favourite house.

However, when the two arrived, they heard bad news.

"Sold out?" Rick stared at the salesperson in front of him with wide eyes.

"Yes. Rick, I'm sorry, you came a step late."

"But, but, didn't houses just started to sell?"

"Yes, but everyone wants to buy. You know, Eagle Valley in the village is not big, and there are not many houses that can be built, so they are all sold as soon as they come out.

Now if you still want to buy, you can only choose houses in settlements outside the valley."

"Outside valley ?" Rick shook his head dissatisfied, "I don't want a house outside the valley! Is there really no one in the valley?"

"There are, but, but..."

"Just what?"

"Just the remaining ones are a bit expensive."

"How much is the cheapest?" Rick asked unwillingly.

The salesman flipped through the scroll and said, "Five golden dragons."

Rick immediately gave up.

According to his current earning speed, he might not be able to afford such a house in his lifetime.

Sorada touched his friend's arm and persuaded, "Why don't you buy one from outside the valley?"

The salesperson also reminded, "Yes, Rick, I advise you to hurry up if you really want to buy. Otherwise, all the houses outside the valley will be gone, and by then, you may have to buy a house in a village farther away."

Rick struggled for a while and finally made up his mind, "Okay! Then I want the house closest to the valley entrance, how much is it?"

"Twenty-five silver stags."

"As long as I pay the down payment, the house will be mine?"

"Yes, but you have to pay back the money on time."

"Okay, I want to see the house first."

"Yes, please follow me."


"Sam, how did you come up with such an idea?"

Margaery looked at the bustling real estate transaction scene in the territory, her eyes flickering with thought.

"Dream in a dream." Samwell shrugged.

"Really?" Margaery looked at the man suspiciously, "Although this method is extremely delicately designed,... I'm always worried that there will be problems in the future."

"What problem?"

"I don't know either."

Margaery was a little discouraged, "I just feel a little unreliable... Sam, how sure are you?"

Samwell laughed loudly, "Don't worry, this system is fine. As far as I know, Old Town already has some bankers playing similar tricks on sea trade, it's just a money game. The key is how much manpower and material resources can be mobilized."

"You're right."

Margaery frowned, "Now that you are not short of money, are you still willing to work with me? Will we go back to Highgarden?"

"Yes, of course. And who said I'm not short of money."

Samwell kissed Margaery's cheek lightly,

"We'll leave tomorrow."

"Okay!" Margaery finally showed a smile.