
Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

[Author’s note- you can read this novel even if you haven’t read the book or watch any episodes from TV series as smaller explanation will be given in story … and lengthy explanation will be added as notes after end of chapter .] After many years… the legendary lord known as the dragon knight, the son of the holy flame, the nightmare of the schemer, the smasher of the order of the game, the undefeated myth on the battlefield, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, and the guardian of the whole territory___ As Samwell Caesar sat on the Iron Throne, he couldn't help but reminisce about the distant afternoon when he received the pioneering order from the Rose of Highgarden. It was a time when no one could have predicted that this young man, who had been abandoned by his father, would set off an iron-blooded storm that would sweep across the entire continent of Westeros. Interactive map of GOT - https://quartermaester.info/ Mtl source- https://www.mtlnovel.com/game-of-thrones-holy-flame-king/#tabreview

Tortle121 · TV
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242 Chs

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Declaring War

  "Lord Caesar! You are going too far!"

  Natalie Dayne shouted angrily, but couldn't hide the smile in her purple eyes.

  "Lady Natalie, how did I go too far?" Samwell was inspecting the grape plantations in his territory when he saw the countess of Starfall City approaching his door aggressively.

  "I've been waiting in Highgarden for so many days, but you didn't come!" "

  "It's not that, there are just too many things in the territory, so I was quite busy ." Samwell rubbed the little girl's head habitually, "Highgarden? Was it fun?"

  "Highgarden is beautiful!" Natalie was easily diverted from the topic, she forgot about getting angry with Samwell and started chatting about her experience in Highgarden.

  Sea of roses, river cruises, hunting activities, bonfire dinners... There were also various delicacies and wonderful performances.

     "It seems that you were doing well in Highgarden." Samwell listened patiently, and then asked, " Did you meet Lady Olenna?"

" Yes, she was so scary."

  "Haha, it seems that she liked you very much. Did she introduce any knight to you?"


  Natalie shook her head, "Even if she had introduced me I would've refused ."

  Samwell was a little surprised when he heard the words, the "Queen of Thorns" saw such an unmarried countess dangling in front of her eyes, how could she have no ideas?

  Or was the old lady worried about offending him?

  If that is the case, then Highgarden should have already regarded Starfall City as Samwell's sphere of influence by default.

  This respect made Samwell feel quite comfortable.

  The afternoon sun shone through the sparse vine branches and leaves, casting mottled light and shadow on the two of them. Birds singing in the forest, waves rolling on the sea, and the quiet and warm smell in the air.

  Natalie held Samwell's hand and couldn't stop talking, she talked about all kinds of trivial things, asking funny or amusing questions, and thus, the time quickly passed.

  Unfortunately, good time is always short and fragile.

  Maester Qyburn arrived in a hurry and handed Samwell a letter from King's Landing.

  Reading that Samwell's face became serious, Natalie asked curiously,

  "What's wrong, Sam."

  "The Iron Throne has declared war on the Martell family."

Samwell crumpled up the letter with complicated eyes.

  Although he had expected this day long ago, as he was the one behind the scheme, but when the horn of war really sounded, the breath of iron and blood in his mind made him quiet for a while.

  Natalie was even more frightened, her face paled to the naked eye, and she immediately hugged Samwell's arms even tighter:

  "Sam, then, what should I do?"

  Samwell patted Natalie trembling hand slightly, comforting:

  "Don't be afraid, this matter will not involve Starfall City, I promise. You write back now and call all the vassals of the Dayne family."


  Natalie nodded subconsciously, But then said pitifully, "Sam, can you go back with me?"

  " Okay, I will go back to Starfall City with you. And, don't worry, you write a letter and summon all the vassals, we will leave in a few days."

  "Okay." Natalie agreed without asking Samwell the reason for such an arrangement.

  Afterwards, the two continued to walk in the vineyard, but they no longer had the leisurely mood like before, Natalie also had no interest in talking, just held Samwell's arm, silently lost in thought.

  Samwell wasn't too flustered, after all, he had already expected this day.

  And it was only the Iron Throne declaring war on Dorne, and as he was not a nobleman of the king's realm, he did not need to lead an army to respond immediately.

  He still has to wait for his lord, Duke Mace Tyrell, to raise the banner.

  There is a gap of time, enough for him to make proper arrangements for Starfall City.

  After that, Natalie lived on Eagle Island for three days. Until the fourth day, Samwell brought her a surprise.

  "Mother!" Natalie screamed, throwing herself excitedly into the arms of the veiled woman.

  "Lady Ashara." Samwell also came forward to greet with a smile.

  After receiving the news of the war, he immediately sent someone to find the Raven tribe.

  "Mother, are you here to accompany me back to Starfall City?" Natalie asked expectantly.

  "I'm sorry..."

  Ashara was about to refuse but Samwell quickly persuaded her: "Madam, the battle is about to start, you'd better go back with Natalie for a while. I believe you must also be worried deep in your heart. Otherwise, when I sent someone to notify, you wouldn't have shown up so fast ."

  "Yes, Mother, please! Come back with me!" Natalie hugged her mother's waist, refusing to let go.

  Ashara sighed and finally nodded.

  Natalie was excited, jumping up and down and hugging her mother.

  After she calmed down, the three boarded the boat and headed for the Starfall city.

  This journey was not long, starting in the morning and arriving just after noon.

  The weather was fine when they set off, but it was raining heavily when they arrived.

  Viscount Hughes Dayne, the lord of High Hermitage City, and Sir Gil Shad, the acting lord of Starfall City, were waiting on the pier in the rain.

  These two were also the first group of Dayne family knights who surrendered to Samwell, so they were entrusted with important tasks after the war.

  Due to the unfavourable weather, the welcoming ceremony was sloppy and short, and everyone entered the castle in a hurry.

  Samwell came to his room led by Viscount Hughes himself.

  The interior of the room was beautifully decorated, with a huge feather bed, and the four feet were carved in the shape of long swords. The curtains did not use the purple of the Dayne family, but the sky blue of the Caesar family to show respect for the guests.

  The floor was covered with soft Myr rugs, and the bonfire had already been lit in the fireplace.

Samwell took off his wet coat and hung it by the fireplace as Viscount Hughes handed over a piece of parchment and said,

  "My lord, here is the list of vassals who have not yet come."

  "Okay." Samwell took the parchment and browsed it expressionlessly. Twelve vassals of the Dayne family did not come.

  It seems that the prestige of the Countess I support in the Daynd family territory is indeed very limited, that's why so many people dare to blatantly ignore her call.

  Seeing that Samwell was silent, Viscount Hughes added: "My lord, Sunspear City has also sent people. They brought Prince Doran's call-up order, asking Starfall City to send troops."

"Who is here? "

  " Prince Oberyn's illegitimate daughter, Nymeria Sand."

  Samwell's mouth turned up, with a cold smile: "There are so many illegitimate daughters of the Red Viper, one died in King's Landing, and now another one is in Starfall City, is he not worried about them."

  Viscount Hughes chuckled: "My lord, the illegitimate children of the Red Viper are all over Dorne, and so he doesn't care much ."

  " Yes."

Samwell put away the parchment and ordered, "Notify the vassals who have arrived that Earl Natalie will hold a meeting tomorrow morning and invite them to attend."


"Oh yes, also ask The Sand Snake spawn to attend the meeting."

  Viscount Hughes showed an embarrassed expression: "My lord, Lady Nymeria is not in the city."

  "Is she not?"

  "Yes. She came to Starfall City five days ago, but seeing that Earl Natalie was not here, she left and I didn't know where she went. I suspect that she might have gone to meet other vassals of the Dayne family. The twelve people who didn't show up should have been visited by her."

  Samwell smiled coldly: "It seems that they are all in the same league. That's just right, Announced that all the vassals of the Dayne family should come. I want to see if the Sand Snake spawn and the people she connected to dare to come."

  "Yes, my lord."

  After Viscount Hughes left, Samwell took a shower, changed into dry clothes, and was about to go out for a stroll when he heard a knock on the door.

  When he opened the door, he saw Natalie standing outside the door.

  The Countess of Starfall City changed into a simple purple long dress, which just matched her purple eyes, a silver satin ribbon was tied around her waist, highlighting her slender waist, soft dark long hair exudes a fragrance of water vapour, it seems that she has just taken a bath.

  "Thank you for the hospitality. I'm going to thank you personally."

  Natalie giggled at Samwell's pretentious gesture.

  "Can I come in?"

  "Of course, this is your territory."

  Natalie walked into the room, rubbing her hands on the skirt, looking a little nervous.

  Samwell felt this, and asked, "What's the matter? Are you worried about tomorrow?"

  Natalie nodded, then shook her head, her eyes revealing her fragile confusion:

  "Sam... am I not suitable to be a lord..."

  Samwell stepped forward and rubbed the little girl's hair, and comforted her: "No one is naturally suitable to be a lord, you are still young, it is normal to be a little confused and afraid, trust me you will be fine in the future. Besides, I'm here, yes, and your mother, didn't she come this time too."

  "Mother is here, are you going to leave?" Natalie's eyes looked like an abandoned animal little beast.

  "I really want to leave. After all, you know that there is going to be a war. But don't worry, I will help you stabilize the situation in Starfall City before leaving."

"Then take me with you!"

Natalie hugged Samwell's arm, "You brought me with you in the last war."

  "It's different." Samwell could only explain patiently, "Last time you were just my little maid, but now you are Starfall City Countess, your every move represents the Dayne family, and you can't do whatever you want.

You can use various excuses not to participate in the war this time, but you must also not join the side of the Iron Throne. That will make your subjects alienate you. You know, the Dornish people are always xenophobic..."

  Samwell could not continue, because the little girl in front of him began to cry, her tears fell straight down like pearls with a broken string.

  He reached out to wipe, but the more he wiped and the more it fell.

  Just when he didn't know what to do, Natalie suddenly moved forward, awkwardly looking for his lips.

  Samwell hesitated for a moment then without any resistance, he hugged Natalie into his arms and helped her make that green kiss gentle and long.

  The room became quiet, except for the crackling sound of the firewood burning in the fireplace.