

Gaemon P.O.V 293 AC, White Harbor

Dear Dairy,

Today I turned 10 years old. Last four years have been eventful, I was successfully able to replicate the moldboard plow, seed drill and four field crop rotation. Those three inventions has helped the north with the food scarcity to a certain extent. I started a merchant/ trading company in which I own 51% of the shares and Lord Stark owns 49%. It has been profitable for us both. The designs for moldboard plow and seed drill were sold to houses in both reach and Westernlands and even the Iron Bank bought it. The Citadel paid extra for the four field rotation system. I have bought 4 manses; one in Old Town, the second in White harbor, the third in Bravoos and last one in Lys. I have 30 ships under my command that I recently got from Iron Bank in exchange of the designs of Seed drill. I also have a company that controls spinning Jenny and Flying shuttle but since North doesn't have a way to synthesize dyes the cloths are usually sold to Tyroshi for not as much coin as I would hope. I currently have 350 talents of gold and 1000 talents of silver that I got by selling the designs to just 4 inventions and selling the inventions themself. That is just my part Lord Stark got similar returns as well.I also have sold some fountain ink pens but those are just for the lords. I have enough money to buy a fucking castle in Westeros but I rather wait till I decide what my heart wants.

I am currently in the middle of packing as I would be leaving for lys soon enough to take possession of my manse and then go to East for treasures like Sea Snake. I have some lessons in leadership as Robb but I truly don't want anything to do with backward Andals. That's enough about my business and cash.

As far as family front goes, I don't have know if I care enough to intervene in the story for Starks in any way. I asked Lord Stark to tell me who my mother is because I am leaving forever and threaten to kill my self if he didn't. He reluctantly told me that Rhaegar and Lyanna married and Elia knew about it. I promised him I would not cause a war for my claim to the Iron Throne( wink wink there are four other claimants I can back).Robb, Arya, Bran and me are still siblings but same courtesy isn't extended to Sansa. Catelyn is an annoyance but grey rocking her is pretty all I need to do for her to leave me alone.

Lord Stark wasn't happy with me leaving but it isn't his choice. He tried offering me Sea dragon point and a chance to start my own line but I was clear that it would be a cold day in hell before I accept a letter of legitimation from Robert fucking Baratheon.

I am leaving next month for an adventure. I also decided to use the name Gaemon Rhaeleneron to honor Gaemon the Glorious and my grandmother. I was named Daeron by my mother by the way. I also have chest with letters and a dragon egg from my father. I also had the eggs from clutch laid by Vermax that were hidden under the gods wood. This is gonna be fun.