
Chapter 2 - Bravos

Lancel P.O.V 44th day of 3rd Moon, 293 AC, Bravos Entry Port

The Titan of Bravos is huge. I mean it is a light house that was seen by us two whole days before we made port.

"Lord SeaSnow you are welcome to the humble city of Bravos. We have prepared your Manse for you and your party. We also arranged an Inn for your captains as you asked." Says Tahiti a key holder in the Iron Bank.

" Thank you Lord Keyholder that is most appreciated." Says Jon.

I have been working with Jon since he started working on this journey. He is quite passionate about going to see the whole world. His first maiden journey is pretty ambitious and I personally don't think we will be able to go to YiTi but he is adamant about it. The timeline he prepared is possible if you are an experienced sailor which none of us are.

Minor sons and bastards from Houses Glover, Umber, Karstark, Mormont, Blackwoods, Tallhart, Stout, Ryswell and Manderly have all joined for this expedition. The minor cousins, bastards who would have difficulty advancing in life or people who would have gone to hunt to make sure their family was feed (winter wolves) have joined in droves. They are paid a set amount at the start of the journey and they will be paid once they reach back home. If someone dies during this journey their family will be compensated as well.

"Lancel, let's get the men to the inns and check out the manse real quick and then let's unload the merchandise to the warehouse." Jon brings me out from my thoughts

" I want to check the brothels out here and see what they are like." Jon blurts out and then Aemma slaps the back of his head with annoyance.

It's funny how the first place wanted to visit was Lys, the city of Pleasure. He would go around Winterfell talking about how he was gonna go to city of Sin and Lust just to annoy Lady Stark.

Gaemon P.O.V 293 AC 1st day of Fourth Moon, House with the Lemon Tree Manse, Bravos

The house with red door was something I wanted to see. The previous sealord was an old man and senile at this point. His son has started to sell some of his assets to have some liquidity. When IB first approached me about buying designs for seed drill & moldboard plow I decided that instead of just hard coin I would get some assets from them. I got 30 ships, two manses and 30k Bravoosi coin from the deal. Now lord stark got the same amount but instead he got cold hard coin for everything which turned out be 750k bravoosi coin. That is enough money for a family of 6 to survive in Bravoos for a century assuming there is no income.

After reaching Bravoos, me and Cregan Karstark went to the brothel street in Bravoos. He is a nice lad but I don't think I will be getting into drinking contest with him again. Aemma and Lancel were busy with their stuff.

Currently it is early 293 so I have lots of time to setup stuff for a possible conflict on the Westerosi continent. I wish there was a way to avoid them but I will be dragged into it sooner or later.

" you are brooding again" I see Duncan Tallhart entering the manse where half of the noble kids are staying.

"I wasn't brooding I was thinking" I defended myself albeit halfheartly

" what are thinking about?"

" Well I was thinking about the merchandise and soon we can sell it. I don't know what I was expecting but Bravoos needs a better sewage system because it smells badly." I reply

"Yeah, every guy is excited about Lys and Volantis. I still get it why we made the detour." He says

"We made a detour to get more experienced sailors and more ships" I tell him for the 100th time. I am starting to get pissed now.

" do you think we can make it to YiTi and back in 2 years ?" He asks

" I think we can worst comes to worst we get most of spices from Qarth anyway. I am gonna go give gifts to the magistrates and try to establish myself here. I will see you later."

Gaemon P.O.V 293 2nd day of Fourth Moon, Sealords Palace

After meeting with the magistrates that I knew and giving them a fountain pen as a gift as a courtesy, me and the boys went to experience the night life of Bravos. Lancel stayed behind with Aemma along with a couple other ladies.

This morning the son of Sealord showed up at the manse and I was kinda anxious as to why he did. To my surprise he was there to invite me to a lunch. 'No such thing as free lunch' was the only thing that was going through my mind at the time.

Now the political situation is pretty complicated here in Bravoos. The sealord is a position that is for lifetime, but the current Sealord is senile and on deaths door. The factions for next Sealords are forming and of course the Sealords son is a top contender. I don't know if this meeting will get me involved in the political mess but I think I should take precautions. Currently only 1/2 ship worth of cloth has been sold, not saying that it is not a money make but I got 4 1/2 ships more to go. I haven't sold a single spinning Jenny or flying shuttle.

I see the Sealords gate and I am greeted by the first sword. To my surprise it is Syrio from the books. I give him a quick courtesy and head inside. I see a large table and the Sealords son plasters a smile.

"Lord SeaSnow it is a pleasure to meet a man of your stature" I see he is trying to use double meaning talk.

"Lord Meltheron it is a pleasure to meet you on this fine morn" I say with a smile and keep my face emotionless as possible

"Come sit I have the best courses prepared for my beloved guest" he says and I swear I want to punch this fuck.

"Alright" then a servant brings out an appetizer that looks delicious and I am certain that it is a type is fish. And then one after another courses were bought and served.

"So Lord Meltheron, what did you really wanted to talk about?" I ask cautiously

" well you see I was interested in the pens you gifted the other magistrates and I was wondering if I can buy some" he says still with a smile.

" well magister I have about 2000 in my current inventory how many would you like" I ask him

" hmm why so many Lord SeaSnow? They are such a novelty item and having that many in supply makes their value go down" I see he wants to monopolize them.

"Well you see this journey is my maiden voyage so I am just carrying that many to either gift or to sell."

" huh where are heading to ?"

"Well after unloading some merchandise in Bravoos I intend to head to tyrosh and get the wool cloth I have dyed so I can sell them at a higher rate"

"Yes, I heard about to selling an absurd amount of high quality wool. May I ask how you managed to make so much of it?? I heard you only setup your company a year ago"

" well that's a machine I made a while back. It helps creating wool cloth at a faster rate than done by weavers"

"Interesting stuff you have. How do you come up with these ideas"

"Well I look for problems to solve."

"Interesting, how about this I buy 200 of the novelty pens and 50 rolls of wool cloth bundles"

I look at him with surprise, he didn't prove much about the machine.

"Alright I will have the wool rolls sent with the invoice, you can pay upon delivery."

Gaemon P.O.V 293 AC 1st day of Fifth Moon, Departing Ports Bravoos

Merchandise in Bravoos sold quicker than I expected. First thing to sell out was the sheer amount of wool cloth we bought here. I think we single handily made Northern Wool cheaper. The second was the spinning Jenny and flying shuttle. They were bought by both merchants and commoners alike. Then there are only 30 sewing machines left and about a 100 pens. I was charging 1.5 Gold Dragons in White Harbor, here I am charging about 2.5 gold dragon and people bought it quickly. For sewing machines were mostly bought by commoners who can embroider faster now and make a living easily off of it .

When I started getting low on sewing machines I asked about the ships owed to me and turns they have only 8 out of twenty ready. I decided to take cash in foreign currency instead of waiting. I took currency of Lys, Volantis and Bravoos. I decided to deposit majority in Iron Bank and withdraw enough to buy two boats in Lys currency and three ships in Volantis currency. I also have enough gold to buy 10 ships that I started with. Additionally I have money from sales of merchandise here. That should cover the rest of the journey.

Leaving Bravoos was sad, it is a good place to live. But I must move on to Lys. I have my sight on to Lys.