

When the state or federal government control the education of all of our children, they have the dangerous and illegitimate monopoly to control and influence the thought process of our citizens. - Michael Badnarik


Han POV—

"Can you tell me about the ruling class?" The boy asked me. It was a sudden question, one I wasn't adverse to answering.

"You did not read about them?" The boy had done things most 10 year olds dont. He read, trained himself in his own…special arts, he studied attentively and he could understand the Book of Eternity. "…I do not see a reason I should not inform you off them."

He sat in front of me. Today had been another day of training, only 2 days ago did he show me his heart. "I wish to know about the Regional Lord first." He told me, his posture took one of a student, eager to learn.

"As you know already, our Regional Lord is Yin Yin, The Sea Dragon. You'll have to be more specific."

"Lets start with his nickname, how'd he get it?" A question that took me back.

"…Yin Yin was- is a powerful alchemist and sorcerer in his own right. When he was young, he was sent to the Sorcerer guild to learn under them when he was just 6. He spent all his time there, until he was 22, learning their ways. That is why the guilds have such power now.

Most would not give them a sliver of power as everyone fears magic and it's uses. The reason he got his name is the showing of his prowess in the 'Moraqi Incursions.' When Moraqi savages sacked our trade bases in the Cinnamon straits, on Marahi and the Isle's.

The Bloodstone Emperor sent our naval fleet to eradicate them. And so we did…Yin Yin used his alchemy and magic to kill hordes of brutal barbarians by himself. Some water magic had sent ships sprawling into jagged cliffs. He conjured waterspouts to devastate crew. Even sinking a city in rubble with his so called 'black powder'.

Because of this, he was called the sea dragon." Memories of me…and my brother. We had just been picked straight out of the academy at 18 years old. 'When he was killed.'


Yamamoto POV

I had asked him numerous questions throughout the day. All of them pertaining to the government. The Regional Lords don't even rule themselves, they rely on a elite group of scholar officials to handle routine administrative tasks. Guess who sent them….The Emperor.

Although I had barely seen it...The Empire is already collapsing.

He had gone, telling me off the higher up's and the nobles or what not. Eventually we got to something that pulled at my heart strings. The Celestial Dragon Guard. The legion of the Emperor himself.

These elite soldiers have been described as being deeply important to the morale of an army. And even the entire empire itself. They represented what the Persian Immortals represented to its people, what the Spartans represented to the UNSC and all of humanity.

The best way to get close to the Moon Princess, was through The Celestial Dragon Guard.

(Just so you know, the MC isn't thirsty for her, he just wants her power for his future bodies. Just wanted to clear up any confusion you might have.)

That would mean I'd have to excel in anything and everything I did. J had to be the perfect student, and the perfect recruit. And since no one knew how the Guards were recruited, that meant I'd need alot of luck.

And yet…that came with a huge downside; The Bloodstone Emperor is a absolute maniac. He's on Euron Greyjoy's level of fucked up. They're both, basically the anti-christ in ASOIAF. I would be in his direct line of sight at all times. He practiced torture, dark arts, and necromancy, last but not least, he's a cannibal. Doing all of this, seemingly for fun.

Crazy to think…I'd definitely be doing all that in the future, except cannibalism. 'Hehehe...…If I give my soul up to a demon or a god, like R'hollor for more power, could it even take it?'

While most people would be adverse to dabbling in the Dark Arts because of stuff like it taking tolls on the body, with enough preparation and practice, I could become a god.

"Something worth looking into." I mumbled to myself as strolled down the halls to the training grounds. It was late at night, but I had to begin again. Hard work would hopefully pay off.

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