
Chapter 8

So when it comes down to the many beautiful women in this world the last one I would ever imagine to marry is Cersei, she is the type of woman would stab you while you're asleep, she is even crazier than the Mad King, she would actually win the 'Crazy Contest' against Aerys and that says a lot. She is fucking insane, but something deep inside tells me that I can change her... People can change if you help them, plus she was still young and getting married to her bring so much benefit to Kings Landing, there would be no war, Tywin would find no need to rebel against Aerys and overthrow him, there would actually be some kind of agreement and peace, however, I knew exactly what he was planning, if I used my Sharingan on Tywin I could actually change the tides of war and control him to do my bidding, in fact, I could even kill him right now and save the Tarageryens from the grim fate that awaits them. A one-sided bloody slaughter and a endless war and hate between the Tarageryens and Lannisters. I could change it all now.

But it was clear that Tywin wanted to marry Cersei to a royal Tarageryen only to gain more power and control for the Lannisters and himself, he would undoubtfully be in a higher rank of power if his daughter marries me, either way he really wanted the Iron Throne for the Lannisters, he wanted to keep the royal bloodline alive, that was his only duty as his Lannisters passed down from his father. In all, this marriage will not one of love, but one of power and control over Kings Landing.

Aerys sees that I am speechless, "So what is it my son? Do you choose her to be your wife? She is quite the looker she may be older but I can make this inception, when you are of age you will have to consummate, I am sure my scholars have already thought you of such an 'act'. So what is the verdict?"

I gritted my teeth, Daernerys looked at me with a worried and confused face, she didn't want me to marry Cersei, she knew Cersi was not to be trusted. Tywin looks at me, eager to hear my words. The pressure in the room was building.

Cersei glares over to me with a vexing seductive smile, her alluring light green eyes beamed at me, she indeed truly looked gorgeous, a fair blonde and green-eyed maiden.

"I-I will think about it, I want to know more about Cersei before I make such a huge move as marriage, after all, I am too young to think about such things, I rather focus on my swordsmanship," I jokingly said with a sly smirk to ease the pressure in the room.

Cersei walks over to me and whispers in my ear, "I also want to know more about you, meet me at my room after this," her warm breathe swirls around my ear. I keep my composure, there is no way in hell I am meeting her room, but ill see where this go, if anything happens I can use my Sharingan on her. She is %100 not to be trusted.

"I see, then I will give Drakon time, for now, I will make sure that Cersei shall not see nor speak to any other man, if the time is ready, she shall be with Drakon your second eldest son, I will also give time for Cersei to be with Drakon. Is there any objections my lord?" Tywin said, he really wanted me to confirm the marriage, however, I made sure nothing was confirmed today this should buy me time to think of the options for me and the Tarageryen's and also for my survival since the slightest slip up will spark a war. And trust me wars can easily be started over anything. As a Soldier back in my homeworld I knew that at any day or night, I would be called to war for a conflict.

"Tch. No objections," Aerys stops drinking wine and instead settles for a grape basket.

"So no one here objects?" Tywin asked one more time as he goes to close his book of agreements so to say. Daernerys is quite, she didn't know what to say, but I could tell she did not like me being married to another woman, especially one she didn't trust, she knew the Lannisters had a bad reputation and so did I, but right I was doing what was best to ease the situation.

"I object!" suddenly the door slams open. It was a young Jamie Lannister.

Fucking Jamie Lannister. This is not the time!

Aerys is outraged, "What is the meaning of this?! You come here unannounced!" he slams his hands down the table making grapes fall everywhere, he was angered that he was breaking up the ideal of marriage between Cersei and Drakon.

Cersei eyes widened and she gulps, she knew her brother would not back down from this. That Jamie would never let anyone take away his sister from him, that they would be together forever, he loved her, more than just sister and brother.

Tywin clenched his fist, for the first time in a while I get to see him angry. Now the tension was at its highest.

I had to do something to fix this and stop Jamie from fucking up my plans.


A/N: Let me know if you spot any errors.

Vote power stones to top 100 power stones for more chapters! I will be posting more chapters for more power stones. Next chapter will be up around 12:00pm. Also let me know which female and male characters you want to see in this story.

So lets do a vote.

No for MC to be with Cersei

Yes for MC to be with Cersei

[Now my opinion]

I really think that Cersei gets many hate for many reasons, and I hate her too ha, but what if she can change? Can you imagine the power house he will have? But nothing is final as I am still a fan of Daernerys, Sansa, Arya, and Margery.

But doing no Milf in GOT would be unjustice lol. Lets see what happens. As for harem hmmm you don't see the tag so I guess there might no be one? Or soemthing else? For now I will focus on war, action, and romance, and of course the MC getting a badass Dragon. Also the witcher will come into play later on, which characters from the Witcher should be in this fanfic?

HaremGodZcreators' thoughts
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