
Game of Thrones: Corvin Blackwood

Instead of finding himself in the body of a powerful Stag or a hungry Wolf, he is a Raven. Read how Corvin Blackwood, first of his name tries to survive in the world of Game of Thrones all the while playing the game. It cant be that hard right?

xLucqs · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

New Life

This idea came to me one day, so I just decided to try and start writing it. I honestly don't know how there hasn't been any fics where the mc is a Blackwood, I mean they are so cool! Probably one of the coolest families in GoT, and it's unknown to a lot of readers because of their exclusion from the TV Show. I honestly think they are one of the coolest families in the world, and hopefully you will too.

This won't hinder any updates on Revolutionary, I just needed to write something other than one piece for a change, so I started this.


(POV: Corvin Blackwood- 280AC)

The next time Corvin opened his eyes he was greeted by a blinding light, instinctively making him shut them.

He slowly opened them again, letting his eyes slowly adjust to the light as he tried to gain his bearings.

He couldn't help but focus on a woman who covered up a large portion of his vision. The woman he laid eyes upon was beautiful, there was simply no other way to describe her.

The woman had a soft and comforting face, and her hair gave the impression it was crafted by the darkness itself with how black it was.

'Is this…my mother?' Corvin was pretty sure he was a baby again, and the woman he was looking at was his mother.

'So it was real…' Corvin thought in mild shock, recalling the sequence of events that led him here.

After his death he found himself in a dark and empty void where he met God.

Corvin conversed with this God for a couple of minutes before he suddenly gave him a proposition, another chance at life.

Corvin immediately accepted. Who wouldn't want another chance at life?

Corvin would have chosen a world like My Hero Academia or Pokemon which were relatively safe while being unique enough to keep him entertained, because he sadly didn't have that privilege.

The world he would inhabit was chosen by a spinning wheel of all things!

Corvin cursed his luck, and cursed it even more when the pointer landed on the world of Game of Thrones.

He was slightly downtrodden. He didn't like the odds of being able to survive in the world of Game of Thrones where tragedy was waiting at every corner.

His sour mood grew even worse when God denied him any wishes or boons to help him. The fanfictions lied to him!

His only saving grace was hoping he was born into one of the Noble Houses, preferably as Robert's and Cersei's first trueborn son.

As God waved him goodbye and wished him good luck, his body started disintegrating in a bright glow.

Corvin steeled his expression and mentally prepared himself. If he wanted to survive in this world, he would need to be at 100%.

After he finished recounting what happened, Corvin immediately got to work and surveyed his surroundings, trying to gain any information. He needed to know who he was, where he was, and what the date was. Only then could he start planning for the future.

His wide eyes looked to his mother again, eliciting a tired smile from her. Again, Corvin noticed that she was very beautiful despite looking so exhausted from childbirth. He waged in the modern world she could easily become an actress solely on her looks.

Inspecting her further, he noticed her hair was black, along with her eyes.

'Baratheon maybe?' Corvin knew the Baratheons usually had black hair, after all it was easily memorable. This information led to Eddard Stark finding out the truth, and leading to the chain of events that started the War of 5 Kings.

Before he had time to think any further, his mother spoke.

"Corvin Blackwood…" The soothing words softly left her mouth like a lullaby.

Corvin froze.

'So same name huh? I'm glad…But what on earth is Blackwood?' The cogs turned in Corvin's small brain as he tried to recall an ounce of information pertaining to House Blackwood, coming up blank shortly after.

He believed if he could rewatch the series one last time while specifically looking for details about thi–his house, then he would find it. His current knowledge of Game of Thrones was limited to the binge watch he did 2 years ago, some fanfiction and the occasional wiki visit.

Whatever the case, he knew he had his work cut out for him. He wasn't born in any of the Great Houses of Westeros, so it would be much harder to achieve his goal.

He knew when you played the Game Of Thrones, you either win or you die…and he didn't plan on dying.


(POV: Tytos Blackwood, 280AC)

Tytos had returned from war with the best news he could imagine, an heir was born. His beautiful wife did her duty and gave him a son, and from what he saw a fine son he would be.

After fighting for Lord Tully for nearly a year in Robert's Rebellion, this was the greatest reward he had achieved.

His eyes gazed towards the small bundle of cloth, protected by a small bed made of Weirwood.

He met his son's eyes who stared back at him with a cold, observant look that reminded him of Tywin Lannister. His son was abnormal, and he didn't mean it in a bad way, just no other words could describe it.

According to Maester Delvin, babies only showed signs of intelligence after around 5 to 6 months, but here his son was giving him a stare that could freeze Dorne itself. There was no doubt those eyes purveyed intelligence, among other things.

He couldn't be prouder.

His son removed his piercing gaze off Tytos and started to look around the room. His eyes moved with purpose as they flickered from place to place, seemingly absorbing the information like a sponge.

Tytos smiled. His son could very well train to become a Maester, go to the Citadel and forge his chains. He even believed his son had it in him to become a Grand-Maester, but this wouldn't happen.

This was his first born son, his heir, and it would be his duty to rule Raventree hall and assist his Liege Lord in the future. Lord Tully had a son, so when it was time for him to rule the Riverlands, his son would assist him.

He was Corvin Blackwood, first of his name, and heir to Raventree hall.

'Tired, but healthy.' He recalled Delvin's words again, and the normally stoic man smiled.

His wife was healthy, which meant she would have no problems giving birth to a second child. Although he had an heir, in the tragic event he died, he would need another son.

'Already thinking about my new-born son's death?' He chuckled dryly. It was a haunting way of thinking, but realistic. Even nobles were not safe from the harsh conditions of Westeros.

He gave Corvin one last kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. With a stride in his step, he made his way through Raventree hall and eventually found himself in the Godswood.

Since House Blackwood formed they had worshiped the old gods. In contrast to House Bracken who converted to the seven after the Andal invasion, House Blackwood stayed firm in their origins and continued praying to the old gods.

Because of this and the fact they had the blood of the first men running through their veins, they had a history of being very in touch with magic. In his solar are several records which account that many descendants have had the ability to skinchange, primarily with their sigil, the raven.

Sadly for Tytos, he didn't inherit any of these magical abilities. He could only hope his children would, and use the magic for the greater good.

"Phew…" He breathed in the cold air. He always felt at home in the Godswood, and it was a place he would frequently visit.

The atmosphere and the caws of the ravens helped calm his nerves and allowed him to think. In his younger years, he would spend hours every day in the Godswood, but now that he was head of the house, he was often too busy to come here.

He leant against the Weirwood tree, looking to the sky full of ravens. It was the largest Weirwood tree in existence, and it was something he would hold over Jonos Bracken to his dying breath.

It was a feud that had started many years ago, and one that had been quelled many times. Centuries of marriage alliances and truces tried to permanently squash the long running feud, but it was a fool's endeavour.

Until one house was removed from the annals of time, conflict between the Blackwoods and the Brackens would continue to exist.

He found himself getting agitated just thinking about House Bracken so he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. The atmosphere of the Godswood eased his rage, and his mind was soon cleared.

He knelt down, bowing down to the giant Weirwood tree.

"Please keep my family safe." He prayed, no, begged to the old faced gods. He had kept his faith for so long, he only hoped his efforts would bear fruit.

Things were looking up for once, he only hoped it could stay that way.

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