
Game of Thrones: Corvin Blackwood

Instead of finding himself in the body of a powerful Stag or a hungry Wolf, he is a Raven. Read how Corvin Blackwood, first of his name tries to survive in the world of Game of Thrones all the while playing the game. It cant be that hard right?

xLucqs · Book&Literature
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12 Chs


(POV: Corvin Blackwood, 284AC)


Corvin sat on his bed with a tired look, finally closing the book he had been reading throughout the night. Many nights in the past two years were spent plotting and scheming and planning for the future.

Knowledge is power in the hands of a man who used it right, so he read. He spent hours a day reading books and learning about the history of the world, even stuff that might seem inconsequential.

He wasn't old enough to do any physical exercise yet, so he could do that. Aside from reading, his days were spent spending time with his brother who had just turned two a couple of months ago.

Speaking of siblings, the sight of his mothers bulging belly gave him the suspicion that she would have twins. He was excited, a lot more than usual to be having not 1, but 2 new siblings to play and spend time with.

Corvin would always be the big brother, so it would be up to him to protect them.

When the night sky fell on Raventree Hall and everyone went to sleep, Corvin often stayed awake in his world. In these nights to himself, he had gone through the process of selecting the best Ravens possible and giving them the best food.

Everything should have been fine, however there was a single problem…distance.

As Corvin skinchanged into a Raven and flew through the night, the more distance gained between the Raven and his physical body, the weaker the connection got. Eventually, the connection got so dim that he couldn't control the Raven anymore and was forced to abort.

At the rate he was going, he wouldn't even be able to fly his Ravens outside of the Riverlands.

"Hahhh…" He sighed in frustration as he got ready to skinchange again. He knew the results weren't showing up, but it was the only thing he could try.

It had been 2 years since that day, and Corvin had been working hard ever since, biding his time patiently.

He had remained committed to his goal of establishing a large information network over the world, but it was much harder than he expected.

He had gone through the process of selecting the best Ravens and giving them the best food, but the problem was distance.

"You're doing it wrong, although the Raven is letting you in, it's automatic due to your bloodline. You need to give the Raven a little nudge before you enter, telling the Raven you are about to enter. The Raven will then consciously let you in, and the connection will be stronger."

Corvin tried the suggestion, sending a little nudge towards the Raven before he went into his mind.

He instantly noticed the difference, the connection was stronger, much stronger!

His rolled back white eyes were replaced with his usual black eyes as he turned to the man.

"Thanks." He said sincerely.

"No problem." The man replied.

"Wait…Who are you?"

Corvin's head swirled. He saw a man in a black cloak at around 5 feet in height. He looked very old, and there wasn't really much to distinguish him by. There was a sense of familiarity around him, but Corvin couldn't place it.

"My name is Brynden, but you may call me…The Three Eyed Raven."

Corvin's eyes widened immediately, eliciting a chuckle from Brynden.

"It seems you already know who I am…something I can't say the same for you. You are an anomaly in this world, like you shouldn't be here. I can see everything, I know everything, except when it's about you. Corvin…just what are you?"

Corvin was silent for a few seconds, trying not to panic. He needed to choose his words carefully, otherwise he would be dead. He wouldn't put it behind Bloodraven to kill him to preserve the future he must have seen in his visions.

"You are right, I am not meant to be here. In the original timeline of events I simply did not exist, but here I am. I was sent here by someone powerful, more powerful than you, and although I have my own goals and ambitions that may mess up the future…I fight for humanity."

"You fight…for humanity. You mean?"

Corvin nodded, "Yes, I know about the threat beyond the wall and the dangers humanity will soon face. Should it not come together?"

"How?" His rough voice questioned asked, trying not to convey his shock.

"In a way…I am similar to you. I have knowledge about certain future events that will happen. Not everything…just bits and pieces that I have tried to link together."

"Fascinating…Simply fascinating. I originally believed you were the promised prince, but it seems I was wrong."

Corvin chuckled, "I have read about you in the history books Brynden Rivers, I thought you were smart enough not to believe these stupid prophecies…" Corvin sounded like a disappointed parent talking to their child.


"What good are your stupid prophecies? DID YOU PROPHECIES PREDICT THIS? MY PRESENCE IN THIS WORLD? THEY DIDN'T. All prophecies have done is cause men to lose themselves, they are stupid and useless." Corvin was beginning to get annoyed, how could the man who knew everything not see something so simple.

"Wha–" Bryden spluttered in embarrassment.

"If you want a promised prince, then it's me. I will defy fate itself and become the saviour of the world. Not anyone else, not Jon Snow, not Stannis Baratheon, nor Daenerys Targaryen."

It seemed to Corvin that Brynden decided to use his actual brain, and not the knowledge from his powers to think about Corvin's words. It seemed like a century, but the old man's face changed from one of embarrassment, to understanding, to laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA….Corvin, how would you like to be my disciple?"

Corvin smiled. Even with all the knowledge in the world, a man could be stupid. All it took was some facts and logic to open his eyes again, and he couldn't be happier.

It looks like he has finally opened his eyes.


(3rd person POV, Godswood)

"So you're like…not real? You're just projecting yourself here with your powers?"

Brynden nodded, "There are a number of conditions to it, but yes. The Weirwood tree here gives off tremendous amounts of magic, so it's much easier for me to project myself here. We also share the same blood."

"Sounds complicated, but that's just magic in general."

"Indeed!" He said with a chuckle, "Before we get started, I have to ask, your goal is the Iron Throne correct?"

"Correct, how did you know?" Corvin questioned.

"If you want to defeat the Night King then you will have to settle for no less."

"Wasn't planning on it." Corvin smirked, looking to the sky, "No matter the cost I will become the King of Westeros and unite the realm, I will be the best King Westeros has ever had."

"No matter the cost? It's a mighty bold statement."

Corvin sent a death glare to Brynden, "No matter the cost. If I have to commit a million atrocities to get the Iron Throne, then I'll do it. With what I'm planning to do once I am King, I will prevent 10 million more."

"You remind me of how I was in my younger days. Back when I was hand, I killed my kin, dishonoured my promises, and murdered those in my way. Those actions eventually got me sent to the wall, but I still stand by them today. With them I quelled 2 Blackfyre rebellions and prevented many deaths." Bynden said, lost in his own world as he reminisced about the past.

He snapped out of it, looking at Corvin with a determined look. It looks like he had finally decided to go through with this. Corvin was so similar to him, so he was effectively placing trust in his older self.

"Let's get started."

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