
Game of Thrones: Bastard At The Dance

If you want an unrealistic main character, then just read another story. My OC makes bad decisions and learns from them. Takes place during the Dance of Dragons. My OC, Haemon won't be an insane behemoth who's good at everything he does. He will be better than most obviously but he will definitely have his set backs. He's the Bastard son of Viserys conceived before he married Aemma. The only credit that I will take is Haemon. he is mine. Nothing else. Not even the picture of him is mine. Also please check out "My Life As An Si In King. Viserys Court" by IEatBabies254. It gets updated frequently and is a major influence on me starting this story.

CruzControl67 · TV
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A Man Has a Name

Haemon POV 114

I was flying back to Kingslanding today. My seat at Bloodstone secure by land and sea. It had been a rough few years but with Corlys helping me with supplies and men and ships for the return of Seafoam we were in an uneasy truce with the triarchy. With parties getting taxed as they crossed the Stepstones or risk a 'pirate attack' or a dragon at night. There was a representative from the triarchy as my advisor as well. Eladio. A smart man who knew his numbers well and didn't steal money from me. I also had an advisor form Driftmark, a son of Corlys' brother Vaemond. A second son of a second son. He seemed happy with his post and did good work with it. He was in charge of the ships and men while Eladio was in charge of the coin and investments.

When Corlys offered me the crown he was planning to give to Daemon I immediately refused. He convinced me to take it, stating that 'the people need a king right now. Not some bastard like them'. I was angry with his reasoning, but it made sense. The men that followed Daemon wanted glory and they had earned it. Now with nothing to do they seemed too just be there. I quickly put them to work building rough fortifications on each island with them only being truly complete last year.

I saw that I was approaching Kingslanding fast, I heard there would be a tourney, so Gaelithox took me to the main arena. The standings were crowded with people, and I can see my father sitting on his highchair with a women in red to his right and a women in green to his left. The people screamed as they saw Gaelithox, but I didn't care. I only had eyes for my father. He stood up raising his arms to silence the crowd. He started to walk to me, his white cloaks behind him, hands on blade like I would try something.

"I hear they call you King now?" He asked as he glanced at my seashell and bone crown towards Darksister on my hip.

"They do." We fell into a silence, and he seemed conflicted on what to do as he glanced back to Rhaenyra who had a glare as she was staring me. Strange I knew it was a long time since we lost saw each other, but I didn't think it would warrant such disdain.

"But I know no King but you, father." As I held my crown to him staring into his eyes. He looked plumper than the last time I saw him. His face sweaty. He smiled and laughed as he pulled me into a hug. I had to bend my knees a little bit as I was quite taller than him now. Standing at an imposing 6'5. My shoulders broad and arms thick. Silver hair long and flowing, in honor of my uncle.

"My son finally returned" He whispered in my ear. He then let me go and told me to kneel.

"Your exploits at The Stepstones have reached my ears, and you have made me truly happy with how you have handled yourself. And how you have represented House Targaryen." He yelled at the crowd. Queen Alicent as she has been for the past 10 years looked at him with wide eyes, and Rhaenyra gave a smug smile at her.

"I would name you Prince Haemon Targaryen. To be in line for the throne after all my children and any children they have. I have consulted my hand already about this and he agreed. The Seat of Bloodstone shall be a princedom of House Targaryen, and any children you shall bear will be prince or princess of Bloodstone." I was shocked. This was the single most foolish thing he has ever done. I went to refuse but the crowd quickly silenced any plea I tried to make. He dragged me by my arm to the royal box of the stands and told a servant to bring me a chair.

"It's good to see you again brother after so long. Looks like you got your name after all". It was fake, I could feel the sweetness like the point of a blade, if she pressed any harder it would surely draw blood.

"This was not what I wanted"

"Nonsense, you are a prince now. My son. It is what you deserve for such a feat." Viserys waved me off.

"Father surely you can reconsider?" I asked him.

"I agree my King, you did not even consult me on this. Your queen." Alicent said while glaring at me. Viserys seemed to be getting angrier with each word.

"Enough! My son has returned to me. He has been made a prince of the realm and nothing will change that!" He grabbed a cup of wine and downed it, waving for a servant to refill it. No one seemed to want to risk his anger anymore. I only huffed angrily and left. Laenor seemed to want to talk to me, but I brushed him aside. He had gotten taller, it made me think of Laena. I had not seen her in eight years, as I walked through the streets of Kingslanding my thoughts were only of her.

As I entered the Red Keep I saw a white cloak.

"Ser Crispen was it? Shouldn't you be with the princess?" I asked and he seemed to tense up. I thought he was her white knight. Funny he should have been in the tourney now that I think about it.

"The Queen asked me to protect the children, Waters". I smirked at that. I may not like my father's decision but at least I'll have some pull-on people now.

"Prince Haemon now Ser Crispen. Do well to remember that" he seemed ready to fire his own retort back, but I simply walked off. Walking down a few halls to see what had changed. Then I found a servant that I knew.

"Excuse me Bess?"

"Yes milord?"

"Do you by chance know if my room is suitable for me to take up residence again?" She nodded quickly.

"Of course, milord, give me and the girls a few moments and it'll be ready. The Princess Rhaenyra made sure no one was in there but you". I smiled.

"That's good. Once you're finished, you'll be able to find me at the garden. Please take your time, I feel I need to walk some more to get the layout of the Redkeep in my head again" I said as I chuckled, she only gave a small smile and bowed her head. Quickly going to grab some more servants.

(Haemon at the Gardens)

"Haemon, or Prince Haemon as my husband decreed." I turned around to see the queen. Standing with Ser Cunt at her back, hand on his hilt.

"My Queen, truly the crown does suit you." I gave a shallow bow, I motioned for her to join me at the guard rails facing the city.

"How fast a rise in station for you. Surely it is a bit overwhelming?" She asked as she leaned out to the city.

"Well, being a prince doesn't feel as different than being a King. From what I learned so far". I answered with a shrug.

"A bastard king." She said harshly. I simply smiled.

"My men kneeled to me after my uncle's untimely death made me their king, but my father is the only man I will bend the knee to". I said then looked over to Ser Criston. "I was told the both of you were familiar?".

"Yes, the prince I fought against each other in many tourneys. I was the winner in all of them." I simply smiled and gave a small clap of mock congratulations.

"Any man to best my uncle, gets my respect." It was true, I only heard of Criston beating him at the tourney to announce late Baelon's birth.

"I wanted to ask why you returned to Kingslanding Haemon?" Alicent said to end our small conversation.

"It has been many years since I last saw my father and sister. I thought it best to see them now that the Stepstones have calmed down a bit".

"It is truly a remarkable thing you did, over there. Carve out your own kingdom." Alicent said finally facing me. When you first looked at her, she did not seem the women to have three children. She still looked as youthful as I left. Her eyes, however, were a different story. There was a dangerous glint in them.

"I simply did what my lord bid me to do. Once he made me a knight, I was my own man. The men were lost after Daemon died, I simply filled in his position as best as I could". I said purposely leaving out Corlys crowning me king. She didn't need to know that little bit of information yet.

"I knew your uncle; I dare say you have done better then him. I'm afraid if it were he in your place. He would have simply left the stepstones when things got hard." I nodded; it was true. Hells, Daemon never gave House Royce an heir, and he was married to Lady Royce for almost a decade I believe.

"I simply wanted to wish you welcome, more formally, and hopefully you will get the chance to meet your youngest brothers and sister. Goodnight Prince Haemon."

"Goodnight my Queen" I bowed, and she left, with Ser Cunt glaring at me for a second to long for my liking. What in the seven hells was his problem. The sun was setting when Rhaenyra entered. She looked flawless, looked far more mature than the little girl that gave me my dagger. A monster of a man was behind her, and that's coming from me. He was wider than me and taller too. The sword at his waist seemed out of place on his body that it almost made me laugh.

"Sister, my night has truly been blessed. Visited by the Queen and now the Crown Princess. What have I done to deserve such praise?" I asked as I gave a shallow bow with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, it was not returned.

"Haemon. It is good to see you in good health. Unlike our uncle" she glanced at Darksister. I instinctively thumbed the hilt.

"It was a sad day when Daemon fell. Alas where Darksister failed Daemon, it has saved me a thousand times over."

"That's good. Truly. I worried for you, for many years. Then I heard about Bloodstone. I thought that you would never return. I stopped praying at the sept for your safe passage. I understood you had your own name there. Father would rant on about how he was so proud of you during meals. It became quite annoying" she said her face blank, leaving nothing for me to pick up from it.

"I am sorry I did not come to visit, but my responsibilities kept growing and growing. I had to settle them before leaving." I said my eyes scanning the city. She gave a soft sigh.

"Duty. Always duty for you. 'Duty dictates', 'it's our duty'. When you were at the Stepstones I feared that duty would get you killed." She said softly.

"It almost did." She looked at me to furth explain.

"The day of uncle's death, Daemon in all his pride challenged the Crab Feeder to single combat. I was there with him, and Daemon was wining until men came out of the fog interrupting the duel. It was the two of us against those six. You should have seen him, he looked like a true Targaryen Prince with Darksister in hand. But when the men came out three rushed to me and two to Daemon. I would have died that day, if for the dagger you gave me." I pulled out the blade to show her. Her eyes widening in remembrance.

"You kept it?" I only laughed.

"Not every dagger on Driftmark is Valarian Steel sweet sister. I named her Sweetkiss. It seemed fitting at the time." Her face seemed to cringe at the name.

"Sweetkiss? You couldn't have named it something else?" I only shrugged

"The names not important as long as she keeps me breathing." I said as I sheathed it. We continued to talk about everything that we missed from each other's life. It was nice and calming. The sun was fully down at the time the Bess found me. I gave a bow to Rhaenyra and she only gave me a kiss on the cheek, telling me it was good for me to be home then left with her knight. Who I learned to be Ser Harwin, the son of the current hand. Gods was he massive. When I walked to my room, time seemed to blur until I laid my head down on a pillow and slept. My dreams were flooding of dragon songs.

Haemon POV the next day.

"Ser Laenor, it is good to see you again" I said approaching my good-brother. He gave me a bright smile and held out his hand which I grabbed his forearm and we embraced.

"Haemon, or Prince Haemon as the king made you. Gods be good. I didn't think it were possible, but you've gotten even taller." The last time we fully saw each other was when he was visiting on Seasmoke to tell Lord Corlys that Laena had fallen ill after the final battle at the Stepstones. He seemed to be happy, and by the knight at his side. I knew why.

"Ah Ser Joffrey forgive me, I didn't recognize you" I said, and he simply bowed his head and left us to talk alone.

"So how is it being betrothed to my sister?" When I uttered those words he froze for a moment before he smiled.

"It is a great honor to be prince-consort to Rhaenyra." I continued to stare at him.

"I know about your preferences Laenor. You can speak truthfully to me. We were raised around each other when we were younger. I fought and bled with your father. You are my brother in all but name." He still seemed hesitant when he nodded his head.

"We have given each other much freedom to pursue...Happiness. But I fear I may not be able to... Do my duty." I frowned at this. It made sense, he just wasn't made to enjoy women. I felt sorry for him then.

"Banish those thoughts. You will give her many heirs and rule beside her for man year to come." I gave a reassuring hand on his shoulder. We stayed like that for a moment before he smiled at me.

"I'm sure my betrothal, wasn't the only thing you had on your mind. Maybe my sister fills your thoughts?". It was true I wanted to ask about her. I just didn't want to seem so desperate to him. I nodded my head.

"She is fine, healthy even. Her future husband has been a constant stain in High tide's court ever since he squandered his money. Father just doesn't have a real reason to end the marriage since Bravos still fulfilled their end of the deal." That shocked me.

"She is still unwed?" he looked at me with knowing eyes. Then simply nodded and wished me good luck. He left in search of Rheanyra. She was still unwed. I pulled on the connection with Gaelithox.

"What is it little mouse? I thought you didn't need me until later in the month?"

"No, I need you now. I need to go to Driftmark as fast as possible." I said while running to the Courtyard. King Viserys was there with a silver haired child by his by his side.

"Haemon? Where are you going?" I stopped for a moment to look at him than at the child.

"I haven't the time to explain father. I'll be back soon, don't worry?" He only looked at me and smiled.

"Surely this can wait. You haven't even met your siblings yet" He said gesturing to the kid, who looked up at me curiously. Gods why can't he just let me leave.

"No, it cannot. I'm sure when I return, proper introductions will take place but not now." He didn't like that answer. His chubby face twisting into a frown.

"If I say it can wait then it can wait." Galeithox's shadow loomed over us as he started to get closer and with a final flap of his wings he was on the floor, waiting for me to get on.

I simply looked at my father who looked ready try to stop Gaelithox and said, "Love waits for no man." Then Gaelithox took off with a roar.