
Chapter 9

The Xenomorph deftly wielded its barbed tail, using it as a defensive weapon to keep the attackers at bay. Despite their relentless assault on the tail, their efforts proved futile. Assessing its surroundings, the Xenomorph searched for an escape route from its current predicament.

It acknowledged that it had landed in this situation due to its failure to anticipate potential traps and other variables. It acted hastily, now regretting its impulsive decision to charge headlong into the danger.

Gradually, the humans surrounding the Xenomorph wore it down. Each movement of the tail became increasingly sluggish. Seizing the opportunity presented by the tail's decreased speed, one of the individuals swiftly swung their sword, successfully severing the appendage.

Without hesitation, they discarded the sword and reached for another from their side. In response, the Xenomorph emitted a loud hiss, retaliating with swift action.

Initially, the remaining onlookers rejoiced at their crewmate's triumph over the Xenomorph's tail. However, their euphoria quickly vanished once the Xenomorph lunged towards the assailant who had inflicted the damage.

The two others attempted to intervene, but they proved too slow. Despite the person behind them throwing a sword at the pouncing Xenomorph, it narrowly missed its target.

Terrified, the human who had become the Xenomorph's target was suddenly gripped by fear. They had believed that by attacking the Xenomorph, they would prompt it to turn and expose its vulnerable back, allowing the individual behind them to strike swiftly. However, upon realizing that their comrades were too sluggish to lend assistance, they hastened to retrieve another sword from their side. Unfortunately, their hand slipped, causing a fumbled delay with the hilt.

Before they could rectify their mistake, the Xenomorph struck. With lightning speed, it slashed the human's throat, causing them to stagger backward, clutching their neck as blood spurted and coated their hand. In a state of shock, the human gazed at the Xenomorph before succumbing to their injuries and collapsing to the ground, their life slipping away.

The Xenomorph experienced a sense of fulfillment for avenging its lost tail, yet it refrained from celebrating, fully aware that adversaries still lurked behind. Acting swiftly, it seized the deceased body and flung it backwards.