
Chapter 22

A lot might think that it is stupid to let Daenerys be. But Auron was holding himself back from abducting her. He was able to hold himself back because he believed that getting her this early will affect her character's growth. He doesn't want a bratty type Daenerys. Rather, he like the Daenerys version in the show. He figured that all that happened in her childhood helped in shaping her character to greatness so she needed to experience them and overcome them in the process. The only thing Auron could not tolerate is when the time came Khal Drogo will screw her publicly in the future. He'll have to find a way to stop that. He shoved the thought away inside his head and it was for his future self to think about.

On the other hand, he was able pass a night of performance with another great haul coins together with Bronn and his owl.

After paying Baldy's group for escorting them, they were able to get home without any hiccup.


A/N: I know that warging is the term used in possessing a wolf. But I will just use the same term in possessing other animals cause I think it's much more fitting than using 'possess' term.

Next day

Auron was in his room staring at Hedwig, his snow owl. According the information he got from the ring of 'Skinchanger' skill, he had to look into the animal's eye to establish a connection. Once the connection was established, you will feel an invisible string connecting both you and the animal. You will feel its emotion and intentions. Warging into its mind will not only let you take control fully of the body but you will know its exact thoughts so it's possible to communicate with it like a psychic pet.

Auron closed his eyes in meditation for a moment before staring straight to Hedwig's eye. He willed his mind and intention to him which he find surprisingly easy. Then he felt a tug in his consciousness indicating the connection was established.

Auron heaved a sigh of relief. He took Hedwig out of the cage and placed him in his right arm.

'Shit, his claws are sharp. I should probably get some leather bracers.'

"Hooot hooot!"

"Oh come on man, I'm not a pussy. Your claws are really shar--wait did I just understand you? That's awesome."

Hedwig turned his head and rolling his eyes.

"Nevertheless, thank you for establishing a connection with me. Here, you can perch in my shoulder instead."

Auron place him in his shoulder and he got to admit he looked cool having a bird perched on his shoulder.

"Can I try to enter your mind?"

"Hooooot hoot"

"Okay, here we go."

Auron eyes turned white without any pupils. Suddenly his perspective shifted after warging into Hedwig's. He saw himself in Hedwig's eyes as he turn his head to the right. The feeling was strange for him sitting at his own shoulder. He also noticed that he could turn his head more. He feels like he's looking at a CCTV camera turning around his head without any difficulty. The more he look around like this, the more he was convinced that he made a correct decision. Imagine having a mobile CCTV at your disposal. He can even zoom in and it's probably how owls hunt they prey no matter how small.

After checking himself in Hedwig's perspective, he willed his mind to disconnect returning his consciousness to his own body. His mind was in turmoil for a moment adjusting to fit on his own.

A few seconds later, he exhaled a mouthful of air.

"Hooot! Hoot.."

"I guess your cage isn't usefull anymore. You can fly around if you want.. I'd just call you when I need you."


Hedwig didn't move from his shoulder. He just looked around curiously.

Auron stood up from sitting and he went down to call everyone for a meeting.

Bana squealed in delight when she saw Hedwig on Auron's shoulder. He let Bana play with him as he signalled everyone to follow him in his room.

After the room was closed, Auron began the meeting.

"I gathered everyone here because I think it's time we both go on our separate ways."

The room suddenly went silent. They knew this would come eventually.

"Come on, don't make that face. It's not like we're not going to see each anymore. It's just temporary. I just have to do some things here in Essos, then I will catch up with you in Westeros."

"Let Bronn go with you, Master." Marlena said worriedly.

"No, I need to go alone. Look, I'm not insinuating that you guys have to go now. We still have a few days and I'll collect more money as much as I can before you leave. It'll be your capital to start the business in White Harbor."

"You five have a task on your own. You have to do what I ask. Don't fail me. It will not be long before we reunited again."

Bronn shrugged not bothered in the slightest because he knew how strong Auron is. Shera and Heman just nodded while Marlena still looked worried.

Seeing this, Auron looked at her and said, "Marlena, I trust you will do what you must do."

Marlena steeled her heart and the worried look was replaced by determination. She sigh and said, "I will, Master."


"Shera, Heman, both of you won't be a slave anymore once you reach Westeros but I trust that both of you will stay loyal and still protect Marlena with your lives. It's a good thing that I didn't bought you from Volantis or else you will have a slave mark on your face and it's pretty hard to hide. I will not treat you unfairly, as long as you two don't do anything stupid. Trust me, I will be able to know if you plot something behind my back. Don't let me catch you or I will hunt you down. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Master." Heman who was ever loyal was the first to respond.

"Shera, is that understood?"

Shera evaded his gaze but eventually nodded.

Auron shared a quick glance at Bronn with the tacit understanding to watch the slaves. Bronn nodded briefly reassuring him.

Then Auron turned to the red priestess who was silent all along.

"Melisandre, watch out for Marlena and guide her if necessary. I let you stay with her not to get rid of you. I'm giving you my word now, I will fulfill what I promised you. I just need you to trust me." Auron said looking into her eyes sincerely.

"I understand, I will only be your burden if I stay with you. I will do what you ask. The Lord of light told me to trust you and he showed me that you will soon face thousand of swords alone but will remain victorious." Melisandre said

Auron was surprised with her revelation. He couldn't help but arch his brows.

"Well, that's reassuring despite the fact that I don't have any enemy at the moment. Anyway, you five should leave the day after tomorrow. After you leave, I will continue to stay here for one or two days before heading to Braavos. I will send Hedwig to give you an update."


After the meeting was over, they went downstairs only to see Bana running around excitedly.

"Brother Auron! Look! Look! Grandma isn't coughing anymore. It's effective! Yey!"

Auron couldn't help but laughed at her as he ruffles her hair.

"Then we should celebrate, how about we make some pizzas?"

Bana's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly, "Really?"

"Of course, don't you trust your brother Auron anymore?" Auron dramatically wear hurt expression.

"No, no, I believe! I believe!" Bana jump up and down anxiously, not knowing how to show her belief.

"Then go bother Marlena so you both can go to the marketplace to buy the ingredients."

"Mmmm, okay!"

'I think I should arrange something for her as well. I don't know how long the old lady will last. She will be in danger once the old lady dies and she's alone."


After eating their sumptuous lunch, they rested for a while before Bronn propose a spar.

Auron relented thinking it was also a perfect chance of showing his combat prowess to his team. First to instill fear and second to reassure them that he will be safe even when alone.

Outside Bana's house, there was an empty space where Bronn and Auron were standing. The rest were watching the two of them. Since they don't have any practice sword, both agreed to use their own sword.

Auron started by encircling Bronn opting for his blindspot. Bronn on the other hand, stayed still in a defensive position ready for any attack.

Auron started with a simple slash. Bronn parried it but Auron kicked his hand causing Bronn to almost lose his sword. Auron could've finish it all but he gave Bronn a chance by backing away.

This time, it was Bronn who initiated the attack. Bronn gave a heavy slash to Auron swinging hard.

Auron who anticipated his movements by watching his opponent's shoulder deflected the slash directing the force slightly to the right. This creates an opening for Auron to strike Brown's face with hilt of his sword which stumble him backwards.

"Fuck, that hurts!", Bronn wince in pain.

"I told you you will only get abused. You didn't listen." Auron shrugged.

"Again! I'll be serious from now on." Bronn said adjusting his stance.

He opted for fast-pace attack but all of them was deflected by Auron. The flat of his blade always ended up smacking Bronn's body parts.

This continues until Bronn was finally exhausted. He sat on the ground panting heavily. Contrary to him, Auron was still relaxed, he was panting slightly with just a few beads of sweat.

"Why in the hell are you not exhausted?" Bronn asked in exasperation.

"That's a secret my friend, if you want to learn, you have to dedicate your life to me but I figured you wouldn't want that. Come, stop whining! Let's go to the pub and have some ale. My treat!"

"If you didn't offer that, I might fight you to death right here right now."

"Hahahaha, you wouldn't succeed anyway."


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