
Fighting the Kraken! - Part 1

"Arrluk! Get down!" Kojja screamed at the top of her lungs to warn Arrluk who seemed disoriented by the Kraken's scream and was not aware of the tentacle about to crush him.

Arrluk raised his head just in time to see the huge suckers on the Kraken's tentacles that seemed strong enough to pull the flesh clean away from a person's face. For Arrluk at that moment time itself seemed to slow down as his brain fueled by his magic worked at its full capacity but did not come to stop as he would have wished.

Unfortunately, unlike his senses, his physical body wasn't fast enough to move out of the way of the tentacle's trajectory in time. He now wished he had taken that Potion of Swiftness for increasing his speed and reflexes. Perhaps then he could have rolled out of its way, nonetheless, he now has to deal with the consequences and find another way to survive.

And that is what Arrluk did. He used all of his concentration on the Wind rune in his mind space and used it's power to forcefully convert his mana in directly into the wind element rather than using the wind from his surrounding as that would take time which he did not have. Fortunately it worked as he felt a power inside of him with a certain characteristics spilling out of his body. It was the wind.

Rather than willing it to form a wind barrier around him or use it to push back against the tentacle, Arrluk gathered and compressed that wind into a single vertical line.

Arrluk accumulated so much wind element in that single line that it took on a visible form of blade with a greenish tint to it. Maybe it was due to converting his mana into the wind element through the use of the runic symbol of wind that caused it or maybe it was something else, he wasn't sure but it happened and for the first time the wind became visible to everyone's eyes.

The rest of the work was quite instinctive as Arrluk released the blade, which getting much harder to maintain and to control with his mind, towards the tentacle.

Like an arrow being released from the bow, the glowing green blade flew onwards with a swish and came into contact with the sea monsters arm.

The wind blade passed right through the mosters arm, splitting it into two parts from the tip to the quarter length of the arm and flew into the sky behind until it slowed and dissipated into the air its own.

The divided tentacle that was still joined to the monsters arms fell on either side of Arrluk, smashing the wooden platform due its weight and inertia, causing wooden shards to fly around.

Kojja. who had her eyes on Arrluk from the start, looked at the young man splased with the Kraken blood, gobsmacked and eyes widened at witnessing the miraculous scene.

It was same for the rest of the red archers and sailors who were on the platform. Everyone could see the gaint arm about the smash theyoung man but suddenly they say a green blade forming in front of him and then cutting almost one third of the gaints arm into two.

The other arms froze in pain and it gave a few breathing moments for the sailors standing on the deck and the time to look towards the platforms from where they saw the green light emerging from or atleast deduced from its trajectory.

But they couldn't stay still for more than a few seconds as the Kraken gave another shrill cry and this time it was loud enough that it almost made people deaf for a few seconds except for Arrluk. He had learned from his mistake and dampened his hearing with a tricle of mana and saved himself this time from the torture though his head still throbbed very much becuase of the previous cry and the because of using the wind blade for the first time.

The Kraken's arm retreated from the deck and submerged back into the water. But the Arrluk didn't let the one arm he split to retreat without doing more damage to it.

Since he had already revealed his powers, Arrluk said fuck it in his mind and willed for another Wind blade to materialize in the air above him and this time with more ease as he propelled it to cut off the retreating injured arm from just above where the slit started.

The spit tentacles fell on the deck while the rest of it managed to retreat back into the sea with greater haste.

If the people on the deck had previously missed how or who had formed the mysterious green glowy thing and its lethality to the Kraken's arm, they witnessed the whole scene this time and looked at Arrluk in wonder, awe, hope and fear.

Quhuru tried supressing his emotions that were emerging for young man now standing beside his daughter and at seeing the miraculous magical blade he brought forth, capable of cutting off the thick arm of the Sea monster. The danger hasn't past yet and the Kraken might come back, so he barked out orders for everyone to get out of their stupefied state and get ready for confronting the Kraken, which was surely very angry for getting hurt if the sound it was making below the see was of any clue.

And the Captain was right in his thinking as he saw the arms once again emerging from below the sea and falling onto the deck with a bang. The wooden ship creaked and wobbled under their weight, one of them even tore through the deck, creating a hole in that area.

If the tentacle managed to create a hole in the hull then there was no saving them. Fortunately, the Kraken didn't do that and instead it tightened its arms on the deck as if it was trying to get a hold.

For a second, Quruhu and Arrluk thought it was trying to pull the ship below the sea or trying to tear it in half but they were both wrong as the Kraken was only trying use its arms as pivot and lift its main body out of the sea.

And when they finally saw its main body, everyone was horrified of the way it looked.

"Fuck that's one ugly looking Kraken!" Arrluk exclaimed in fear.

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