
Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Jay, just your average college student leading a pretty ordinary life. But one weekend, he decided to watch the last episode of the Game of Thrones series. Now, Jay had mixed feelings about the ending. He wasn't thrilled with it, no matter which way you looked at it. If Daenerys survived, well, she went on a crazy killing spree due to her extreme emotional issues. That wasn't exactly a happy ending. And if she was dead for good, why did Jon have to go into exile? Jay thought Jon could've made a great king with Bran's guidance, the guy they call "the Broken." For Jay, there were just too many unnecessary deaths that messed with the emotions of fans, from the beginning to the very end. But, with a not-so-happy heart, Jay decided to call it a night. After all, he had to wake up early for class the next day. Little did he know that this would be his last night as a human. When he woke up, he had become something else entirely—a monster.

AmouxCreationsX · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

Chapter 63

As the morning sun heralded the impending clash, Tywin Lannister gathered every available man, hastily preparing for the inevitable confrontation with mysterious being. The mysterious being had demonstrated control over minds and the ability to transform his eyes into those of a beast, leaving Tywin uncertain of what kind of adversary he faced. Determined to face his fate with honor, Tywin readied his forces, aware that this battle might mark the end of the Lannister house.

In a desperate attempt to secure some semblance of a future for his lineage, Tywin made arrangements to send his son Tyrion away, hidden in a box across the Narrow Sea to Pentos. Even as he prepared for battle, Tywin harbored the hope that his descendant might survive the impending conflict, preserving the Lannister legacy.

With a heavy heart, Tywin ascended the castle walls, joining his men as they braced for the arrival of Bahamut. His gaze lingered on the horizon, where the sun began its ascent. Simultaneously, Bahamut stirred from his slumber in a rented inn, knowingly approaching the battlefield that would determine the fate of Casterly Rock.

While Rhaenys and her husband sailed toward the Strait of Qarth, the bustling city awaited her arrival. The news of her journey, specifically in search of her relative Daenerys Targaryen, had preceded her. The Qartheen were wise enough not to provoke the wrath of dragons, especially considering the recent exploits of the powerful and unpredictable dragon, Bahamut, in Yi Ti.

The people of Qarth welcomed Daenerys with warmth, aware that she carried the legacy of dragons. Unbeknownst to Daenerys, her cousin Rhaenys was also present in the city, seeking her out. The Spice King was the one to inform Daenerys about Rhaenys's arrival.

Daenerys, despite facing numerous challenges on her journey to Qarth, remained hopeful and somewhat naive. The prospect of meeting someone from her own bloodline, a fellow Targaryen, both excited and made her nervous. She had only heard about them from her deceased brother, and now the opportunity for a real encounter was before her.

Rhaenys, on the other hand, was welcomed warmly by the Qartheen, who wisely refrained from displaying their wealth or capabilities in her presence. Some warlocks approached her out of curiosity, but they were swiftly defeated by Rhaenys's formidable abilities. Trained in Yi Ti under the best sorceresses, she was not only a skilled pyromancer but also a sorceress in her own right.

Despite her magical prowess, Rhaenys chose not to bring her dragon along, fearing the possibility of it being poisoned. However, she was confident in her ability to defend herself, both in combat and against magical threats.

While Daenerys, adorned in the elegant dress provided by Xaro Xhoan Daxos, entered the hall where Rhaenys awaited her, accompanied by Jorah and her trusted maids. Rhaenys, engaged in light banter with her husband, teased him about the possibility of her being pregnant during the voyage, finding joy in the idea of becoming a mother. Her heart was set on returning to her brother and Bahamut to share the good news.

As Daenerys approached, Rhaenys rose and warmly embraced her, surprising Daenerys with the genuine and affectionate gesture. The two Targaryens exchanged pleasantries and took a moment to catch up.

Rhaenys, her eyes filled with a sisterly warmth, finally brought up the topic of returning to Westeros. "Aunt," she began, "I've longed to meet you, and now that we are together, I propose a journey back to our home. Bahamut and my brother await our return. What say you? Shall we embark on this adventure together, as the blood of dragons, and bring prosperity to our family?".

Excitement filled Daenerys as they prepared to return back to Westeros. Within two days, they boarded a ship from Qarth to Kings Landing, laden with the riches and offerings from the city. Daenerys noticed the peculiar respect the Qartheen showed Rhaenys, treating her with an almost royal reverence.

Setting sail on their journey, Daenerys witnessed something truly awe-inspiring. Above the ships soared an adult dragon, majestic and powerful. The sight left everyone, including Jorah, in stunned amazement. It was the first time Daenerys had laid eyes on a fully grown dragon, and the experience was beyond what she had imagined. The beautiful creature, reminiscent of the moon, filled her with a sense of wonder, and she couldn't help but marvel at the magnificent sight. Little did she know, her own dragons held the potential to become such incredible beings.