
Game of Thrones and the Little Merchant

A man from our world hates being bound by laws and loves simplicity and strangeness at the same time, tired of hard work, so he decides that he rests from all that and does what he wants in his favorite world, Game of Thrones, where his only goal is to have fun with others (a warning from the novel that writing is almost acceptable and not There is nothing I own in this novel and I absolve myself of all responsibility.)

GGilgamesh · TV
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In a dark place where there is only blackness you can see a twenty-year-old urinating on the floor and then stop urinating and then urinate again and then finish and pull his pants up

So what happened Jack says and all he remembers is that he was walking in the street and wanted to experience the feeling of urinating in the middle of the street, but suddenly he sees a speeding truck that hits him on the road quickly making him die without suffering and then wakes up in a dark place and finishes urinating

Well then what will happen now Jack says while waiting for any sign of any strange phenomenon to happen

After half an hour of waiting

Jack hears someone in his head say hi boy I'm sorry for the delay There was a traffic jam for some strange reason but now let me introduce myself I'm the one who got your wish for some weird reason even though you didn't do anything to deserve it Also let me ask you what are these strange smells

Now Jack is trying to absorb the information with his head and now understands that he will travel to another world with his wishes similar to those novels he always read on foreign sites

Hello my friend on the number I don't know who you are and what strange smells you are talking about but now let's get into the main topic how many wishes and are there any restrictions for the worlds I can choose Jack says with great enthusiasm

Well you seem to know about these things so I'm going to tell you that you can choose any world you want and also you have one wish and the strange voice says to Jack

Only one wish This is really stingy Why not three wishes as usual in the stories Jack says, waiting for an answer, but all the silence hears

shit so well I want to go into the world of Game of Thrones and for my wish, I want to be able to summon anything I can think of in my imagination Jack says victorious

Well, as you wish, although your wish is silly to order, I have another appointment so I will make it for you

And the strange voice said and then slapped Jack on the cheek and he collapsed to the ground unconscious


Somewhere in the Iron Islands, Jack wakes up from the ground and looks around to see that he is on the shore and the sound of birds and sea waves around him

If this really happens, a new beginning, no regrets anymore, how I waited for this moment, then what will be my goal in this world Jack says to himself

After three hours of reflection, meditation, and yoga

Well, my father always told me to look for happiness in the simplest things, so I wouldn't try to rule this world or go after the Iron Throne, I'd just enjoy doing what I wanted, and maybe try to be a little merchant with the aim of wandering between kingdoms, yes, that would do the trick, Jack says to himself.

So how exactly does my wish work, he asks, thinking maybe I will try to imagine something to appear before me

Jack now imagines inside his skull a sword similar to the common swords from the world of Game of Thrones and appears in front of him from the void and falls to the ground

He picks up the sword from the ground and looks at it with a smile that it is heavy and not comfortable, Jack says to himself while waving it in the air

Well let's leave this place

............................................. i know it is short

Hello everyone, this is the first chapter to be written, and most likely the rate of chapters will be slow, maybe three chapters per week, so what is your opinion and do not forget that I can benefit from any help in editing and proofreading for those who want to get things done quickly
