
Game of Thrones and Domination System

I was born into a new world with a system can brings warriors from another world to help me rise and dominate the world of Game of Thrones { the system } Choose the type of soldier you want [Assassin's Creed - Lord of the Rings - Sparta - Special Class] This novel is just for fun and not for any material purpose, so I don't care about negative comments, but positive comments are welcome cover photo is not mine Note::::: The novel is translated from my original language into English. You may notice some strange words. Try to use your imagination and your mind to understand.

GGilgamesh · TV
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Chapter 26 ( punishment )

John decided to take a walk around the wall and before heading to Winterfell while doing so in the company of his soldiers his eyes landed on someone.

Who seems to be the one who brings recruits (the murderers and the rapists who took the black to avoid execution) from all the kingdoms of Westeros to become a member of the night watch, and in the cage, three prisoners can be seen and John recognized one of them the faceless man Jaqen Hagar who trained Arya in Braavos

Stop, John said in a deep voice, of course, everyone stopped, there is no one who does not know who John is, the Ice King of the North.

Yes, my king, how can I serve you? The man who recognized John said.

John went to the cage as if he hadn't heard anything and kept his eyes focused on Jaqen Haggar

How are you, Jaqen? Long time no see. John said to Jaqen, who recoiled in shock from hearing John say his name.

How do you know the name of the man Jaqen said to John

I would love to chat with you but I don't have time John said before he stabbed the two men in the cage next to Jaqen with his sword and ordered some soldiers to tie him well so that he would be taken to his land and be tortured to get all the secrets of the disguise while Jaqen remained confused about what was happening

If you go through with this you will become hunted by the entire might of the black and white house." Jaqen said with a cold look in his eyes

I'm sorry my lady I didn't know that would make you so angry don't be afraid as long as you give me what I want no harm will befall you but if u don't I'll be forced to do some unsavoury things and John said to her before he left

Jaqen opened her eyes wide when she heard this, how did he manage to reveal her disguise

John threw a bag of gold coins at the man responsible for the recruits and started his journey back to Winterfell with his men.

After several hours, Catelyn was now at Winterfell and looking at her husband in disbelief at what she saw, tears sprang out of her eyes quickly, and fell into his lap and held him so that he would never leave her again.

"Don't worry, I'm back, Catelyn," said Ned, putting his hands on her head and stroking her hair, telling her it'd be okay.

Ned, we have to save Aria and Sansa, Catelyn said before Ned said something to her and she was shocked to see Arya now standing next to Bran.

in the castle

So you're saying Lord Black will win the war Catelyn said to Ned

Yeah don't worry I've seen what he can do It's only a matter of time until Cersei falls and you must now call him King Black

Everyone heard the sound of the door opening and for a knight to come out and announce that King John is about to arrive

Outside, Ned, Catelyn, and Roderick were now looking at John Black, behind him his soldiers and nine royal guards, John got off his horse and looked at Catelyn.

So it was you who insulted me by breaking the engagement John said to Catelyn with a cold look

I'm sorry for what I did, my king. I was blind and afraid as a mother for the lives of my daughters, and I did what any mother in my stead would to get them back.

I understand your reasoning but your actions brought disgrace upon my house, and as a punishment for that, you will be exiled to Essos forever, and you will never be able to see your daughters again. John said to her in a merciless voice.

Catelyn fell to the ground, not believing what she was hearing, and screamed in fear at Ned until she heard everyone laughing and saw John now laughing at her.

He was joking with you told her Ned in embarrassment he knew that John would punish her in a strange way and could not say anything because he knew that John had shown great mercy to her

Catelyn stood from the ground in embarrassment, anger filled her and ran to the castle to hide

"Boy, you really don't hold back," said Sir Roderick, while laughing

Old man, aren't you dead yet? Well, I can't say I'm not impressed by your resilience specially at your age, John said to him, and Roderick turned red from hearing that.

I know what you've done, my king, and I know I can't make up for you in any way, and I will bear any punishment that comes from you.

Good you admit your mistake and you're also my brother-in-law so I will lighten the punishment for you and as a punishment for you I want you to keep your legs apart and raise your head up John said to him

When everyone heard this, they looked strangely at what was going to happen until they saw John kicking Rob's eggs with his foot and Rob fell to the ground screaming in pain.

Rob didn't expect this to happen as he cried out in pain. All he wants now is to stand on the ground, but he can't, as the lower part of his body is not responding to him.

It was so hard even for you, John, said Ned, saddened by what happened to his son Rob

This is a must. I promised Aria to punish him well. Now carry him and put him to his bed. As for the rest, all of you, come to the war tent, John ordered them while he think about to destroy the white and black house

And what gifts will he bring to Dorn for the girls


BIG thanks for Aymen for edit this chapter