
Game of Thrones-Age of Warriors

Ivar Stark.Second born son of Lord Eddard Stark.He has always known his lot in life was to be bellow his twin.And while he has no desire to take what is not his,he started to desire something of his own... I will try to post at least 1 chapter per week,but it is possible for updates to be irregular,due to,well,life... English is not my first language,and while i think i am good at it there is always room to improve.Point any mistake that you see,and i will sort them out,thanks. I plan for this work to contain the worst of GOT.Disgusting acts done even by the MC,so be warned. Disclaimer: I don't own Game of Thrones,A Song of Ice and Fire or Planetos,whatever name you prefer calling the world crated by George R.R. Martin,everything belong's to the author of said universe,this is purely a work for fun that i am not seeking to profit from it in anyway.

Mahesvara98 · TV
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11 Chs


Ivar Stark POV

I could't help my exited grin on my face as we saw The Titan of Braavos,standing tall and imposing,taller than anything I have ever seen before.The 400-feet tall defender of Braavos earned his name as one of the man-made wonders written by Lomas Longstrider.

The Titan of Braavos was a massive statue of granite and bronze in the shape of a warrior.It stood on top of two islands with his broken sword proudly in the sky,and although it was broken,it took nothing away from the Titan's magnificence.

"I expected a sight,but not quite one like this.Words fail me,my Lord."Merlin said with a slight tremble in his voice.

"Old Nan once told me and my siblings,when Braavos is in danger the Titan will come to life and crush the incoming enemies while his eyes blazed with fire."I said to him while I remembered the stories Old Nan used to say.

"While I don't think this stone titan will come to life,it is still no less impressive to me.Even more perhaps.A testament of what men can build."Merlin said in an amazed tone.

"True enough,I guess.The Wall is even taller than this.700 feet tall and 300 miles wide.We will see it one day too,I promise you.Then you can also write a book,just like your favorite Lomas Longstrider,hahaha."I said while laughing.

"Right now,my Lord.I feel like I can die happy.I never would have thought I will see something like this in my entire life."Merlin said in a tone that told me he meant every word.

"Magnificent,isn't he?"Said Captain Dohoris while approaching us with a proud expression on his face.

"He is.We were just discussing it.An impressive...."

"Whuuuuuuudhuuuuuuuuuuuum....."A loud sound interrupted me.

"Ah,there it is.There is nothing quite like being welcomed home by a Titan.If you boys stay for long,you will eventually get used to it.He is very loud,very often."Captain Dohoris said with a smile.

"On that account,I wanted to ask you something.Will my coin be good to be used,or do I have to exchange it for Braavosi iron coins?"I asked him something that was on my mind.

"Gold is gold.Every gold coin is welcome in Braavos.From Westerosi gold dragons to Volantine golden honors.Most who arrive don't bother to exchange gold coins for iron.Merchant's have no time as they look to leave quickly and others don't have much coin to begin with."He explained to me.

"I see.And how much iron coins is one dragon?"I inquired some more.

"There is the big square that is of equal value to the dragon,the middle one to the silver stags and the small one to the penny.Each one is equal to your Westerosi coins,but we don't have half small square like your half pennies."He explained to me while showing each of the coins.

"That is good to know.It won't be altogether confusing."I said,relieved.

"Indeed.You will have no trouble with your coins,I promise you that much.But while we trade frequently with Westeros and many speak the common tongue,learning Braavosi will be of use to you.If you learn it quick enough you can enjoy some fine mummer's plays that are in the original Braavosi."He said to me,before continuing.

"You two are actually in great luck.In five days will be the annual Festival of the Uncloaking.You don't wanna miss that.It's actually why we come home for,as will many other ships before long.It is the one time of the year that every Braavosi comes back home,regardless of where he is.Five days from now,the city will be permanently closed until we reveal the city again to the world once more,ten days later."The man said in a jolly and exited mood.

"I have heard a bit of this festival.Is it true everyone in the city remains masked for ten days and that the street's are filled with mummer's,dancers and games for all of that time?"I asked him curiously.

"Aye,it is true.And in that amount of time,the city feasts and merchant's fill their purses so much they begin to burst at the stitches.I have brought strong dark beer from White Harbor that is very popular in Braavos.My cargo hold is filled with so many casks of it that I swear will make me enough coin to bed The Black Pearl."The Captain spoke in excitement while licking his lips.

'I am sure a hundred other Captains think the same of their cargo.Who the hell is The Black Pearl'

While I was thinking of this,we passed beneath the Titan and I looked up to see what's beneath his bronze armored skirt.Half expecting to see a c*ck between his legs even thought I knew it is filled with murder holes and casks of burning pitch,ready to be dropped without a moment of hesitation on incoming enemies.From the armored skirt to the neck,the inside of the Titan is filled with men behind the many arrow slits dotting the chest and the arms,all the while The Titan of Braavos staring with his fiery eyes,daring for anyone to approach.

One look at it,and even an inexperienced man in matters of warfare will come to the conclusion that any would be conquerors would pay a pretty price just to barely pass the Titan,only to find themselves beset by the vast Arsenal of Braavos.

I could tell it was no wonder no one has dared to try and fight them on their own turf,even if they dare to face them on the seas.After a while we sailed past the famed Arsenal.

"That right there is the Arsenal of Braavos.They can build a war galley there in a single day."Selho Dohoris said with a pride in his voice.

I looked to the large buildings defended by stone battlements full of scorpions,trebuchets, and spitfires and watch towers.On the dock were countless ships,ready to sail at a moment's notice.Looking at it,I began to feel that the real wonder is not The Titan,but The Arsenal behind it.A shipyard hidden behind layers and layers of protection,capable of building a war galley in a single day,hidden from the world.

'How do you fight an enemy that can make ships as fast as you sink them?'

As i was thinking of this,we approached a lone port away from the other's.

"Is this where we dock?So far away from the city proper?"I asked our Captain.

"No,young man.That's the Chequy Port.It is where the customs officers of the Sealord of Braavos inspect the ship's cargo and merchant's pay their cargo tax.If a ship has many a different goods the inspection may take as long as half-a-day.But since I am bringing only beer with me,it should not take longer than an hour or two at most.After that,we go to the Purple Harbor,where you and me part ways after a good and fair bargain."He explained kindly,not at all angry at my many questions.

"I see,thank you Captain,for everything."I thanked him sincerely.

As we almost reached the Chequy Port,the captain left.And before long we docked on the port.

"I hope they don't trouble me for my weapons."I said to Merlin when we were alone.

"I am sure it will be fine,my Lord.Surely there are many sellswords and armed sailors coming to Braavos,they won't mind yours as well."Merlin said to me in an assuring tone.

"At any case,the customs officers are boarding the ship.Let's go to our cabin.I want to watch over my stuff."I said to Merlin,and together we made our way bellow the deck and entered our small cabin.Before long we heard footsteps approaching and through our open door we saw men coming to us.

"Greetings,young men.I would like to check your room,it will only take a moment."One of the men said politely while the others entered the other cabins next to us.

"Of course,go ahead."I replied with a smile.

The man entered and began to look around.He checked beneath our beds and opened the small cupboards,then he picked our wrapped clothes,placed them on the beds and carefully opened them.After revealing the insides,he took a look at my bow with the arrow quiver and my dagger.He stared at them for a moment,but then he looked away,held the urn in his hand for a bit,but perhaps after realizing what it is,he carefully placed it back,with one last look at the room he turned to us with a smile.

"Everything appears to be in order.I hope you enjoy all the fair city of Braavos has to offer.Good day to you."He said and exited the room before moving somewhere else.

"That wasn't so bad.Just a simple look,not even a question on my weapons.Looks like you were right,i worried for nothing."I said to Merlin.

"Indeed,my Lord.It looks like the Braavosi don't bother foreigners too much.According to merchant's in White Harbor.King's Landing's inspections are a pain and a half."Merlin said while looking thoughtful.

"Is that so?I guess the efficiency's of Braavos and King's Landing when it comes to trade are just that much different.A good thing to keep in mind.Remember it for me,Merlin."I ordered him,in case I forget.

"Yes,my Lord.I will remember it always."He replied dutifully,making me smile.He might not be a fighter,but he has other talents,ones I lack.

"I know you will.Wrap our stuff and let's go to the deck.I can't wait to have an bath after days in the sea.I never knew seafaring was so bad a business,having to shit on a deck privy in the open air.Disgusting.Did you see those sailors,using the same rack to clean themselves?It's a good thing I had an extra clothes I could use,otherwise I would have thrown myself into the sea."I said to him, disgusted at the memory.

"There is no other way,my Lord.And that rag is washed in the sea after use,so i guess that's that."Merlin said to me with a wry smile on his face while he was preparing our things.

"I don't wanna hear it.I refuse to acknowledge it as a normal thing.One day,if I have...when I have my own ship,it will have every comfort possible ready for me,and maybe for you.Since others are so disgusting and don't mind,let them stew in their filth."I told him resolutely.

"Of course you will,my Lord.I don't doubt it."He said to me with a smile that looked a little strained.Before long he was done and we went up the deck.By that point the inspection was done and the customs officers were leaving the ship,while sailors were preparing to leave the Chequy Port.

We were sailing to the Purple Harbor and soon we reached it.As the ship was docking,the Captain approached us and spoke.

"This is as far as we go together,my young friend.This is Purple Harbor."He said with a smile.

"Indeed.If you don't mind me asking,what inn can you recommend here?"I asked him.

"I would recommend you first go to the Raggman's Harbor,or as it is known by it's other name,the Outer Harbor.You can find cheaper inns there than the ones here.And if you should go there,there are many boats in here that can take you through the Canal of Heroes for a two dozen pennies.It is worth every coin."He replied kindly.

"I see.Once again,thank you.Captain Dohoris."I thanked the man.

"Valar Morghulis."He said to us,touching his forehead with two fingers in a goodbye.Speaking their strange way of greeting and farewell.

"Vallar Dohaeris."I replied to him with the same gesture he did as we began to climb down the ship.

"Well,I guess we are finally here Merlin,let's find an inn."I said to him and began walking the busy harbor looking for a boat.

"Yes,my Lord.It will be good to finally have some sleep without the rocking of the ship."He replied.

"Nothing comes close to a sleep on a solid ground,but I have grown used to it."

"That makes one of us,my Lord."Merlin said with a sigh.

"You will have plenty of chances to get used to it,I am sure.In the meantime,I am rather looking forward to this Festival of the Uncloaking.It should be entertaining."I said to him with excitement.

"Indeed,my Lord.We are in luck to have come in such time."Merlin said with an excited smile on his face.

Before long,we found a bunch of boats of varying beauty and colors to them with men on top,offering services in a loud voice.Obviously the more pleasing the boat to look at,the more expensive the fare.After a look,I found a boat I liked and approached it.

It was a nice swan boat of pure white color,at the back there was a raised canopy of weaved fine cloth to protect from shade,beneath it there was a soft looking cushion in velvet big enough for two people to seat comfortably on it.In front of the cushion was a small circled table that held two cups and iron pitcher of what I assumed was wine.Looking at the boat,it wasn't hard to guess what it was for.There was an elderly man and an younger one on the boat.

'To think my first pleasure ride will be with Merlin of all people,sigh...But all the other nice looking boats are for similar purposes.I don't want a ride in a fishing boat.'

"Greetings,goodman.We wish to go to the Outer Harbor."I said to he older man.

"Greetings,my Westerosi friends.For the two of you straight to Ragman's Harbor,it will be 20 middle square's,but Westerosi silver is fine too.My prices are the best in the city and my boat sails so softly,as if it's on a cloud.You will not find a better offer."The man said in a kindly way that almost made me believe him.Almost.

"We want to pass through the Canal of Heroes and then to the harbor."I said to him.

"A fine choice,young sir.That will cost you only 3 silvers more,and you should have a ride that you will never forget."He replied quickly with the same kind tone,and although i was sure I could find another boat for a bit cheaper.I really wasn't feeling up for it so I just agreed.

"Very well,start rowing.All the way through the canal.I want to see it all."I said to him while paying him his silver.Me and Merlin stepped in the boat and placed our stuff down,before I took a seat on the cushion.While Merlin was fidgeting weirdly.

"Are you standing for an written invitation?Take a seat."I said to him.

"But my Lord...It will be....weird,no?I can sit down.I don't mind it,I actually prefer it."He said with a funny expression on his face.

"It will be weird only if you make it weird.No one will pay attention to two boys,and if they do,who cares.Just take a seat,you fool.I want to wash the grime of the sea from me."I said to him sullenly.He hesitated a bit before he sat down next to me a bit uncomfortably.

"If the young sirs are ready,we can leave then.Please feel free to have some wine if you wish."He said politely while they began to roll.

Me and Merlin sat in silence while we were taking the sight's of the city before us,while the boat rolled softly but in a good speed.I could not help my amazement of the city.Braavos was a cluster of stone houses build on many stone rocks in the water,connected with raised bridges that depicted many sea creatures,beneath the bridges boats could travel to different parts of the city,on top of the land you could see busy stalls selling their goods that were coming from all over the world.

We were seeing a great many boats.Fat merchants and loud Captains on top of them,with beautiful ladies on their arms.It was a splendid city that seemed to lack for nothing.Before long we saw the statues of the previous Sealords standing proudly on the sides of the canal,holding different objects in their hands.

As we were passing the canal,I pulled Arne's remains and began to pour some of it in the water,after I was done,I closed the urn and put it away.Once again turning to my viewing of the city.

Feeling a little thirsty I poured some wine and took a sip,tasting the sweet taste of the wine while taking in the city was a nice thing indeed.As we reached near the end of the canal,the boatman spoke.

"Young sir,would you like to pass through The Isle of the Gods,it will only cost you a silver more if we don't stop?"

"No.We have time to see it later,I want to find an inn."I replied to him,while he nodded.He then took a right into an alley just before we entered the junction where the Isle of the Gods stood between the Canal of Heroes and the Long Canal.

After around half an hour of boat ride me and Merlin spend watching the city with the occasional conversation,we finally reached the harbor.

I was somewhat disappointed.While not to the degree King's Landing was said to be,The Ragman's Harbor was filthy and rough looking.It was obviously much poorer than the Purple Harbor.The quality of the buildings and the looks of the people took a significant difference.While i expected some difference,it was not so much.Looking at the state of it,I could not help but feel the name truly fit the description.

"This is Ragman's Harbor.There are many inn's close by for you to choose from."The boatman said.

With one more look at it,I decided my course and turned to the boatman.

"I have changed my mind,take us back to the Purple Harbor."I said to him while again giving the same amount of coins.

'Captain Dohoris should have mentioned the state of this area.Now I must waste another half-an-hour.'

"As you wish,young sir.May I add,the best inn's are next to the Moon Pool.I did not mention it since you seemed to know where you are going."The boatman said when he saw my unwillingness to stay here.

"Think nothing of it.I was just rash,and now i have wasted even more time.Go now to the Moon Pool as quickly as you can."I said to him and with a nod from the boatman,we began moving.

After a while we once again passed the Canal of Heroes and before long reached the Moon Pool.With a nod to the boatman me and Merlin stepped out of the boat into solid ground once more.

"One of the more famous inn's is the Starry Sea Inn,next to the Iron Bank.I hear it has an excellent service,but even more 'excellent' prices."The boatman said to me.

"Thank you,goodman."I gave him an extra silver for the tip and with an thankful nod he sailed away after his Braavosi greeting.

The Moon Pool was a large and beautiful fountain in the middle of a body of water where The Sweetwater River ended.Around the circled fountain were boats coming and going out of the various water alleys,and even larger and more beautiful barges docked quietly on the side,yet none dared approach them.In full view was a large building that could only be one thing.The Iron Bank of Braavos.As huge and imposing as one could imagine.The most famous bank in the known world.

'I wonder what those barges are.They must hold important people since everyone is steering clear from them.Although a lot of people are looking their way longingly.'

"Let us go to the inn,Merlin.I am tired."I said to Merlin in exhaustion.

"Yes my Lord.But if I may?Is it perhaps not wiser to spend coin more frugally?We have only just arrived and sooner or later the coin will run out."Merlin said worriedly.

"We will cross that bridge when we get there.You can't possibly expect me to sleep in those filthy inns."

"No.Not at all,my Lord.Perhaps you can find an inn here and I will walk back to Ragman's Harbor to find a cheaper one.We should preserve some more coin that way.I also don't mind sleeping outside."Merlin said with a smile.

"Out of the question.We will have nice rooms in a proper inn.Since I have taken you with me,I am responsible for your accommodations.You don't worry about gold.We will find a way to gain some in a quick and efficient manner,no matter what.And that is the end of it."I said to him seriously.

Merlin looked like he wanted to say something more but he held back and just nodded quietly.As we walked we took a look around the place.With the sky beginning to darken oil lams were lit around the circle,illuminating the place in a hazy light while the green waters of the pool reflected light from the stars that broke through the clouds,creating a serene picture,that was occasionally broke by men dueling on the edges for some reason.

Before long we made it to the establishment with the sign that said "Starry Sea Inn" on a purple board written in gold.We entered and we were immediately met with an pleasant assault on our senses coming from delicious smelling food.On the inn's large ground floor were tables spread orderly but with some distance from one another,with leather padded wood chairs.The tables were not all filled,and that give me hope that we will be able to secure a room.Thinking of this,I approached the Innkeeper and spoke.

"Good evening,goodman.I want two rooms."I said to him in a clear voice.

He took a look at me from the ground up and spoke to me.

"I don't think you can afford this inn,boy.Best look for another one on southern part of the city."He said with a shake on his head.

"I have been there and I prefer this one.Tell me how much for a night and show me my room."Perhaps surprised at my tone of voice,he didn't look angry to be ordered like that by me.

"One night,one big square.Meals and bath included for a hundred middle ones more."He said to me with an raised eyebrow.

"Very well.We want two rooms.I will pay for ten days,but keep in mind we might extend that further,depending on our needs.Prepare our bath's immediately and bring us supper in our rooms an hour after that."I said while I paid him thirty gold dragons and waited to be shown to my room.He saw the coins and his attitude changed on the spot.

"Of course,young sir.Welcome to the"Starry Sea Inn".we will have everything prepared at once,please have some rest in your rooms while we do."The Innkeeper said and called a boy over to show us in.With a nod to him,I followed the boy up the stairs to the second floor where he reached a room and opened it with a key and quickly doing the same for another.

"These are your rooms,sirs.That right there is the privy.If you need anything just let me know.We will have your baths ready shortly."He said while pointing to two door in the far end of the hallway.I nodded to him and gestured to Merlin to enter his own room before I did the same.

Once I was inside my room,I took a look around.It was a big room,with a large bed, enough for two grown people to sleep in with feather pillows and mattress and had small tables next to it.On the other end of the room was a cupboard,and next to a glass window that had view of the Moon Pool,was a marble bathtub.In proximity to the cupboard was a table with four chairs around it,the same ones as the floor bellow.On top of the table was a bowl of fruits and a pitcher of water.

I unburdened my shoulder from the weight of my weapons and blanket and began to undress myself on my upper body.Heading to the table I pored myself a cup of water and took a couple of grapes from the bowl before looking outside the window,at the starry pool beneath.

After a while,a few women entered the room with a bow in my direction,not minding my nakedness,they then started pouring water in the bathtub and lit some candles around the room.After I confirmed the heat of the water,they left and I quickly began to wash myself in the relaxing heat of the water.

After I was done with that,I dried myself before I changed into cleaner clothes.After a while the maids returned and began to empty the bathtub and began cleaning it.After they were done I told them to bring both of our meals here and to inform Merlin to join me in my room.

Merlin come in my room and before long we were served our supper.A roasted fish and a seafood soup with a salad of green leaves,with some sweet cakes as well.We finished our meal and discussed what to do tomorrow.After a while Merlin went back to his room.

Finally,after a long day I dropped on the bed and before long fell asleep,in a land that is not home for the first time in my life.