
Game of Thrones: Aeric Regallion

Warning: This will have an overpowered MC and will be in an Alternate Universe version of the GoT world. [Story] My name is Aeric Regallion, Heir to the mightiest house in Valyria, and this is my story.

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Valyria, the single greatest city to ever exist, large enough to cover a county and guarded by dragons.

Valyria holds the sole title of the most technologically advanced, and most beautiful city in the world.

In this city lives a powerful yet beautiful race of people, the Valyrians, it is said they use dark magic though no one knows the truth since the only knowledge available is in books that are centuries old.

In Valyria, two families fight for the title of the most powerful family in the world.

On one side you have the Auresyons, They have the most manpower and own the largest amount of slaves, They have a nack for privacy and keeping to themselves.

I bet you are wondering dear reader "if they have the most manpower, what family could stand up to them?", there's a simple answer to that question, The Regallions.

The Regallions are not only the wealthiest family in the world but have the most Dragons at their command.

Their current head of the family sits on the largest beast ever seen, Vaerion, King of the Skies.

Now that takes us to the beginning of our story, with the birth of the Regallion heir.

--- 120 BC, Valyria---

From what my mother told me, my birth was quick and easy, Once a child in the high society of Valyria is born, they go through a magical ritual that strengthens their bodies that grant them peak-human capabilities.

This helped newborns grow without the fear of illness or frailty.

I was born the same as all Valyrians, gold-white hair, amethyst-colored eyes, and fair skin.

Much like everyone else on the planet, due to an underdeveloped brain, i don't remember much from my infancy, my earliest memory was when i was four and i received my gifts for my birthday.

Normally nobles only receive a single dragon egg on their fourth birthday and normally it would be a middle-class dragon.

[Author's Note: for those of you that haven't read the world lore or books, the Targaryens were a middle-class family and nowhere near the top, their dragons were also not of the highest class, maybe Balerion was but Drogon was nothing in comparison to a true high-class dragon.]

For my birthday i received three dragon eggs, all of the highest quality.

My first dragon egg was pitch black, the second one was pure white, while my last one was blue like the ocean.

All through my life, I've felt more kinship with dragons than i do with actual people.

Upon my seventh year, my eggs finally burst, and i got to meet the three dragons that would be mine.

From the black egg came a dragon with a pitch-black body, almost looking like a shadow with lava-colored eyes, and a red underbelly, he was given the name, Zaleskar.

Next was my white egg, out popped a snow-white dragon, its body was beautiful and moved like the clouds in the sky, she was named, Kallia.

Last but certainly not least, Quarrasi, my blue flame, from the day he hatched, and i saw his sapphire body and inquisitive nature, i knew he would be smarter than most of his kind.

The blood-bond contact that gave me command over my three dragons was surprisingly simple.

Even though i wanted to spend every waking moment with my flying friends, i couldn't, i had a family status to live up to.

I learned swordsmanship, archery, dragon-riding, enchanting, blood magic, elemental magic, summoning, rune creation, etiquette, and this was only the tip of the iceberg.

Upon my twelfth birthday, my mother gave me a thousand slaves, i had to keep them in line and make sure they were obedient without hesitation.

Even a collared animal can attack, so how do you make sure slaves know their place, simple, you take someone they love and cage them away, if they do anything other than being grateful and work hard then they will be forced to eat a member of their family.

I never understood why slaves didn't know their place, we have the blood of the gods in our veins, we have dragons protecting us, and who are they? bugs that we can crush at any time.

One of my most favorable memories was when a female slave threw her pickaxe at Zaleskay, so i commanded her to be fucked by my dragons, it was quite fun to watch.

Anyway, i apologize, your ears shouldn't have to listen to tales about beings that a nothing more than cattle.

[Author's Note: A you may have guessed, our MC is not completely sane when it comes to people]

On my twentieth birthday, that's when it happened, the worst moment of my life... the day Valyria fell.

While others ran to their families or tried to escape the city, i had only a single thing on my mind, my dragons.

When dragons are not guarding Valyria or being used for conquest, they are kept in the dragon pens.

Arriving at my destination, i breathed a sigh of relief at seeing my unharmed friends.

The building on us started to collapse, i knew that i would die soo but i would happily give up my life for theirs.

Taking out my knife, i slit my wrists several times, using the blood as a conduit, i channel all my magical power into creating a shield.

I don't know if it was from blood loss or not but my vision darkened and i collapsed, the last thing i heard was the roar of my three friends, and a strange orange light.

--- 400 Years Later ---