
Game of thrones : Aemon the Conqueror

Not mine I just copied it to read in better settings Feel free to read Basically, Jon becomes Aegon the Conqueror and conquer all the divided kingdom of Westeros and Essos conquer by Aegon and Rhaegar rules it

SD_SR · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Our Roar is Louder than Theirs

The conquest of Westeros V

The Lions of Casterly Rock.

Prideful and dangerous, House Lannister ruled over the West with a firm hand. Never was this more clear than when upon the death of his father, Tywald, Tywin Lannister was named as the King of the Rock. Where his father was lenient, Tywin was unforgiving and he set out to ensure that all those in the West knew all that was needed to know about their new king. After a dispute with two of his vassal houses who had used both his father's weakness and the newness of his reign to pull on the lion's tail, Tywin was determined to show them why that was a terrible idea.

Immortalized in the song The Rains of Castamere, what was done to the Reynes and the Tarbecks was the stuff of legend in Westeros. From there the Lannisters only grew in power, influence, and ambition. With the use of the gold they mined, they forged links with the Empire and Tywin even sought the hand of the then Prince of Dragons Rhaegar Targaryen for his daughter Princess Cersei. Only to be denied when it was to Dorne and not to the West that Prince Rhaegar looked and sought a bride. Denied but unperturbed, Tywin often sought the Empire's aid in bringing Westeros under one king, himself, only to be refused time and time again. Once again he sought a betrothal and offered his grandaughter's hand to either of the High Emperor's sons or his grandson's to Princess Rhaenys and once more he was denied.

Sensing an opportunity when the Dragonknight arrived on Westeros's shores, again he reached out, and again he was denied, though this time for a very different reason. Dragon's don't share you see and the Dragonknight wasn't in Westeros to place a crown on a lion's head. Westeros may have feared the lion's wrath or shuddered when they heard his song but Dragons roar far louder and Prince Aemon had his own song to sing. The song of ice and fire, the song of the conqueror reborn, the song of the Dragonknight.

A history of the Conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Casterly Rock 300 AC.

Tywin Lannister.

He'd sat and waited long enough and so it was time to move. First things first was Tyrion and so he'd sent for his disappointment of a son and sent him off with strict orders that even he couldn't fail to carry out. Next was Jaime and soon he too had been sent off with his own task to complete, Tywin felt far more relaxed about his son and heir's eventual success. It irked him that in his desire to maneuver things into a winnable position he had perhaps hesitated for too long and cost himself the advantage he held in men and coin.

They'd been ready to move and he'd come so close to giving the go-ahead when news had come that a dragon had arrived on Dragonstone. Not just any dragon either but the so-called Dragonknight himself and it had given Tywin pause. He knew all about Aemon Targaryen's reputation and to see him arrive in Westeros made him fearful that the Empire was now looking their way. Fearful and annoyed as he'd sought them to do so on many occasions over the past twenty or more years. He'd traveled personally to Volantis and met with both the previous High Emperor and the one that now sat the Imperial Throne. The offers he'd made both men had been denied and so Cersei was now married to Ser Addam Marbrand and not to Rhaegar Targaryen while Myrcella was still a maiden true and not the wife of a prince.

When news had come about Aemon's arrival and what it could mean, all his plans had stopped and he, and he imagined the rest of Westeros, had watched and waited to find out the reason he was now on their lands. The reason soon became clear, the watching and waiting however had never stopped. Hearing he'd been exiled had been a surprise and he had wondered if there was an opportunity in that, only to find that all his requests for a meeting were denied to him. Now a year or more later and the dragon hadn't stirred and he'd no longer wait for permission to meet. He needed to know the man's mind and so he'd sent Tyrion and either he'd find out all he needed to know, would soon have an alliance or he would lose a son that he didn't care about. No matter the result it would be a win for him, Tywin thought with as close as he ever got to a wry smile.

"A raven my lord." Maester Creylen said and Tywin nodded as the scroll was handed to him.

The seal was unbroken and it bore no sigil, just as he'd demanded and as he broke it open he felt a sense of almost excitement. He'd made a deal with House Hoare that he had no intention of keeping to and one that he knew they feared him far too much to break. They were not and never would be allies, though for now it suited him for them to think they were.

A wolf lays in a field and will howl no more.

Simple words and yet they told him all he needed to know. Rickard Stark was dead and it was time to bait the trap even further. His spies had told him about the divide between the dragon and the wolves, and it had been one of the only true good pieces of news he'd gotten since the dragon had arrived on Dragonstone. The thoughts of Rickard Stark teaming up with his grandson were ones that had kept him up at night. Together Westeros would be no match and while Aemon Targaryen seemed to have no ambition or desire for more than his pile of rocks, Rickard Stark was far more greedy for lands that were not his.

It had been how he'd been able to bring the Hoares on board and it was now how he'd see them fall. The raven was already written and ready to be sent to Dragonstone and Jaime he knew would send the message to Winterfell. All he needed now was time, time to pass so that Jaime was safely back in the West and time to pass so that when he sent the message to Dragonstone the news of his grandfather's death would already have reached Aemon. Time this wrongly and the dragon would look West instead of to the Riverlands. Time it right and the North, Riverlands, and the Dragon would all be so busy fighting each other and he could make the rest of his moves in peace.

After spending most of the day writing out notes and readying the rest of his plans, he felt his hunger come upon him and looked forward to his evening meal, if not to some of the company he would share it with. He rose from his desk and walked from his solar, strolling down through the corridors of the Rock and entering into the family dining room. His sister Genna, his brothers Kevan and Gerion, and his daughter Cersei were all already sat there with their children and he found himself looking at each of them with very different looks.

Some disappointed him, others annoyed him and some had roles to play in what the future was to bring to his house. His daughter who at one point he'd thought would bring him an Empire's aid had at least brought two good children into this world, as well as one who was very much not. Joffrey was a mad dog and not a lion and though the boy had his uses, they were few and far between. His brother Tommen was a different sort and a lad that he had spent many years molding and Myrcella was Joanna come again.

It was his granddaughter that he now poured all his hopes and dreams into. Myrcella would bring him the alliances he sought and deserved and he would if he had his way see a far larger crown on a Lannister head in the future. He took his seat and began to eat, ignoring the conversations that were going on around him. Questions were asked about where Jaime had gone, though there were fewer about where Tyrion was and he answered none of them. Instead, he spoke to the children and made sure they were studiously doing as he'd bid them. Myrcella almost bringing a smile to his face when she spoke of how her Valyrian was coming along.

"Giēñatī Creylen vestras nyke ȳdragon ziry sȳrkta than ziry." (Maester Creylen says I speak it better than he) Myrcella said as she looked at him and he nodded back to her.

"I don't understand why she needs to learn such a language father, it's not becoming of a lady." Cersei said and he somehow managed not to roll his eyes.

"We may all be speaking it soon enough should the dragon look our way." Gerion said with a chuckle and his brother smiled and winked at him when Tywin glowered his way.

"The dragon cares not for Westeros, thank the seven." Genna said and he wished that he shared her certainty.

He was happy when the dinner was done with and he rose and made his way back to his solar. Kevan joining him when he gave him a nod. It irked him that he couldn't let Gerion in on more of his plans but his brother was a blunt instrument when it came to plots and schemes. Kevan was far more attuned to how he thought and far more likely to understand the intricacies required. Though truth be told it was truly only Genna and his misbegotten dwarf of a son that truly understood how the game was played.

When they reached his solar, his brother poured himself a glass of wine, and at a nod from him, he then poured him one too. They took their seats and Tywin handed him the raven's scroll that Jaime had sent, seeing Kevan's smile as he read it and then took a sip of his wine.

"Any word from Tyrion?" he asked and Tywin shook his head "He should have reached there by now, do you think something's gone wrong?"

"With luck." he said with a snort before he shook his head "My son loves so much to talk and no doubt he's doing some of that as we speak."

"And if the answer is not as you wish?"

"Then we look to other opportunities, Gareth's son is of age is he not?" he said and Kevan looked at him curiously.

"You would ally with the Gardeners?" his brother asked.

"I would place a lioness amongst their gardens and when she brought forth a cub, then I'd cut down all their trees." he said and Kevan smirked.

"The Northern prince or is he a king now?" Kevan asked with a chuckle.

"Is a reckless fool and will rush to seek justice and vengeance."

"And the Hoares?"

"Will fall." he said raising his glass.

"To the Lions." Kevan said.

"Hear us Roar." he said as he took a sip and enjoyed the feel of the wine on his tongue.

Riverlands 300 AC.

Jaime Lannister.

There were few times when he was truly alive or when he felt his blood properly race through his veins. On the jousting field and in the yard when he showed off his prowess or when he lay with Cersei. When his twins had been born and he'd held them for the first time and when he killed a man who had tried to kill him. Or when he waited to lead a charge, to ride down and attack men that he knew he had the measure of.

Fighting against these Northmen he'd felt it, facing down the man who was the best of their blades and yet who was so far beneath him, he'd felt it. As he looked down on the wolf who would be king he felt it and he'd enjoyed taking his life. The problem was that once your blood was up, it inevitably had to come back down and his came down as he took the wolf's head from his shoulders. It almost made him wretch and he felt such a fool after he'd done so when he then realized he had to search the man before he sent the head back to the North.

Sighing he bent down and wiped the blood from his hands on the wolf's tunic before searching through his clothing. When he felt the letter he thought nothing of it and it was only when he'd opened it up that his blood began to flow once more. He knew his father wished to bring the dragon to their side and that this letter would or could help in that and so once again he'd make his father proud. It was what he lived for and what had always brought him his truest joy. Each time he'd see that look on his father's face it would prove him good and true and so he went out of his way to put it there. Handing him this letter when they returned to Casterly Rock would do so, that he knew.

"Ready the head and tie it and the others to the horse." he said as his men took the rest of the Northmen's heads from their bodies. "No, not that one, he fought a good fight, let him keep his own." he said stopping the man from taking the head of the man he'd fought and killed.

It was unlike him to do such a thing and the man had been no true opponent and yet for some reason Jaime felt it was the right thing to do. As he looked at the letter in his hand and saw the dragon's name and read the words, he found himself questioning the right thing to do once more. He'd heard the tales of Aemon Targaryen, of how he was the greatest blade in all of Essos and Jaime longed for the chance to test his skill against his own. More than that he found he wished to face him in a true fight. A fight to the death where he knew his blood would rise higher than it had ever done before.

Destroying this letter made the chance of that more true and so he hesitated before he placed it into his pack. For four and thirty years he'd not gone against his father, he'd not do so now. Who knows perhaps the gods were good and one day his fate would be to face off against this so-called Dragonknight. Brightroar against Dark Sister, songs would be written should it come to pass Jaime thought smirking before he walked over to Glory and mounted up

Five days later and the heads had begun to stink but they were on the road to Moat Cailin, they were now in the North and some of his men worried that they'd be stopped while he almost wished they would be. In the end, they were not and when they were as close to the keep as they dared to go, he slapped the horse's arse with his hand and sent it racing towards Moat Cailin. He and his men turned and rode and he smiled when he saw the man hiding in the trees. The news would travel of the large number of men wearing the color of House Hoare and when it did they'd be long gone.

"We ride hard." he shouted and they then began to race back south.

What his father had offered the Hoares he knew not, only that they'd allowed them free reign in their lands, and barring once when some men had come to tell them that Stark had left Riverrun, they'd left them alone. As for their sigils, banners and clothes, if anything they were truly a poor representation of the Iron Born house. Though poor was perhaps the wrong word to use when in truth what they wore was of a far better quality and material than what the men of that house would wear.

Jaime and his men had refused to dress in the rags they dressed in, coarse material and thin fabrics were not something that was suitable for true men of the West. So it was only on the surface that they'd look how they did and should anyone look closer their mummery wouldn't have held, not that anyone did. They'd stalked after the Northmen until they'd gotten close to Riverrun and had picked the perfect spot to ambush them on their return. The ambush had then gone just as perfectly as it could have. They'd lost two men out of the two hundred he'd brought with him and their bodies would be brought back to their families in the West. Their numbers, the element of surprise, crossbow bolts, and their arrows had almost ended the fight before it had begun.

"The Golden Tooth, my prince, this path will take us there by nightfall and there's a stream just up a little on the way." Daven said and Jaime nodded to his cousin.

At the stream, they washed before burning their mummer's outfits and he felt more like himself now that he was dressed once again in crimson and gold. They were welcomed into the keep by Lord Leo Lefford who was both happy to welcome the Lion Prince and yet unhappy that he was said prince. The man had never forgiven him for stealing his betrothed from him, even though it had been his father and not he who'd done so.

"My Prince, it's good to see you hail and hearty. The Golden Tooth and its lord and more pleased to have you as our guest." Leo said, his smile not quite true but not completely false either.

"I thank you, my lord, my men and I would welcome a warm meal and the chance to bathe and rest in proper beds. Some wine too would be much appreciated." he said.

"Of course, my prince, I'll see rooms are assigned and a bath is made ready for you." Leo said and he smiled at the man as he followed him into the keep.

Though he welcomed the bath, food, and the wine and he knew his men did so even more so than he, Jaime was happy to leave early the next morning after they had broken their fast. It took them three weeks to travel back to Casterly Rock and he had sent ravens to his father and to his wife from both the Golden Tooth and Ashemark. He was disappointed to find that his sister and goodbrother weren't in the keep, both of them and the children had traveled to Casterly Rock and so it would be an uncomfortable reunion he'd have once he reached his home.

While Addam was oblivious to him and Cersei, Alysanne was much more perceptive and when she'd confronted him about it, Jaime hadn't been able to lie to her. She'd not asked him to give Cersei up, only that no one ever finds out about them and that he never did anything with her when they were under the same roof. Something he'd agreed to and lived up to so far. He loved his wife, he truly did, but he needed Cersei like a drowning man needed to breathe. They were but half of a whole without each other and so he welcomed the compromise. Had he not been a prince and their son not in line to be king one day, then perhaps he'd not have been so lucky.

"The Rock, my prince." he heard someone shout out and he smiled as he saw it in the distance, Jaime rubbing his hand over the letter that he bore from the Dragon and hoping his father felt it and the deed he'd done were both worthy of praise.

The conquest of Westeros VI.


Where dragons came from originally no one can truly tell. Some say Valyria itself and some say beyond it in the lands that remain unexplored. What is known is that it was in Valyria that they thrived and they gave the Freehold its power. Few could stand against them when they were truly unleashed and those who tried, soon found it to be folly. The Doom however changed the world forever and the dragons were almost wiped from the face of Planetos.

Only three remained by the time Aegon set out to conquer Essos and with those three an Empire was forged. Over time more were hatched and then something remarkable began to take place. For to hatch a dragon requires magic and sacrifice, fire and blood, and how one does so is something known only to those of House Targaryen. It is a secret that no one without Dragonblood will ever learn. What is known is that in the dragon nurseries of Lys a Dragonlord and his dragon are bonded and that bond remains until death, either the dragon's or the Dragonlord's. Even those who claim a dragon that had once been bonded to someone else. Such as how Princess Rhaenys claimed Meraxes or how Princess Daenerys claimed Nightwing, must first travel to the dragon nursery on Lys to do so. All except the Dragonknights that is.

Their bond is different and no one can truly explain it. It requires no sacrifice and no fire and blood that anyone can see and the dragon hatches naturally and grows very much more quickly because of it. Gaelithox hatched when the Dragonknight was a babe and yet it's now far larger than Meraxes or Nightwing and rivals even the High Emperor's own Arrax. The red dragon's flames though are even fiercer than those of the golden dragon. For more than eight years Essos had felt the flames of the Blood Wyrm when it had dared provoke the empire's wrath. Now those flames would be unleashed upon a new land, though it was the Dragonknight whose wrath they should truly fear.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Dragonstone 300 AC (Takes place while Jaime is traveling back to the west)


The Lion's pride cut through the water as if it was smooth which it was very much not. Waves crashed against the hull and yet the ship didn't list or shake, it didn't rattle and so Tyrion could stand on the deck and watch as the island came into view. Not that his eyes were on the ships or the men or even on the island itself. Instead, he looked to the sky and hoped to gain a glimpse of the dragon and found to his disappointment that it was nowhere in sight.

He'd been almost beside himself with excitement when his father had called him into his solar and told him what it was he wished for him to do. To travel to Dragonstone, treat with the Dragonknight, and to see a dragon in person was more than he could have dared to dream. That he was actually been used by his father in a role that was worthy and not one simply given to gain him scorn, was something he welcomed. Even despite his sister's words that he'd overheard her say to one of their guards.

"Would a dragon even notice it had eaten something so small? I know father won't mourn his loss and neither will any of us here at the Rock." Cersei said.

The words would normally have cut him far more deeply and yet this time they did not. His father's own resonated in her ears and the truth in them was too obvious for him not to see. Not that he didn't think his father wouldn't welcome his death should it come to pass. No, he knew that he needed him to be his eyes and ears as much as he wished for him to bring the prince to their side. So he'd let the thoughts of seeing a dragon in the flesh be what he spent his time on. Tyrion had always been fascinated by dragons and once as a young boy had asked his uncle Gerion for one for his nameday, only to be laughed at.

He'd so wished to travel to Volantis to see the Imperial Seat and walk through the halls of the Grand Palace. To speak to the High Emperor and his Empress or to watch the Dragonknight wield his blade. Dark Sister was a sword of legend even in Westerosi literature. Mainly though he wished to see the dragons in the sky, to watch them fly, and to dream he was on their backs. So as the Lion's Pride was guided into the docks and with no sign of the dragons in the sky, it was with disappointment rather than anticipation that he readied to disembark.

"My prince, we've been refused leave to set foot on Dragonstone." Artos the captain of the Lion's Pide said.

"By who?" he asked curiously and saw the man motion to a red-headed and bearded man who wore armor the color of blood.

"The Red Priest." Artos said and Tyrion nodded before looking to the Hound who quickly moved to his side.

Once he had what he felt was adequate protection, he moved to the gangplank and as he went to move down it a voice called for him to halt. Or more precisely warned him what would happen should he not.

"One foot of yours touches the docks and I'll be taking it from you little man and a man of your stature can't be affording to lose many more inches." the Red Priest said.

"You're addressing a Prince of Lions." Artos said angrily.

"I don't care if I'm addressing one of those seven fools you name as gods, it matters not. There is only one prince that I recognize as such and he's much taller than this little fucker." the Red Priest said with a chuckle.

"My name is Prince Tyrion of House Lannister the son of King Tywin Lannister, The King of the Rock. I've come to treat with Prince Aemon." he said his voice firm.

"And as I said I care not who you are or what name you call yourself, you're not welcome here dwarf so kindly, fuck off like a good little stunted lion." the Red Priest said and Tyrion felt the anger rise from those on board.

He was about to say something when he heard some commotion from behind the red priest and he saw two men walk his way. One wore dark armor made from leather and thin steel and he carried a spear in his hand. His hair was cut almost to nothing and his dark brown eyes showed no mirth whatsoever. It was a complete contrast to the other man with him who wore a full smile on his face. He had hair that was almost raven black and dark grey eyes that seemed full of the mirth that was missing from the other man's. The armor he wore was even more blood red than the red priest's and he carried his helm in his hand. Yet it was the thin sword hanging by his side that Tyrion focussed on and he knew exactly who the man was by that alone.

"My prince." the Red Priest said with a bow and a smile on his own face now.

"You being rude to our guests, Thoros?" the prince said and Tyrion saw him wink at the red priest as he did so.

"They caught me in a bad mood, my prince, I seem to have lost my wine." the red priest, Thoros said, and Tyrion looked on as the prince nodded to someone who then threw a pouch which Thoros caught.

"Ah, so much better. May I present Prince Tyrion of House Lannister, my prince, he's come to treat with you." Thoros said after he'd taken a big swallow from the wine in the pouch.

"Forgive my man, Prince Tyrion, Thoros is not himself without his wine. You may disembark, you and one guard only and he'll leave his weapons here on the docks." the prince said making it clear that his words were not open to debate.

"You would leave me unprotected, Prince Aemon?" he asked even though he'd already decided to do whatever it took to be allowed to speak to him.

"Were you in any danger here then what makes you think one man's weapons to be any true comfort. You have my word that you or your man won't be harmed while you're my guest. I'd think carefully before you accept whether that is enough for you or not because while mine own mood is good right now, it is ever changeable." Prince Aemon said his words letting Tyrion know he'd accept no slight or perceived one about his honor.

"I accept most graciously, my prince, Sandor, your arms." he said and at a nod from him, the Hound removed his weapons.

He was surprised that neither was then checked for hidden weapons and pleased when the prince walked slowly back towards the keep. Some men had a habit of quickening their steps when he was near just to make him hurry after them. As power plays went they were poor ones and it seemed they were not ones that the prince took part in. He was even more pleased when a cart was then offered to take them to the keep itself.

"The stone steps take some getting used to, Prince Tyrion, and so I'll not ask you to walk them." Prince Aemon said.

"It's much appreciated, Prince Aemon."

The prince and the other man with him both mounted horses so casually that he wondered if they had been born in the saddle. Not even his brother seemed as much at ease as they both were as they then rode up a broken path and to Dragonstone itself. Looking at the keep he found the drawings he'd seen of it didn't do it justice. Though they were not the dragons he had wished to see, they were impressive all the same. It was just when he'd thought that he'd not see a true one when he caught the prince looking at him.

"Gaelithox wishes to meet you, Prince Tyrion." Prince Aemon said and then pointed upwards.

Both he and Sandor looked up at the same time and whose mouth stayed open for the longest he couldn't tell. The dragon was as blood-red as the prince's armor, its size hard to rightfully judge given how high it was in the sky but he'd wager it was far larger than it looked. As it flew over their heads it let out a roar that shook him to his very bones. Even the Hound beside him seemed to be disturbed and frightened by what they were looking at. When he looked back to the prince's face though, it wasn't amusement at their discomfort he saw in his expression. It was something else and it took him until they entered the keep to figure out what it was. Love, he'd seen love in the prince's eyes, a love not that a man had for a beast as Jaime had for Glory, but a love of a different sort.

It was a love that one had for a brother, for a father, or a niece. A familial kind of love that he'd seen only directed at him by some in his family and for some reason, he found it oddly comforting. Any man that can love was one that could be reasoned with and should that love be found with Myrcella then it was one that would stand their house in good stead. Tyrion now found himself even more excited about the talks that were to come.

The Conquest of Westeros VII.

The Valyrian Empire.

300 years the Empire reigned supreme and now at its zenith under the rule of The High Emperor Rhaegar Targaryen, it stretched from the Dothraki Sea to the Narrow one. From the Shivering Sea to both the Summer and Sunset ones. Other than the Great Empire of Yi Ti and the lands beyond its borders, almost every major city in Essos was now under the Empire's control. Be it directly as in Lys and Pentos, Meereen and Qarth or indirectly and with a degree of self-governance like Braavos, Norvos, and Mantarys.

Though absolute rule came from Volantis, each major city had a governor that was either directly appointed by the High Emperor such as in Qarth or voted on and agreed to by the High Emperor and the High Council such as those in Braavos or Norvos. Each High Emperor had expanded the empire and each birthing of a Dragonknight was feared and welcomed with equal measure as it always foreshadowed a period of expansion. With Aemon as both his Hammer and the Anvil, in six years Rhaegar had added more lands to the empire than his father, grandfather, and great grandfather before him had done combined.

Yet the High Emperor was a man who brought as much land to the empire through peace and accord as he did through the might of the Dragonknight and Gaelithox. A mercurial man, the High Emperor had broken with tradition not once but twice in his choice of brides. The Empress of the Sun coming from House Martell of Westeros while the Empress of the Ice too had come from Westeros, this time from the North and House Stark. What chose him to seek brides from lands not under the Empire's control is still the subject of much debate. What is not however is the ramifications of those choices and the effect they had not only on the Empire itself but on Westeros.

A history of the Conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Volantis 300 AC.

Rhaegar Targaryen.

Pointless though it was, he swung Blackfyre against Dawn and sought an opening. Rhaegar trying not to look as frustrated as he felt when Arthur simply swatted away his attempted attack. Never did he feel more a green boy than when he faced off against the Sword of the Morning. Though truth be told other than Aemon there wasn't a man in the Empire who was even close to a match for his truest friend. Thinking on his son cost him the match and only that Arthur was truly as skilled as he was, that was all it cost him. The knight pulling his strike back before he took his eye or head from his shoulders.

"I told you that your distraction would cost you, Rhaegar." Arthur chided and Rhaegar laughed, his friend was one of the very few men who could chide him after all.

"You did and yet once again I didn't listen to you. You would think by now that when it came to matters of the sword I'd bow to your superior knowledge." Rhaegar said.

"Dragons do not bow." Arthur said making Rhaegar chuckle, the memories of his son and of him saying that in court were ones that he always thought on fondly.

Aemon had only been four and perhaps five when they'd held the meeting and how he'd snuck into the Throne Room Rhaegar still didn't know to this day. Only that he and Rhaenys had suddenly popped their heads out from behind the throne and his son had stormed forward to argue with the Governor of Norvos. He and the rest of those present had looked on with great amusement as Aemon had argued with the man who had dared to raise his voice against his father. When Nymarol upon not recognizing Aemon because of his dark hair and grey eyes told him to mind his manners and bow to his betters, his son had told him quite firmly that Dragons do not bow.

"Rhaegar." Arthur said taking him from his memories and directing him to where Elia now walked his way

Walked was very much the wrong word though as in truth his wife stormed his way with an angry and worried look on her face. He sheathed Blackfyre and he and Arthur moved towards Elia, Rhaegar could see that his sister was walking behind his wife and that Dany was crying. It forced him to move even more quickly and given the news she brought it showed just how true an Empress that Elia was that she spoke so calmly and quietly.

"Rhaenys is gone." his wife said and he heard Dany's sob from behind her.

"What do you mean she's gone?" he asked.

"She's gone, Rhaegar, her and Meraxes they've gone and you know where she's gone to. I told you this would happen when you parted them, I warned you that it would." his wife said her expression and tone one that was anyone to hear or see her they'd think friendly, he knew it was anything but.

"She would not." he said shaking his head "Were she to think that way then she would have left when Aemon did or not long after."

"We kept her under guard, Rheagar. Gods even her flights on Meraxes were never ones she took alone even for moons after Aemon…After what you did." Elia said her voice still as calm as ever though her eyes were blazing. The full power of the sun behind them as she looked his way and were they alone then it would have been enough to make him flinch.

"Perhaps she's just gone for a morning flight?" he said though it was clear neither he nor Elia believed his words.

"She's not, she took her chest, she took her chest with her." Dany said crying some more and Rhaegar watched as his wife took her into her arms.

"Chest?" he asked curiously.

"Where she keeps the things that mean the most to her, the things Aemon gifted her." Dany said her sobbing having subsided a little as Elia held her.

"I want her found and brought back, Rhaegar, I'll accept no arguments on this. Make your peace with Aemon and bring him and my daughter back to me. Do not test me on this." Elia said as she, Dany, their guards, and ladies made their way back towards the Grand Palace.

Rhaegar didn't need to look to see the expression on Arthur's face. His friend was one of the very few who knew his mind and while not privy to everything in it, he knew enough to know that he'd known this was to come. The question he now had to answer was did he have the resolve to follow through or would he buckle under the pressure of his worried wife. Sighing he went to the one place that brought him clarity of thought, the one place that he felt at peace.

When he got there it was cold and the air chilled him to the bone and yet he was glad he'd not worn warmer clothes, as the cold was most welcome. It showed him that he'd done right by her and that this was where she belonged. She was of the Ice, of the North, and though for a time she'd found a place in the sun beside him and Elia, it was the cold that she had always longed for. He moved through the tomb and towards her statue, Rhaegar feeling his tears threaten to fall the closer he got to it. He'd had the finest statue makers brought from the furthest reaches of the Empire and still, they'd not done her justice. The statue failed to capture what it was that made her who she was and as he stood in front of it, his tears began to fall.

The She-Wolf of Winterfell, his Empress of the Ice, and the other half of both his and Elia's hearts. He placed the small paper rose in her outstretched hand and then knelt down in front of her. Rhaegar begging her forgiveness and seeking her absolution but finding little of either. Eyes closed he could almost see her as if she was right there in front of him, her hair flying in the breeze as they raced over the Great Grass Sea. After a few moments, he rose and looked at her before moving closer and placed a kiss on her cheek. The cold stone was a poor substitute for the warmth she had always carried within her.

"He is doing it, my love, all that we spoke of our son will do. I wish you were here to see it, to see him rise and soar like none before him. I wish for just one more moment, one brief moment where I could go back and do what it was that I should have. Forgive me, my love, I beg of you forgive me." his words were spoken so softly that he knew only she would hear them.

He walked out from the tomb, his tears had been wiped away and his heart though still aching him was far more full than it had been. The calm he'd sought had come and it was with renewed resolve that he made his way to set things right. Rhaegar had a broken betrothal to fix, a wife to reassure, a sister to bring happiness to, and a knight to order to do what needed to be done. He would miss Arthur when he was gone, his counsel, his friendship, and his sword but his place was not by his side, not anymore.

Dragonstone 300 AC. (takes place while Jaime is traveling back to the West)


Thoros had come to him when the sails had been spotted and both he and Grey Worm had asked him what it was that he wished to do. Aemon had found the thoughts of what he may and could do to be ones that amused him greatly. Should he mount Gaelithox and show the lions what a true roar sounded like? Or perhaps have his dragon lay down his flames on the water as a warning? Should he deny them leave to dock and simply send them on their way? Or should he take the measure of whomever it was they had sent to treat with him?

Many years earlier he'd met Tywin Lannister, the King of the Rock, or truth be told he'd not actually met the man and instead had just seen him when he'd come to Volantis. Despite the fact that his kingdom was no greater than one of the major cities in Essos and far poorer than most of them, Tywin Lannister walked into the Grand Palace as if he was the master of the known world. He was very much not and lions were far below dragons by every true measure. The man had come seeking a match and had left with none and Aemon had seen how he'd bristled when he did so.

Like most Westerosi, Tywin had made a simple mistake and had thought himself important when he was very much not. So when he'd reached out to him after he'd arrived on Dragonstone, Aemon had given him no reply. A part of him had wished to do the same to the ship that sailed his way, to treat those aboard with the contempt they deserved and he'd been so very close to doing so. Were this earlier in his time on the island and were his course of action not already set, then he would have. But it was not and the lions had picked a most fortuitous time to come to call upon him. One that Aemon felt he would find entertained him if nothing else.

"It's time to put your skills to use, Thoros. All that mummery can come in useful once more." he said and he saw the smirk on Torgho Nudho's face.

"Qarth, my prince?" Thoros asked.

"The greatest city there ever was or ever will be." he replied with a snort.

"Make sure the wine is at least good this time, my prince." Thoros said laughing as he left the room and made his way to the docks.

He was surprised that it was the dwarf the Lion King had sent as he'd expected it to be his golden heir, though perhaps he feared his loss should he wake the dragon. Aemon and Torgho had watched as Thoros went through his full repertoire and after organizing the cart to carry the dwarf back to the keep, they'd then made their way and intervened. The relief on Prince Tyrion's face was clearly shown and yet until he'd seen Gaelithox flying overhead, the dwarf had seemed to project some of the self-same arrogance that his father possessed.

Aemon had soon seen the wonder and the fear in his eyes and more of the former when they walked through the Dragon Doors of Dragonstone's main entrance. Tyrion's eyes were everywhere and Aemon for once welcomed the look of wonder in them. It had been one that he himself had no doubt shown when he'd arrived here, even under the circumstances that he had done so. With a smirk on his face, he thought of taking this meeting while sitting on the throne, as looking down on the small man from a height would be amusing after all. Instead, though he ordered food and wine to be brought and he held it in one of the solars that he didn't use.

"From Essos, Prince Aemon?" Tyrion said a few moments after the food and wine had been brought and he'd taken a sip from the glass he now held in his hand.

"Some that I brought with me and some that I've sent for over time. I find I've no taste for the wines of Westeros, the what is it called? Arbor Gold and Dornish sour are not to my palette." he said as he sipped his own wine, the truth was that he had no real taste for wine unless he was celebrating which right now he very much was not.

"I can see why you may prefer this vintage, though I must admit I'm partial to both of the others too." Tyrion said smiling at him which Aemon returned.

"Have you tried much of the delights of my homeland, Prince Tyrion?" he asked curiously.

"Alas no. My father's trading with the empire does not include such things as wine and food." Tyrion said.

"A shame. There is much to be enjoyed throughout the Empire and a man has not lived until he's eaten the cooked heart of a stallion while under the full moon of a desert's night sky." Aemon said seeing the small curl of Torgho Nudho's lip as he remembered.

"Perhaps one day, Prince Aemon." Tyrion said though his expression made it clear that it would take a sword to his throat and a threat to his life to make him even consider it.

"Your father sent me many ravens, Prince Tyrion, none did I respond to and yet you come to speak to me now. I must say find your timing most odd." he said and enjoyed the small gulp that Tyrion took as he swallowed the mouthful of wine he'd just taken.

"My father believed that perhaps his messages had been lost and that a message delivered in person may succeed where the ravens had not. As for my timing, I'm afraid that on that I must take the blame as illness and mine own desire to visit Dragonstone both caused any visit to be delayed." Tyrion said his eyes looking into his own and though he tried to be casual about it, Aemon could see the way they studied him.

"Then I'm most pleased that you feel well enough to finally travel to my home." he said and Tyrion smiled, a small glimmer of relief in his eyes.

They spoke then around things, questions that were not questions, and Aemon found that despite his small stature Tyrion possessed a keen mind. He probed and yet did not, he sought answers in a way that were he not a man who'd grown up among men who played this game far better than Tyrion, would have perhaps caused him to reveal far too much. Instead, he revealed things that were clear and things that were untrue, except when it came to Robert Baratheon.

"The Storm King, Robert Baratheon. Despite my wishes to be left alone and for me and my people to enjoy our time on this island. It seems our nearest neighbor is not a man who takes well to being told to leave well enough alone." Aemon said and he noticed immediately how Tyrion sat up a little straighter.

"So you intend to teach him a lesson?" Tyrion asked almost eagerly.

"I intend to show him what would happen should he persist. I have not come here for conflict, Prince Tyrion, I seek none and am happy and content with my lot in life." he lied "However my people rely on me for their safety, and anyone who threatens that will face my wrath. Words have not sufficed with King Robert and so I hope a show of force will be enough. Were it to require more than that then my desire to leave in peace doesn't mean that I won't go to war." Aemon said and he saw the wheels turn in Tyrion's head as he took note of his words.

"Should things develop in such a way then it would be good to have an ally to call upon, would it not, Prince Aemon?" Tyrion asked and Aemon sat back as if he was thinking about it before nodding slightly "To that end, I believe my father would be most accommodating, under certain conditions." Tyrion said with a smile.

"Conditions?" he asked curiously though he knew what would be said before it was.

"I have a niece, Myrcella. She's a wonderful young lady, six and ten namedays old, gold of hair and green of eye and she possesses a keen wit and a most inquisitive mind. Alliances are forged in blood or by marriage, Prince Aemon, and I know that if you considered taking my niece for your wife then it would seal an alliance between the West and Dragonstone. Should the need arise? Then the men of the West would fight alongside your own against any enemy or foe you that found yourself against." Tyrion said and Aemon looked at him and tried not to laugh.

"An interesting proposal. Perhaps you should stay the night while I consider it, Prince Tyrion. I'll see that rooms are made available and word is sent to your ship."

"I would very much like that, Prince Aemon."

"Aemon." he said and Tyrion smiled.

"Then you must call me by mine own name, too, Aemon." Tyrion said and Aemon did as he said and then saw that he was escorted to some rooms that were far from his own.

Once Tyrion had left the room, Aemon turned to Torgho Nudho and shook his head. His sworn shield sighing as he had hoped that he'd be given the order to take the little man's head.

"They presume far too much, my prince." Torgho said just as Thoros knocked at the door and entered the room.

"Why are we in here?" Thoros asked not seeing the expression on Torgho's face.

"I'd not meet him in my actual solar nor have him near my rooms. Let him think this is where I meet and that the room he'll see me enter tonight is where I sleep." Aemon said.

"You fear assassins?" Thoros asked and Aemon had to rise to his feet quickly and place a hand on Torgho's chest to stop him from leaving the room and killing Tyrion and his guard.

"I believe the Westerosi to be no more honorable than those we faced in Essos, old friend. But what need I fear assassins with Gaelithox by my side." he said and Torgho relaxed, others had tried before and failed because the dragon was ever watchful.

"So what does he want, an alliance? A marriage?" Thoros asked and then laughed when Aemon nodded and Torgho frowned." I told you that you were far too pretty and thus a desirable catch, my prince." Thoros said through his laughter.

"Would it were my looks that made it so." Aemon said to even more laughs.

At their dinner that night, Tyrion regaled him with tales of growing up at Casterly Rock and of his brother and nieces and nephews. Aemon listened as he revealed much without realizing it. He and his father had a strained relationship and that further explained why it had been him and not his brother Jaime who'd been sent. It made him feel a need to be wary, to not allow his own relationship with his father to influence how he saw the dwarf.

He had no true relationship with his sister, something that Aemon took comfort in as it was now hard for him to relate his life to his own upon knowing that. Tyrion adored his nieces and nephews, all except one, and Myrcella was indeed his favorite. Were his heart in his power to give to someone else or even in his possession then he may have considered the proposal that he had made. An ally made things easier and was far better than an enemy but he had no sense of what the men of the West could do and so no confidence that they brought him anything but disunity amongst his own forces. There was also the man's father to consider and while Aemon didn't fear any assassin from without, he would be far warier of those from within.

One day when he'd done all that the lion wished and Westeros was under his control, then his use would be at an end. It wouldn't happen until he had brought the whole of it to heel and until he had an heir to place upon the throne and on his dragon, but it would happen. It wasn't a match that Tywin Lannister sought but a pawn to use until he could be discarded and Aemon was done being someone else's pawn. So he listened, smiled, said all the right things, and then at the end of the night walked Tyrion to his room before he entered what he had said was his own. The next morning as they broke their fast, Aemon performed his own mummery.

"Forgive me, Tyrion but it seems your time here must be brought to an end. King Robert has raised his forces and I have no choice now but to bring my own to bear. I must leave and I must leave now." he said as he read the note that was handed to him by Thoros, a note about how the guard that stood at Tyrion's back did so not out of loyalty but out of a desire for coin.

"Of course, Aemon, I...our talks...perhaps I can bring my father an answer?" Tyrion asked as he rose to his feet.

"Not the now, Tyrion. Should things develop either way with King Robert then you can expect my answer then. For now, I'm afraid I must focus my attention on this. However, I'd be lying if I said that the offer doesn't intrigue me and when I have more time I promise you and your father a reply." he said and Tyrion smiled as he did.

Later that day he stood at the docks and watched the ship sail from the shore. Once it had he turned to Thoros and Torgho, both men looking at him expectantly.

"Lions, pitiful things really. They don't even do their own hunting, just laze around in the sun while the lioness takes down their prey. Tywin Lannister thinks his granddaughter a lioness and I guess that makes me her prey but he forgets himself and thinks himself far too clever."

"That he does., my prince" Thoros said.

"Soon he'll learn, Our roar is far louder than theirs." Torgo Nudho said and Aemon nodded before they walked away from the docks. They would be roaring very soon and he hoped that it was heard all the way in Casterly Rock.

Casterly Rock 300 AC.

Tywin Lannister.

Jaime had done even better than he could have hoped for. Not only had he brought the wolf down and sent the heads onto Moat Cailin but he'd brought him back a boon in the shape of the letter. It was covered in blood and he knew not what to do with it at first. Yet a boon it was and in time he knew he'd find a use for it. One son had done all he'd asked for and he needed the other to do the same. Yet it took some time for Tyrion to return and during that time he found himself in a place that he didn't like to be, the dark.

Not knowing which way the realm was moving annoyed him and not knowing which way the dragon was looking left him with far too many unanswered questions. If Aemon Targaryen had accepted his offer then Westeros would be his for the taking. His army together with the Dragonknight and his dragon would mean that no one could stop him from uniting all of the Seven Kingdoms. His granddaughter would be queen and once she'd birthed an heir then the dragon would be theirs if what Creylen said was true. Then he could get rid of the Targaryen prince and through Myrcella and her son, it would be he that ruled. Only if the dragon accepted his offer though.

Should he reject it and seek to take the Seven Kingdoms for himself then he would need another way to deal with him. The war between the Starks and the Hoares was but one method he could use but he needed to know and the not knowing was annoying him greatly. There was only so much feting of his son, preparing his granddaughter and seeking out other alliances that he could do or stand. If not the Targaryen then it would be the Gardener prince he would marry Myrcella to and together they'd bring Westeros to its knees.

"A raven my king, from Dragonstone." Creylen said and Tywin looked took it eagerly, willing the Maester to leave while he broke the seal.

A few days later.

Night had fallen and he stood in his solar, word had come to him that the Lion's Pride had docked and he now waited for his son to come to him. On the table, the raven scroll still lay and Tywin found he couldn't even look at it, he hadn't been able to since he'd read it. He didn't' turn when the knock came to the door, barely bid them enter, and even when he heard the footsteps and the taking of seats, Tywin kept his back to the room. Eventually, he took his own seat and he looked at both his sons, his brothers, and his sister who were all there too.

"Dragonstone?" he said looking to Tyrion.

"An interesting place, father, and a most interesting man is Prince Aemon. I believe he'll accept your offer as he seems to be having trouble with the Baratheons." Tyrion said.

"Trouble? What trouble can a stag cause a dragon?" Gerion asked.

"I wager we're about to find out, uncle. My visit was cut short when Prince Aemon received news from the Stormlands. The Baratheons have pulled on the dragon's tail and the dragon is about pull back." Tyrion said almost eagerly.

"And you believe he and Myrcella will be wed?" he asked as Tyrion looked at him, his tone at least having the desired effect and though he hated to admit it, Tyrion was always the cleverest of any of the members of his house.

Where the others still hadn't realized that he knew different, it was clear to him that Tyrion had and so the answer he got was not the one the others in the room had expected.

"I believed him to be speaking in good faith, father." Tyrion said.

"He was not." he said simply as he picked up the raven's scroll and threw it at Tyrion who caught it.

Tywin closed his eyes briefly, calming himself and preparing for Tyrion to read the words aloud. His course of action had been charted by that scroll and the words that were written upon it. The letter had gone to Winterfell, its meaning clear and along with the heads that Jaime had sent North it would point the finger in but one direction. Another letter had gone to Dragonstone, naming the men who murdered Rickard Stark as those of House Hoare and he believed it would be enough to set the dragon's sights on Harrenhal. One more had gone to House Gardener, offering up Myrcella and the men of the West to see the dragon brought low. The last had gone to Robert Baratheon telling him to bide his time and that if he did then Dragonstone would be his for the taking. Aemon Targaryen had insulted him and he would brook no insults from any man. Not even one who thought himself worthy to be the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms.

"What does it say." Genna asked.

"What care dragons for the opinions of sheep." Tyrion said and Tywin felt himself bristle.

The House of the Lion.

King of the Rock Tywin Lannister age 58.

The Lion Prince Jaime Lannister age 34

Princess Alysanne Lannister age 33

Prince Jason Lannister age 14

Princess Joanna Lannister age 14

Princess Cersei Lannister age 34

Ser Addam Marbrand age 33

Prince Joffrey Lannister age 17

Princes Myrcella Lannister age 16

Prince Tommen Lannister age 12

Prince Tyrion Lannister age 27.


Joanna Lannister age 29 (Died in childbirth, son Tyrion survived)

A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed: So I made a dumb math error last time, with House Hoare where I forgot to add the 300 years difference and instead gave their timeline as it was when Aegon conquered and not now. So it's 400 years they've ruled the RL, not 100. Up Next As Aemon's fleet sets sail and he takes flight, Gaelithox refuses to fly in the direction he wishes and instead takes him to the sister he loves. We take a look at the Reach and find out what Daario and Aurane have been up to and a look into the past to see how Arthur Dayne ended up by Rhaegar's side.

Manyfacedassassin. So glad you liked it, I hope to make it interesting while hitting some of the same points, in tone at least.

Daryl Dixon: So very glad you enjoyed it.

Atray: Thanks so very much for saying, for now, this will update each Friday.

Mr2Legit2quit. I'm so glad you think so, I wanted to do something a bit different and hope it continues in that vein.

Miguelgiuliano: The biggest issue with adding a third to the relationship is that Aemon is completely in love with Rhaenys, so we'll see. As for Ned, Brandon is king so again we'll see. Ned does have a key role in things though.

Emeralduke: Sorry about that lol, though at least it gives us something to distract us from this crazy world we live in.

Xan-Merrick: Thank you, my friend. I feel the same about Wyman, he's very clever and his dealings with the Empire allow for him to have that understanding. Doran thinks Dorne is in a great position because of Elia, we'll see that he's very much wrong about that. Rickard couldn't let go of his bad feelings about what Lyanna did and so it led to his downfall, Tywin as you see is playing many different angles. Robert will be fun to see, he's coming very soon.

Celexys: So glad you liked it, the battles are just a little further away as the world needs to be established first.

Xand007: Thanks so much, my friend. We'll see LF in a little bit, he's not where you think he should be. Rhaegar has his own plans and we'll learn more of them as we go. Tywin in some ways is too smart to be caught in regards to Rickard, in others he's pissed off the dragon. The funny thing about the Hoares and we'll see it with them is that they think they've got a big advantage when they very have not. Stay safe and well my friend, keep a smile on your face.

Keb: So glad to hear you say that. The Hoare's own The Iron Islands, Harrnehal, Fairmarket and run the RL's from the Twins to Pinkmaiden, Bear Island is part of the North. The Lannisters as you see are King's of the Rock and run the West, so Tywin is where he was in canon only with a crown on his head, as for his deal with the Hoares, it's an enemy of my enemy thing.

Guest: I waited to start this until I had a number of chapters done so I should be ok, (he says hopefully lol). Hope you continue to enjoy it.

Guest: I want to get as many chapters of this out weekly as I can so the world is fully established. More and more about the Dragonknights and what makes them special will be forthcoming and we'll see some of those among them in action as we go to show it even more clearly. So we'll see Aemon the Dragonknight, Daemon the Rogue Prince, etc all shown as well as Bloodraven which will add to it I think. I'm working on a map of the empire to show the full extent of its reach. With Rhaenys, the next chapter will clear it all up, it's not that she doesn't care as much, it's more the difference in upbringing. Aemon doesn't' care about the incest thing, she does simply because of that, I hope when it's explained it will be more clear. But she loves him just as strongly. I do promise there are reasons which make it clearer.

Guest: So very glad you're liking it, Aemon is a bit arrogant simply because of who he is, it's the dragon in him, and knowing he can and has brought fire and blood.

Dunk: He was, he couldn't let go of what Lyanna did. A woman not accepting her father's will in that world is shameful to some, where a son's is not if you understand what I mean. Ned wanted to reach out to Aemon as it was, so we'll see what he and Brandon do. You pretty much nailed it with Jaime lol. Cersei we'll see truly in a few chapters, I'm more giving an overview of things rather than a deep character insight into each person just yet, almost an intro of sorts. But, yes princess Cersei will be well Cersei lol. The Gardners are in charge and you see some mention of them here, the Tyrell's are still basically stewards except they're who we know so Olenna/Mace/Marge, etc, all coming next chapter. If you men the Rhaenys reunion? It's simply to fit it where it fits, to establish some of the circumstances around it before we get it. Doran thinks Elia will be on his side and that Aemon is alone and irrelevant, guess what kind of a reality check he's in for lol.

I do hope it works out that way, I want to hit certain points so things like characters we know are the characters we know but slightly changed because of circumstances and that events follow along the lines of the conquest but don't follow the conquest if that makes sense.

Zyrus: So very glad you're enjoying it. Rickard was a fool in some respects given that what he sought which in essence was Robb on one throne and Bran on another, thereby giving his blood two thrones, was far more achievable with Aemon, and had he backed him then he'd have had his blood on seven. However, on the other hand, he and every other single king here are right to look to Aemon and say "Go Fuck Yourself" he's the conqueror, they didn't come to him and attack, he's the one coming to them. So while Aemon is the protagonist and some of the antagonists are not good guys, he's not either.

Vdwade: Well Tywin is planning many things, as for House Hoare they may have got played. Rhaegar has his own plans, we'll see more of that as we go but what he does, what he says, how he acts, it's all part of his plan. Aemon would never turn on his father, despite it all, now where the Empire actually to turn on him, then who knows.

Sageofchaos: So very glad you liked it.

Jasdragon: I'm sorry to say I've no plans to add Dany with Aemon/Rhaenys.