
Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

The protagonist fell asleep while playing an online game( For honor). However, he awoke in a strange world(Asoiaf) with his game character’s appearance. In a state of shock, he noticed that he was equipped with nothing but his strongest weapon and armor. To make matters worse, our hero’s appearance was changed by the special avatar skin 『Warden』 when he enter this new world. The protagonist wanted to live without drawing attention. But ultimately everything goes out of his control. (AN)I don't own anything. English is not my native language and I'm writing this from my phone. thus lots and lots of grammatical mistakes are included in the story. If you don't like it then just leave ,you don't need to write your comment . I'm warning the story is horrible . Warning a lot of sex scene...be aware...

Kagetanehiruko · TV
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

The announcement of the Rebellion .

We could not return next day because the plan is changed . And I thought that we can't leave this people half baked like this and it just invites Rebellion .

So Morton announced throughout his land for a new migration for his small folks those that will settle here will get funding for there new home . And a new jobs at the logging industry that will be growing day by day.

Because come on ! I was almost died yesterday .

So we launched some new plans how to get rid of hatred from there mind . Though Not all them hates us ! Only some of the boys do, because maybe they looked up to those man that died ? But woman's were fine with the newcomers . Because they were not actually treated very good before . So they kinda liked the cooked foods and soft Men's .

And we announce the new order that everyone will have to take a shower everyday . If they don't then they will be punished .

We also announced that those married to a mountain woman will also get Two silver as a reward . And then the chaos started and those that came or coming started to Court a mountain woman . And just like that there demands grown up in a really short period of time. But the results were good .

Also it took a month to leave this place . But we did lots of stuff here and it's all worth it .

1. We made the foundation for the new keep for Donnell .

2. We built at least a hundred new house for new people's . And lots of other ones are still in construction .

3. And the new narrow road that will be connected to the main lands . And we could see it has already taken some it's shape.

4. And lots training for the mountain girl Mira. And in night as my bed warmer .

After two months of spending my time in the mountains we started to return to home . Also Mira will be serving lady Anya as her sworn shield . Well I actually trained her to be a bodyguard . And after seeing how effective she is in fighting , Morton agreed .

Honestly I missed lady Anya . So when I saw her standing a gate to welcome us , a smile crossed my face , But I frowned upon seeing a bulge in her belly . And nothing else has to be said because that explains everything . Then she's in two months but why nobody informed me ?

So I looked at Morton's face for a answer and imidiatly found one . It's like he already knows what going on but kept it secret from me all this time , son of a b....

Then he smugly told me "Well Alan Winters I believe I have to call you father from now on hahaha . what ? you thought I don't know anything about what going on between you . I know I'm not very good at politics but don't think me for a fool . Though I don't actually blame you or mother for this . But by the Gods Alan I sometimes truly get surprised by your taste in women . " I was surprised by his positive view ! Though I also thought that he would order my execution because violating a guest-right .

"Well it's good to know that you already know . you don't know how much guilt that I was in . And But by the God your mother was totally different thing in bed and the things she can do .. ah the Bliss " I spoke to him .

" Seriously Alan ? you don't have to share that with me you imbecile ! Ahhhg....And I don't know what to say , because If you weren't my friend I would just had your head just from a rumors .So you should count yourself lucky that you still have it . And you both will be getting married this week . oh don't look so surprised ! it's okay I know what you are thinking but even your going to the stromlands and want to serve under lord Bratheon . But i can't let my mother go with you because she's one of the prominent member of Lord Arryns court. And if she's gone then my house will lose its standing in Vale . Despite having a victory over a mountain clan I'm not very good at politics . But I can't lose my houses reputation either, by letting her having a bastard !" he finished his speech . And I was lost for words but ultimately accept his reason .

Then I greeted lady Anya , And she kissed me in front of everyone and I just returned the kiss as well . So I think everyone in the castle knows about us now. Then she told me " You have returned my love, with a glorious victory so I shall gift something as well " . And she took one of my hands and put it on her belly , And wisper to my ears that it will be a girl she can feel it . I told her how happy I was as well . Then I introduced Mira to her , though she was a little hesitated but after learning her background she just adopted her as a new daughter and not just a simple bodyguard .

I was truly happy for everything that going on but Two days later three Reven arrived . One from Lord Arryn , One from Lord Grafton And last one from the Crown itself .

I was with Morton in his soler discussing about his new territory management . And the door bust open by the old Maester .

We learned that Lord Rickard stark is burned alive and Brandon stark is strangled to death . And now the mad king demanding the heads Two innocent young lords who have done nothing wrong . And in lord Grafton's letter stated that they should join him in subjugation of Rebellious lord Arryn . Morton already knows that which side is I'm gonna fighting . So I asked him what will he do ? even though I know the answer .

" Alan my liege Lord called his banners . And as one of his loyal bannermen I will answer his calls . The atrocities committed by the targaryens must end" . Then he looked at his grandfather, " Gather the knights ser we will join the Arryn contingent that is coming . Lord Grafton will pay for his treachery . Alan you can go ahead and meet your friend ". when he ended his speech everyone was shoked at how calm and collected Morton Waynwood looked . In my opinion he's now a proper Lord .

For some reason I was relieved by the news of the Rebellion . Maybe because I get to avoid getting married . Or just the sound of war that making this body restless .

Well... the long waited war has come and I'm preparing for this for almost two years . I can't wait for some good action.