
game of thrones {Fan-Fic}

mc gets to go to game of thrones to be the ultimate legend that the world had ever seen he gets to chose his race and looks with 3 wishes he is op but he will not use it only if needed he will use only pure power only so don't worry [!!!!!!] I do not own game of thrones all credit goes to the creator of game of thrones

suicide_Elf · TV
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4 Chs

chapter 2

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Well, that was a huge pain in the ass. I had spent so much time customizing my appearance above all things and then had to stand by again when I got transported to the world of Game of Thrones. The Mystic Transmigration Delivery Service Organisation should be grateful I was not Chinese in my previous life. I could notice the timing was a bit off compared to other novels and fanfictions I had read. The xianxia protagonists would be bawling their eyes out. 

I got up from the wall, previously sitting against a wall in Fowler's position. 

Will that was fun anyway where am…. looking around me I can see that I am in an alleyway oh god it stinks here let's get out before that let's look at myself wait I don't have a mirror to look at my face will I know what I look like but I still want to see how Gilgamesh looks like in real life, not just anime anyway I have a lot of Golden accessories and it looks like I have Arabic clothing will it looks amazing that what matters 


Anyway let get out of here first and see where I am in Essos looking around here it looks like a marketplace hmm wait do I have money ahh F*** have am I going to eat hmm I can be a Hunter I hay read a novel about GoT how the mc hunted to get money and if it's right I get some money from it but let get some information first hmm let's ask this man

Rex"hey you there can you tell me where I am" oh god I just realized how stupid that sounds ahh I don't care

Random citizen" hey retarded what do you mean where you are you are in Volantis did you just hit your head or something that you forgot where you are" oh god now that I look at him he looks like a Nobel prince what have I done let's say sorry maybe he can forgive me 

Before he says anything I can see from his expression he thinks I am a Nobleman or something 

Rex" whatcha what you say to me before I kill you " let him think I am a Nobleman for now just to get some information from him 

Random citizen" oh sorry my lord I didn't see your greatness and handsomeness, oh great Lord I beg you not to kill this lowly life I will do anything you can even have my wife if you want just to spare my life " 

Disgusting just listing to his last comment I want to kill him so bad how can you do that to your wife anyway let's get this over with I can't stand near this man anymore just looking at him disgusts me 

Rex" just give me information of Volantis and tell me where I can go hunt be quick about it " 

1 hour later 

So here is the information that I got from him 

Volantis is one of the Free Cities located to the east of Westeros. The southernmost and oldest of the Free Cities, it lies on the southern coast of Essos, where the mighty Rhoyne River meets the Summer Sea. It was founded as a colony of Valyria many centuries ago and is a great port.

And it's History

Volantis was the first of the Free Cities founded by the Valyrian Freehold in western Essos. Four centuries ago, Valyria was destroyed in a single day by a massive volcanic cataclysm known as the Doom, and the empire fractured. Without central leadership, Valyria's surviving colonies were torn apart in a period of chaotic civil wars known as the Century of Blood. As the oldest and most populous of the Free Cities, Volantis attempted to conquer the other remaining colonies and rebuild the Freehold under its own rule. It failed when all of the other Free Cities united against Volantis. The only thing that could unite all of the other Free Cities was their determination not to be forcefully united under the rule of the Volantenes. However, the deciding factor was that the young Aegon I Targaryen, possessor of the last three Valyrian dragons in the world, entered the conflict on the side of Volantis's enemies. Volantis's armies were shattered, and no further grand attempts were made to unite all of the Free Cities into a new Valyrian empire.[2]

In the present day, Volantis remains one of the more powerful of the Free Cities, and has the largest population of any of them, although more than 80% of that population are slaves.

That was all I can get it's a good start I can train here and make money for my journey to other cities and I have 2 years before Daenerys Targaryen marriage one year starting her another to make a name for myself and at the end of the second year I will get Daenerys now you ask away to make a name for yourself ok now put yourself in Daenerys Targaryen place you where an about to get married and someone comes in your wedding day and wants you as his wife a no-name nobody wants you as his wife what an absurd think that's why I need to make a name for myself first let's make money and find an inn 

{ sorry for not updating this novel I was waiting for my editor to edit this chapter for a long time, even now it's not edited only the beginning anyway does anyone want to be an editor, oh and I will not update regularly sorry for that 😔}