

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · TV
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


* Harry received news that Ethan Forrester is being sent as a ward to his house and Gregor Forrester requested that he be admitted in the Military School that had been recently opened. Ethan was not the first ward that he had received and he won't be the last. Harry knew that these lords were sending their spare sons to him mostly because they wanted to make connections with him.

He told his aunt to deal the boy as a guest and admit him to the Military School and then went back to looking at the Law that he had created. There were hardly any fixed laws in the seven kingdoms as the Lords were free to do with their peasants as they liked. He wanted to change that. So he signed the First set of law and gave it one last look before giving it to his page who took it to the Publishing house where the Set of Laws would be printed and sent to every village and settlement in his lands.

* Harry was riding to the mountains to meet the Giants and check on the health of the first mammoth baby born in the south of the wall with his companions when the warg in the group told him about a stray direwolf. He was surprised to hear about a stray direwolf south of the wall but heeded her words and went to check up on the direwolf. When they reached the place, they saw a heavily pregnant Direwolf bitch staking through the mountains. He met it's eyes and conveyed his friendliness. It took time for him to calm her down after which he sent her back with his other direwolves in his company and then went ahead to witness the mammoth child. When they returned a few days later, they heard that the Direwolf bitch had given birth to 6 small pups. He was happy about that bit of news. He already had 16 direwolves in his castle, 4 of which were pups. Now that number had increased to 23 with 10 being pups. He gave the armorers order to create another chainmail armor for the new Direwolf in his pack.

* Robert was drinking some whiskey from a glass cup and playing with some buxom whores when he received news that Jon Arryn had contracted high fever and was on was in a bad condition. He immediately threw the whores off of him and donned on a dress before running toward the tower of the hand, wondering if his father figure was going to leave him alone in this pit of vipers after serving the realm in his stead for so long.

* "The hand of the king is dead." Harry's spy master told him and he nodded his head as he took in this bit of information and wondered what it truly meant for him.

He was never really interested in what other people were doing outside of his home but knew that he needed to remain informed of such things. So he went to his advisers and asked them if such a thing would affect them.

His aunt told him now that Lord Jon Arryn was dead, Robert would likely ask his best friend Lord Eddard Stark to become the hand of the king. He personally thought that to be a stupid move. After all, Lord Stark was an honorable man but didn't knew anything about court intrigue. Tywin Lannister would have been a better alternative but he knew that the king hated the Lannisters so he agreed that Lord Eddard Stark would most likely become the new Hand of the king.

He felt that such a thing wouldn't be a problem for him as long as Lord Eddard Stark doesn't get himself burned by the king in King's Landing like the last Lord Stark who went South.

* Harry apparated to the wall and the did a second apparition and reached Hardhome, something that did everyone year and watched as his ships waited in the distance as the Freefolk men and women under his command used boats to meet the other Freefolk. Dalla and Vela along with her newborn son with Mance Rayder had already moved to the new Freefolk settlement. He was surprised to find that this time 5,000 free folk had gathered in Hardhome.

This was a large number and he wondered if he'll have to send for more ships to transport these men. Inside, he met with a woman named Karsi as well as Mance Rayder, Tormund, a man named Weeper as well as a man named Varamyr Sixskins. Varamyr accused him of stealing away his Direwolves and he was intrigued by the accusation if nothing else.

After reading their minds, he finds that Weeper just wanted to come south so that he could start raiding the new lands while Varamyr just wanted his blood. He refused them and they were angry about his refusal before he used his power and put a large amount of pressure on everyone in the tent before they calmed down. The Weeper and Varamyr then left, leaving him with the men and women he had selected to go down south with him.

* He had heard about a man who raped and tortured a farmer's daughter. He was surprised when he heard this as such news would usually be dealt by the men under him as he only had time for serious matters. But the he was surprised to find that the rapist claimed to be his bastard brother. He called the man.

After reading the rapist's mind, he found out that the boy named Ramsey was truly his bastard brother. But he then saw Ramsey's other memories and was disgusted by how cruel and vile the boy was. Not to mention that the bastard wanted to secretly dispose of him and then take over Dreadfort. He was disgusted by the boy and wanted to execute him immediately. But then he thought better of it and sent him to the Wall but not before casting a withering curse on the boy that would kill him within a year.

The boy would slowly die a horrible death in the Wall. And no one would point at him and call him a kinslayer.

* His aunt nagged him about getting married once again. He was only 17 years old but she claimed that he should get married and have children. The whole thing was beyond his comprehension as he didn't plan on marrying anyone for another decade.

Then there was the fact that he had already received numerous unsubtle marriage proposals from other Northern lords. And not only from Northern men but also from some of the lords in the Vale and Riverlands as well as merchants in Braavos. He refused his aunt's request once again but told her that he'll think about it at a later date.

* As the royal party arrives in the North, they were surprised by the large black road that was said to have been built from Moat Cailin to Winterfell. Tyrion informed King Robert Baratheon that the Starks gave a contract to Lord Bolton to build this road in exchange for the nullification of half of the tax they paid.

Robert just said that he was content as long as the Wheel house of the Queen doesn't break down once again. But as they went forward to Winterfell, Tyrion realized that he was more interested in visiting Wintertown (the city built around Dreadfort) and Domeric Port (named in the honor of the person who built it) as well as Alexandria (the library that is said to have even more books in it than Citadel) and the Dreadfort Military School that he heard even lords as sending their children to. Not to mention the giants that Domeric is said to have brought down from North of the wall, not that anyone else in his party believed such rumors.

* Harry looked at the large Weirwood forest that he had created in his backyard and then at the three Children who were hard at work trying to carve faces in the trees and connect them to the old gods. But even he could see what a tiring work this was and the fact that the Children were falling behind. So he decided to bring some more Children with him.

He apparated to the top of the Wall from where he apparated two more times and reached the cave where Brynden Rivers lived among the Wierwood tree roots. He then talked with the Children of the forest and told them about the fact that he needed more hands in carving the Wierwood trees.

The Children were surprised to hear this and three more decided to join him this time. But before he could leave, Brynder Rivers called him and told him to give Jojen and Mera Reed a way to come to him. He simply nodded and used a portkey to go back home with the Children.

* When he reached home, he heard the news that the King had departed Winterfell along with Ned Stark. He also heard that Bran Stark had fallen from the tower and that Catelyn Stark had sent a letter to him asking if he could do something.

He could indeed do something about it but he didn't want to show his magic to others so he instead told Qyburn, his secondary Maester to go to Winterfell and see if he was able to do anything with his healing arts. Qyburn accepted this and went to Winterfell on a horse Carriage.

Now that he had created a road to Winterfell and White Harbor, people are using more and more horse carriages to travel easily. He also heard that Jon Snow was going to the Wall in order take the Black so he quickly sent some men to stop the fool and bring him to Wintertown where he would admit Jon to the Military School and keep an eye on him.

* Harry apparated to Moat Cailin which was currently reinforced by a few men and then searched for Greywater Watch with the Point me spell. After he found it, he entered the Castle where the guards surround him as he tells them their identity and asked them to take him to their lord.

They do so, even while being perplexed about how he found them. Then Lord Howland Reed arrived and motioned his guards to leave before asking him to dine with them. He was surprised by the little amount of proper food they had and asked them if they knew about Rice.

They didn't, so he told them about it. Howland said that their Castle keeps moving so it's hard for them to grow anything and he just shrugs. In the end, their son and daughter come before him. He gave them the portkey as well as the password of the portkey along a return portkey from the cave under the Weirwood tree to Winterfell.

They were flabbergasted by this but accepted the gift. After giving them the portkey, he told them to leave him in the nearest land and they did and watched as he left with some fascination as he vanished in the fog. After travelling some distance from the Floating Castle, he portkeyed back to Dreadfort.

* He was jolted awake from his sleep by the touch of soft lips on his. He enjoyed the feeling for a short moment before his eyes widened and he saw Ygritte straddling him in a night gown which showed him her small nipples poking though them. He felt the urge to pinch her nipples but controlled himself.

Before he could say anything, she kissed him once again. He was highly aroused and wanted to fuck her to his heart's content but he took sex seriously and didn't want to take her virginity and then go and marry someone else. He stopped her from kissing him and then told her about this.

She was a bit heartbroken that he wouldn't marry her and ran out of his room as his sworn guard standing outside chuckled and he wondered if he did the right thing by breaking her heart. He shook his head and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so he woke up and went after Ygritte.

* He found her sitting in the garden outside his Keep crying under the moonlight and he let out a sigh before sitting beside her. She either didn't notice him or simply ignored him so he put a hand on her shoulder and when she looked up at him, he pulled her closer and hugged her tightly.

He told her that he had to marry someone who could bring him more influence. Then she became turned even more sad and said that he didn't want to marry her because she was a simple foolish wildling girl with no land or influence and tried to run away but he pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, trying to ignore the erection that he beginning to form under his pants.

After she calmed down, he explained the concept of being a concubine to her. After some thinking, she reluctantly accepts and he immediately kisses her after which he tore her dress and fucked her in the garden under the moonlight. She couldn't walk straight the next day. So he had to use his magic to heal her before he bent her on the table and fucked her again. Though he didn't forget to cast a spell that would stop her from getting pregnant. The last thing he wanted in this world was to become a father in his teenage years.