
Is This... the Chosen One?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

What was the most unpleasant thing about playing games?

It was that one obviously had just started playing and did not feel as though it had been long, but several hours had already passed and it was time to get offline.

Game time was always the enemy of players.

Did "thought acceleration" mean that players could feel more game time to a certain degree?

Although it was one hour in reality, it would be four hours in the game after thought had been accelerated!

Apart from its excellent promotional film, the reason why The Kingdom of Elves could attract a large number of players was this technology.

Of course, they did not know that it was actually just because the time flow rates were different in the two worlds.

However, in fact, apart from the sparkling "thought acceleration," the game quality of The Kingdom of Elves was also far beyond the players' expectations.

It was so real! It was so real indeed! It was entirely different from those crude virtual online games on the market!

It was really like the advertisement that people felt as if they were really there and they came into a real world!

At this moment, all the lucky players taking part in the pre-OBT were full of curiosity and excitement.

300 elves in different shapes were excited, exploring and studying this strange world in their own way…

Some stood in the open and looked at the distant scenery, praising "So high! So beautiful!"…

Some were waving their arms, feeling the same gravity as that in reality, full of surprise in their expressions…

Others pinched their faces while sighing "It is so real!"…

However… there were also abnormal people…

A man with an explosive hairstyle unexpectedly took off his clothes in public… causing many exclamations of "Ah!"

The other players around him laughed and booed…

Even some female players, whose faces turned red, covered their faces while looking towards him curiously with their big watery eyes through the gaps of their fingers…

Nevertheless, this gentleman would obviously be disappointed.

After a few movements, he stripped himself naked, but golden holy light appeared in his key parts and nothing could be seen clearly.

"Damn! It turns out that this game is suitable for people of all ages!"

The gentleman, who stripped himself naked, booed regretfully.

Seeing this in His mind, Eve felt His stomach twitching…

Fortunately, He had prepared the covering holy light. Otherwise, the game would be reported on the blue planet at the start of it.

He did not want to be blocked by the blue planet unilaterally because of impure content!

Glancing at the man who undressed, Eve inwardly remembered him. At the same time, Eve called Saint Alice to give these animals tasks quickly lest they would make mischief again later.

Most of the players He caught this time to exploit were wily old foxes who had been playing online games for a long time.

Eve did not dare to bet on what kind of tricks these players would play.

"The elected have arrived!"

In the Temple of Nature.

Perceiving the huge fluctuation of space power, Alice, who had been kneeling before the statue and praying with her eyes closed, instantly opened her eyes. Her emerald eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation.

She took the rim of her sacrificial dress and stood up, ready to meet the elected. Meanwhile, Eve's solemn voice resounded in her mind:

"Alice, help the elected get familiar with this world."

Somehow, she felt that Mother God's voice was a little tired.

"It seemed that it cost Mother God much power to summon the elected… Mother God worked so hard for the future of Elves upon awakening. And I cannot let Mother God down!"

Alice's eyes became more determined as she thought of this. And her faith in nature became stronger.

"Mother God, Alice will never fail you!"

Deeply touched, she bowed slightly towards the statue, stretched out her right hand to draw a tree mark symbolizing the Mother of Nature on her chest, and then hurried to rush to the world tree's trunk…

As soon as Alice walked out of the temple, she heard bursts of cheers and shouts.

"It's the elected!"

Her eyes brightening, she tidied herself, patted her face, and sorted out the prepared welcome speech in her head. Then, she walked gracefully toward the voices with a sweet smile on her face.

What on earth were they like as beings to whom Mother God attached such importance?

As Alice walked, her thoughts kept diverging.

As a young girl of less than 300 years old, Alice had great yearning and curiosity for the heroic existence of "the elected."

At this moment, she had imagined many scenes…

Well, as followers of nature, the elected had to ride holy unicorns, wear gorgeous armor and hold holy swords and staffs with divine blessing like heroes described in the stories…

They had to be really brave, handsome, elegant, modest, noble, mysterious, and powerful!

They had to have iron discipline and faith like the legendary army of nature!

Thinking of this, Alice felt an inexplicable tension.

"Bah, what nonsense are you thinking about… You are a saint of nature! You mustn't lose the face of Mother God!"

She shook her head hard, swept away all the cranky thoughts in her mind, but accelerated her pace subconsciously.

After lifting a leaf that blocked her sight, Alice finally saw the "heroes" she looked forward to…

On the trunk, hundreds of "the elected" wearing coarse cloth robes and broken wooden armor huddled noisily in a mess.

Some were frolicking. Some were experimenting with magic. Some were digging the bark and pulling the leaves with wooden knives. And some were singing loudly towards a distant place…

What was more exaggerated was that a few naked male elves radiating bright holy light were jumping around among the branches, dazzling people to blindness…

"This bark is a bit strong! I cannot pull it off even with a knife…"

"Where is my equipment? Who stole my equipment?!"

"Hey… Do you guys have to be so excited? Can you still read the instructions for novices carefully?"

"What skills did you guys get?"

"I'm in the Strength System and the goddess gave me Cross Slash and Whirling Hit."

"The Cross Slash is very handsome!"

"Who knows how to read the minimap?"

"Are there any little sisters to do screenshots together? The scenery is good. I want to send some screenshots to my Wechat circle of friends."

Of course, on a closer look, in fact, there were only a few dozen players being noisy. Most players were still normally studying the instructions for novices. But even a few dozen people were enough to make the whole picture deviant…

From the perspective of the players, it was not incomprehensible in fact… The only reason was that this game was too real. The players were too surprised and wanted to try everything.

But… things were different for an indigenous elf.

Alice's smile froze on her face as she saw the mess before her.

"They are… the elected?"

She rubbed her eyes, suspecting that she had hallucinations.

Taking a deep breath, Alice looked towards them again…

"Hey! That's the equipment I took off just now! Don't wear it by mistake!"

"There is no name on it. How do you know it's yours?"

"I say that I have had enough of you guys! Play the game honestly!"

"Hasn't it been said that there would be a guide for novices? Where is the person?"

It was still a mess…

Click… Alice felt something in her heart breaking.

The destructive power of the combination of beautiful and noble appearances of elves and such vulgar and abominable behaviors almost subverted the maiden's view of life and values…

She stared at them in a daze, her mouth wide open and her brain in chaos.

What… What was this?

Weren't the elected the god's followers?

Weren't the elected noble and wise?

Shouldn't the arrivals have been heroes and warriors?

This… This…

This group of elves were as undisciplined as Goblin incarnate, as impolite as orcs, and completely shameless. What on earth was going on?!

Suddenly, she noticed those few with smart hairstyles, who were digging the bark with their wooden knives…

The maiden's face changed. She became angry and could not help but shout.

"Stop it! What are you guys doing?! You guys mustn't be rude to Mother God!"

As the crisp voice sounded suddenly, hundreds of players were attracted.

In an instant, 300 pairs of eyes of all different colors looked towards the maiden…

The atmosphere fell into a weird silence.

Under hundreds of people's gaze, Alice felt her scalp going numb. She could not help but take a step back. Feeling a little timid, she forced herself to calm down and shouted,

"You guys… What are you guys looking at? Even though you guys were chosen by Mother God, you guys cannot be rude to His original body…"

Her voice, that was like a nightingale's, trembled slightly. It seemed that she was not as strong as she looked.

The players looked at each other and instantly livened up.

"An elf sister?"

"So… So lovely!"

"There is no name on her head! She is a non-player character!"

"Certainly! Look at her equipment. Her equipment is so cool that she must be a non-player character!"

"Her expression is so vivid and true! She is absolutely not as rigid as other virtual online games' AI!"

"Pretty little sister, are you a priest?"

"Hey, you guys stay calm. It seems that you guys have frightened her!"

Looking at Alice, who was as vigilant and lovely as a little animal, some of the gentlemen players became curious and excited.

"Oops… Her expression is beyond the limit… and makes people want to take advantage of her…"

"What's your name, little sister? Are you a priest?"

"Little sister! Is there a task to do?!"

"Little sister! May I convert to your religion?"

"Little sister! May I touch your sacrificial dress?"

As Eve had already adjusted the languages for the sake of communication beforehand, the players' words would automatically transform into the language in the world of Sagas, and vice versa. So Alice could clearly understand what the elected were saying…

The elf maiden's face turned red as she heard the frivolous words. Her body slightly quivered because of anger.

"She got shy! She got shy!"

"Wow! This game is highly interactive! This non-player character is extraordinarily vivid!"

"Eh… I feel that she seems angry somehow…"

"I say that it is enough for you guys! Even if she is AI, you guys cannot be so rude!"

"Eh… I've never seen such a vivid non-player character and I'm just curious…"

"Why doesn't she speak? Who has the skill of Appraisal? Can we try to appraise her identity?"

"I have it! I have it! Let me try to appraise her… Huh… The little sister's name is Alice Gale. Her profession is the Priest of Nature. Her ranking… I cannot see it… Eh? I can also unlock the impression I make on the target with the Appraisal? Damn…! Why is the impression I make on her negative?! Damn! It's falling again!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Because you have molded your face too ugly! Ha ha ha, let me appraise it… Damn! Why is the impression I make also negative…"

Gazing at this group of asses that were as wild as bandits, Alice grew so angry that her whole body shuddered.

She took in a deep breath and desperately told herself at the same time…

Calm down! Calm down!

Alice, you must calm down!

This must be that Mother God gave me a trial! You mustn't let Mother God down!

"Why doesn't the little sister speak?"

"Her hair is so long! I don't know how it will feel to touch her hair…"

Abruptly, the daredevil player, who had first undressed and radiated holy light, came up to Alice quietly and secretly stretched out his hand towards her blonde hair.

The elf maiden was startled. She could not help but wave her magic staff in her hand.

In a brilliant light, with miserable screams, the player on whose head there was a green word "Demasia" was struck by protective magic and fell directly from the World Tree.

Too weak!

This was Alice's first thought.

Gosh! I… What did I do? I actually pushed him down!

This was the second thought…

Alice was shocked. She hurried to step forward and look downwards from the World Tree…

Nevertheless, this unlucky player could no longer be seen.

"Mother of Nature on high! I… I… I actually killed a chosen one?"

Alice's sight went dark.

"Ha ha ha ha! He committed suicide!"

"He dared to provoke a non-player character at the ranking of only one. It serves him right!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Other elf players' voices of schadenfreude came from behind with a burst of laughter.

In disbelief, Alice turned to look dazedly at this group of elves who neither feared nor worried after witnessing their companion's death. Moreover, they were excited. Alice felt her mind becoming increasingly more torpid…

This group of the elected… had problematic brains?